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What is Traversal

Leia o romance Traversal escrito pelo autor LupinIsLyfe1402 publicado no WebNovel. ...


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A Romantic Story About Jungkook

SANTHY AGATHA NOVEL REMAKE!!!! Dalam hidupnya, Impian Jungkook hanyalah ingin menjadi Pemuda yang biasa-biasa saja. Dia ingin menikah dengan Mingyu kekasihnya, membentuk keluarga kecil yang bahagia, lalu seperti akhir kisah klise lainnya: bergandengan tangan di usia senja, melangkah menuju matahari terbenam. Tetapi ternyata apa yang dia inginkan meskipun sederhana, tidak semudah itu menjadi kenyataan. Kecelakaan itu telah merenggut semua yang diimpikannya, orang tuanya, merenggut rencana pernikahannya dengan Mingyu yang kemudian tak berdaya dan membuatnya harus berjuang sendirian, dan menghancurkan semua mimpi-mimpinya yang sebelumnya terbungkus dalam rencana masa depan yang telah tersusun rapi. Semuanya hancur. Dalam perjuangannya untuk bangkit itulah dia harus berhubungan dengan Taehyung, seorang taipan kaya yang sombong, arogan, suka memaksakan kehendak, dan...punya obsesi seksual terpendam terhadap dirinya. Jungkook membutuhkan Taehyung lebih demi menyelamatkan Mingyu, sedangkan Taehyung membutuhkan Jungkook untuk memuaskan hasrat obsesif yang terus menerus menyiksanya terhadap Jungkook. Dua manusia yang seharusnya tidak pernah bersilang jalan inipun dipertemukan oleh keadaan. Dua manusia yang saling membenci satu sama lain tetapi dikalahkan oleh hasrat dan kebutuhan. Hubungan mereka panas membara, luar biasa sampai mereka bisa terbakar habis di dalamnya. Mereka menjalin hubungan karena keterpaksaan, yang lama kelamaan menjadi hubungan saling membutuhkan, saling merindukan dan saling memuaskan dan….. akhirnya menyerah untuk saling mencintai. Sampai kemudian tiba saatnya Jungkook harus memilih antara Hasratnya pada Taehyung, lelaki arogan yang terus menerus menyakitinya tetapi berhasil merenggut hatinya, atau cintanya kepada Mingyu, lelaki yang baik, yang pernah meninggalkannya untuk berjuang sendirian, tetapi tetap menjaga janjinya dalam sebentuk cincin pertunangan di jari manisnya YAOI.GAY.BXB

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Enchanted by him

Enchanted by him [WARNING] Mature Content "I hate you but I can't stop wanting you." --------------------------------------------------- Excerpt "Strip off your clothes," Drake commanded and he watched Rory's mouth hang open in shock and disbelief at his words. "What did you just ask me to do, Drake?" "I said strip for me Aurora," Drake said once again, a bored expression reflected on his face as he waited for her to comply with his words. "How dare you ask me to do that." Rory glared at Drake. 'Who the hell did he think he was?' She thought angrily. She couldn't believe he was asking her to do this. "I am your husband," He walked closer to her, closing the little space that was between them. He placed his hand on her cheek and gently stroked it, ignoring the fact that she was glaring daggers at him with her eyes. "You are my wife Aurora, so I can do whatever I want with you." "You have no right over me, Drake. The sooner you get that the better because I'm never going to act as the ideal submissive wife. I'll make you so sick and tired of me you'll beg me to sign a divorce." He watched her golden eyes glimmer with a hint of mischief and he smirked. "Oh, little tigress, you are so naive. I have every right over you." He grabbed her waist and held her tightly against him with his other hand. She tried to break free from his hold but couldn't. "I own you Aurora. I own all of you, your body, all of it, I own it." ----------------------------------------------------- Wild, fiery, and hot-tempered Aurora Leigh hates the word marriage but she finds herself in an arranged marriage with Drake Lee. She would do anything to end her stupid marriage including frustrating her husband till he begs her to sign a divorce. But Drake had other plans for her. He had married her for a reason and until he fulfilled his mission he wasn't going to let her off the hook. While playing their little game of 'cat and mouse' Aurora finds herself uncovering shocking secrets and mysteries about her husband. Can she survive in Drake's mysterious world? ----------------------------------------------------- Support this author by leaving her gifts. This author loves receiving gifts. The cover is from Pinterest

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Volume 1


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