
How come this guy still has his job?

The docks of Liyue Harbor, a place that always seems strangely desolate for what it was in the game, is currently chock-full of people navigating through the numerous stalls trying to buy whatever it is they might have needed.

That was the thought that crossed my mind as I idly leaned against the wooden railing, observing the hubbub of this place.

"Fish! Get your fish right here! Fresh from the docks just this morning!" One merchant shouted, as his knife continued to debone the large fish in his hands.

"Radishes, violetgrass, sunsettias; you name it, we have it. Come have a look!" A woman called out towards the people walking by, as she carefully stacks the multitude of fresh produce lined up along her tarped stall.

"Cabbage! Get your fresh cabbages right here folks!" Yet another one hollered, as he stopped pushing the small roofed cart filled to the brim with nothing but cabbages. Grabbing onto one of the many he has, the bearded man pulled out a small towel as he wiped the cabbage clean with clear adoration written on his face.

The scent of the sea blown by the rather fierce wind alongside the many different odors coming from the vegetables and fishes displayed openly combined into a rather distinct smell that one could only find in a market like this.

While I was absentmindedly listening to the cacophony of sounds, Lumine, Xinyan, and Paimon are currently in a nearby stall as Xinyan continued her animated discussion with one merchant as their negotiation keeps going for god knows how long at this point.

'Poor guy's sweating buckets already, sheesh. Cut him some slack, why don't you.'

While our resident rockstar is busy haggling prices, I thought back to the reason we were here in the first place.

As promised, both Lumine and Xinyan did end up cooking something special for the little fairy this morning. And boy, do they not pull any punches when it comes to this particular one.

A mixture of Mondstadt as well as Liyuean cuisine filled the table. And, as per usual, Paimon, with stars in her eyes, devoured the whole thing with gusto, with the reason as to why this entire thing happened in the first place thrown and buried in the deeper recess of her proportionally sized brain.

Though the food was basically a joint effort of the two girls, it's easy to tell which one made which dish considering Xinyan's hatred for bland food. Not to say that Lumine's ones were not as good, it's just a tad bit too much in seasoning sometimes.

Once everything's all cleaned up, with everything in the kitchen basically empty, Xinyan took this as an opportunity to take the three of us to the market to stock up and sightsee at the same time.

So here we are, once again surrounded by a lot of people, with the added bonus of a strange smell that only a failure of a perfumer could ever concoct.

'I want to go back already.'

Having grown tired of looking at other people, I turned around and gazed into the occupied dockside and the relatively calm sea.

Built smack dab in the middle of the waters on the dockyard are two giant towers, each having their tiled roof built into a half curve as they form a half-complete arch while further behind them is a single lighthouse built on top of a lone island serving as the ships guiding light.

The numerous ships park on the docks gently bobs up and down following the gentle movement of the wave, as crates upon crates are being unloaded towards the market's entrance, or straight towards the merchants' respective stall, whether it be on the topside or the bottom one.

'Get rid of all of these annoying crowds, and this might just be a good place to relax. Too bad that's never going to happen.'

Resting my hand on the wooden railings, I tapped my fingers against the coarse material in place of a whistle, as I began to hum a song.

'Actually, it does. In four days, at that. Though at that point, we'll be too busy dealing with the shitstorm that follows.

'Oh well. At least I can start earning some Mora again. And the customer this time just happens to be the Qixing, and by extension, the richest woman in Liyue, possibly in the entirety of Teyvat.

'On top of that, if things go according to how it was – or at least, as much as it could be – then there might be a chance for us to… let's say, lighten the burden of Mora from the Golden House a bit. With the existence of Lumine's inventory, it's practically a crime to not use it that way.

Speaking of the Golden House, I was suddenly reminded of a certain fact.

The reason that Liyue is the sole producer of the universal currency Mora is because the process itself involves the use of the Geo Archon's Gnosis. And with its fate practically sealed with the contract Morax has with the Tsaritsa, there's an argument to be made that perhaps we shouldn't take too much as to cause a major economic crisis.

'Then again, even if we didn't do anything, it's bound to happen anyway, so speeding things up isn't that big of a deal, right? As long as it doesn't spell doom for Teyvat's entire economy, it should be fine. Besides, at that point, it'll be the Qixing's problem anyway.'

With that rough plan in mind, I mentally apologized for the problem we're about to cause before focusing my attention back towards the scenery in front of me as I try my best to ignore the irritating clamor behind me while humming a different tune this time around.

Finally, after several minutes of waiting, I felt a tap on my shoulder.

Turning around, I saw Lumine with a bag on one hand, filled to the brim with all kinds of fresh ingredients. "Have you finished contemplating your life yet?"

"Even if you give me a couple of years, I still won't be able to decide what exactly I want to do in this life." Taking the offered bag from her hand, she immediately clasped my free hand on hers as she led me towards the other two. "Other than staying alive, of course."

"Nothing grandiose comes to mind?"

"Sometimes simple is best, princess. I've had enough with all the silent expectations and invisible burdens, so being able to just simply live my life however I want is quite the novelty to me." I replied, looking at her face as I did so. "So yes, nothing grandiose. I'm quite happy with how things are now, potential future problems notwithstanding."

"Happy, you say?" A giggle escapes her lips as she directs an expectant look in my direction. "Especially with someone like me by your side, am I right?"

"Oho? And what about the other two, hmm?"

"Well, them too of course. But you know what I mean."

"I do know what you mean."

As the words escape me, I gently brush her face with our intertwined hands, the giggle coming from her intensifies before eventually letting out a sigh.

I usually never engage in something other than hand holding in public considering how embarrassing PDAs can be, but I suppose after having done something far more… intense – in a public setting, no less – everything else seems less so in comparison.

"Alright you two, knock it off." Said a certain rockstar in a mildly annoyed voice, bursting the proverbial bubble that forms around us as she inserted herself in between us, her arms settling into both of our shoulders before moving the three of us forward somewhere. "Try not to be all lovey-dovey too much, yeah? I don't want to keep feeling like a third wheel all day every day."

"You better get used to it, Xinyan." Paimon said, swallowing a bite of her meat skewer as she floated next to us closely.

"I'd rather not." Xinyan objected, before turning her attention back towards us. "As for you two, please spare some thought for this poor soul, yeah? You're making me feel strangely lonely sometimes every time I hear the two of you flirt."

"My deepest condolences, Xinyan." I replied, shaking myself off of her hold as I made my hat disappear before brushing the fabrics on my shoulders. "But that sounds like an issue, not an iss-me."

Xinyan merely gave me a deadpan stare in response, not bothering to even reply.

"Don't steal my line, Yuu." Lumine, on the other hand, had quite the miffed expression on her face as she placed her hands on her hips.

"Well excuse you, princess, I've had this one lying in the back of my mind for a long time but you just had to go ahead and use it before me."

"Then maybe you should have. Ever thought about that?"

"I have actually. It's a shame there never was a fitting situation to use it."

"You should consider socializing. Perhaps then you would've found more opportunities to do so, hmm?"

"Now listen here, you little shit–"

"Alright, that's enough." Grabbing us by the scruff of our necks, Xinyan separated the two of us from the other, putting a stop to our banter as she dragged us away from the crowd that started to form around us.

Once we're far enough away, she lets go of her hold before releasing a tired sigh. "Can't the two of you act more of your age?"

"I am though?" Fixing my now wrinkled clothes again, I huffed an answer, pausing for a bit before I gave a glance towards Lumine. "Not sure I can say the same about the princess over here."

She froze at my words, before suddenly a rather scary smile slowly formed on her face. "Oho? Care to explain yourself, Yuu?"

The moment I saw that expression, I knew I said something I shouldn't have.

"...you know what? Never mind. I didn't say anything."

"No no, I think I heard what you said very clearly."

"...it's just your imagination."

"Is it really?" She said, as she took a step forward menacingly. "Why don't you stop hiding behind Xinyan and say that again to my face?"

"If you stop looking like you might pull out your sword at any given moment, then I might consider it."

Xinyan, on her part, visibly sagged as she let out a tired sigh, her exasperation at our antics made very clear. "Sigh. Children, the lot of you."

"I take offense to that statement."

"I am not a child, Xinyan."

"Yeah right." She scoffed. "I'm starting to think I'm the only rational one in this dysfunctional group of ours."

"Hey! What about Paimon?"

The little fairy suddenly chimed in from the side, to which Xinyan's previously annoyed expression immediately melted into a warm smile. "Of course, you too Paimon."


"...tch, favoritism." I couldn't help but mumble.

"Oh, shut up, you."


We ended up spending quite some time roaming around the market, with Xinyan leading the way while occasionally giving us tidbits of information about anything she thought we might find interesting.

There were times when she would stop and greet some of her fans that might've called her up for a quick chat, whether it be the passersby or even some of the stall owners. Though the question that they asked remained the same: when can they expect the next performance?

Clearly, despite how disliked rock 'n' roll generally is, she managed to amass her own fanbase.

Though the most surprising interaction I get to see would be with one of the Milleliths patrolling around the area. A positive one, too.

"Hey, Xinyan!"

Before we could climb the stairs towards the center plaza of Liyue, we heard a sudden holler coming from behind. Turning towards the source of the voice, we saw a lone Millelith soldier quickly approaching our group.

"Kun! Good to see you man!"

As her face lit up in recognition, Xinyan happily approached the Millelith as the two of them began to exchange pleasantries.

"I haven't seen you in a while. Though nowadays you've become quite the talk within the barracks. Even more so than before." Kun said, his smile suddenly became wider as a gleeful expression colored his face. "Oh! Now that you're back, when can I expect the next performance?"

"Even you, huh? Looks like a lot of people are antsy for some good old rock 'n' roll, huh?"

"Of course! It's been some time since the last one after all." Nodding his head, Kun suddenly turned his attention towards us. "Ah, you two must be the Honorary Knights of Favonius!" He paused, standing at attention as he lightly slammed his spear to the ground and gave us a salute. "Welcome to Liyue, travelers! And thank you for your assistance in the past week. You saved us no small amount of time and headaches."

"You're welcome."

"Happy to be of help."

Hearing our response, Kun smiles as he relaxes his stance. "I heard that you two were responsible for handling the dragon that has been terrorizing Mondstadt for quite a while. Though it was a bit outlandish to hear at first, seeing the work you two did, I'm more inclined to believe it now."

"You flatter us. Though we wouldn't have been able to do it without the help of the Knights of Favonius."

"I see." He nods his head in understanding. "Nevertheless, it doesn't detract from the fact that you've helped them. After all, such information, despite how exaggerated it has become, has to have some truth to them. And I believe that your contribution played a huge part in helping Mondstadt."

His smile, the sincerity of his words, alongside the sheer positive aura this guy is emitting is honestly blinding.

'My guy, the majority of the reason I did all that is for the Mora. If you keep being like this I'll start feeling bad.'

"Oh. Uh… thanks, I guess."

This fuzzy feeling after having been complimented for something I've done is something that I don't think I'll ever get used to.

"Ah, I almost forgot. " Kun suddenly turns towards Xinyan as he rummages through his pocket before pulling a piece of crumpled paper. "Here you go Xinyan, this one should hopefully last you until the next two weeks at the very least."

"Thanks a bunch!" Taking the paper from Kun and straightening it, Xinyan took a quick glance before nodding her head. "As always, I'll save the best seat just for you, Kun."

"Aha! Yes!" In his sudden outburst, Kun pumps his fist in excitement, only to suddenly look around frantically before finally letting out a sigh of relief. "Phew. Anyway, I better get back before someone finds out. Thanks a lot Xinyan, and I hope you have a pleasant stay in Liyue, Honorary Knights!"

"See ya around, Kun!" Xinyan said, as she waved her hands at Kun's gradually disappearing figure, before our group continued to make our way up the stairs, towards wherever Xinyan is leading us to.

"What's the deal with him then?"

Given how her first interaction with those two soldiers back in Jueyun Karst went, I was under the impression that the Millelith in general isn't really a fan when it comes to our resident rockstar. Naturally, I couldn't help but ask

"Kun? He's a massive fan. Helps me a ton too."

"Help? I thought the Millelith would've preferred to do the exact opposite?" Lumine chimed in, just as confused about the situation as I was.

"If it's anyone else, then yes. He's a different story though. Take a look at this, leader, and tell me what you think it is."

Taking the paper from Xinyan's hand, Lumine studied the content quite intently for a bit while I grabbed hold of her free hand, making sure she doesn't end up bumping into anyone as we walk.

Once she finished reading, she let out a gasp, her face colored in disbelief. "This… isn't what I think it is, right?"

"Oh, it's exactly what you think it is."


"What? What's on it?"

"Paimon wants to know too!"

Motioning for us to come closer, the two of us obliged. Once we're huddled up, Lumine glances towards the surrounding area before continuing in a whisper.

"It's the Millelith's patrol route for the next two weeks."

"...you're joking."

A soldier of the Millelith, willingly giving something that is no doubt confidential, just like that? I'm not sure whether I should be impressed at his bold action, or concerned at how he's more than willing to potentially compromise the safety of the harbor in exchange for a front row seat of a rock and roll concert.

"You better believe it." Xinyan said, no doubt amused at our reaction. "He's been doing it for a while too. If I remember right, I think it's after my second performance ever."

"...and he somehow never got caught once?"

"Nope. Though to be fair, it wasn't like this at first. Back then it was just tips on where to perform to avoid the Millelith's patrol. Their blindspots, basically."

"So how did it become like this, then?" Lumine asked.

"That might've been my fault." Xinyan admitted, rubbing the back of her head shyly. "I kinda felt bad when he offered me his help for basically nothing, so I thought giving him a nice spot to watch my performance in exchange was quite fair. And he was more than happy about it too. Perhaps a little bit too much.

"At first, it was just simple tips, then it evolved into a much more detailed explanation of their patrols, and somewhere along the way, it became like this. Not that I don't appreciate it, but I'm honestly worried he might be more than just fired if the higher ups ever caught wind of this."

Seems to me like this guy might just be Liyue's version of Albert. Perhaps less creepy than his Mondstadt's counterpart, but the fact that there's more than one of them at all is honestly a worrying trend.

"You're not exactly helping his case though, are you?"

"True. But come on, I can't exactly decline such useful information now, do I? Besides, I've tried writing to the Minister of Civil Affairs about this whole 'you can't perform here!' thing that I keep getting, but I haven't gotten a reply back yet." She said, shrugging her shoulders. "Who knows? Maybe if my suggestion is implemented, then perhaps I can finally perform without having to worry about one of my fan's getting fired from his job for a change."

"Guess it's not all sunshine and rainbows, huh?"

"Never was, Yuu. That's just how it is when you don't conform with the norms." She sighed, a wistful expression appeared on her face briefly before it was quickly replaced with a grin. "But enough about that, we have somewhere else to be."

"And what place is that?"

With Paimon resting in her usual place at some point, Xinyan grabbed both my and Lumine's hand as she walked away from the plaza towards a nearby stairs. "You'll see."

I'm alive! And my god do I feel much better now.

I read your comments, and I'm glad to hear that you're enjoying the chapter I've put out despite the much slower pace compared to the first arc.

So here's another SOL chapter for you. There shouldn't be too many of these until the start of the actual plot, if you could call it that. Probably three or four chapters more, but don't quote me on that.

Also, hopefully everyone has been enjoying 3.5 so far. Though I would like to hear your opinion on Dehya, considering how she's being called as one of the worst character in the game right now.

But hey, if you pull for waifus, then that shouldn't really matter.

In any case, enjoy the chapter!

Evfrnetcreators' thoughts
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