
Chapter 74 Counter Reconnaissance

'In that case, don't blame me for finding you something to do.'

Allen continued to brush his teeth in silence, controlling the water ball to sweep out all kinds of impurities and residue. After all, the muscle fiber of the wild boar was too rough. It would be much easier to brush his teeth.

After spitting out the dirty water, Allen picked up the fruit in the basket and took a bite. It tasted good, sweet and delicious.

Winnie became more and more capable of picking fruits. The fruits she picked at the beginning were so bad that they could make people's teeth ache. Now they were much better, at least they could eat.

"I need to go out for a while..." Allen said casually, but he stepped back as soon as he lifted his foot.

The other party should have been watching him all the time. If he went out like this, he would definitely be seen.

Allen looked at his own bed, and then looked at Winnie, who was licking her hair on the windowsill. His eyes wandered between the two.

Winnie was pissed off and looked at Allen with hesitation.

Her beautiful eyelashes trembled, as if she had made a big decision, and then she handed out her little black paw.

"I'll lick it for you."

Allen looked at Winnie, dumbfounded.

Did she take him as a cat...

"Can you change back?" Allen asked seriously.

Winnie had been following Allen like a black cat for a long time.

Winnie was stunned and then looked at him with disdain.

"No, I just need a little help..." Allen smiled apologetically.


A wild fruit was sent flying over by Winnie.

Allen took it over helplessly and explained his intention to Winnie.

After a while, the blushing young woman angrily into the quilt, Allen looked at the quilt out of the curve, suddenly some do not want to go out.

After swallowing, Allen got out of the window with great perseverance.

Allen gently fell on the grass, without making any sound. He raised his tiptoe and looked up at the bent grass. It was hard to see a person falling here, and Allen had already appeared more than ten meters away.

At this moment, he was hiding behind a tree trunk.

After a careful examination just now, he did find a lot of doubts. The wooden house was not surrounded by open grassland, but with all kinds of rough boulders and tall trees. These things provided a favorable monitoring condition for monitoring.

And Allen found a deep footprint under the tree, apparently someone who had jumped from the trunk.

Maybe he thought Allen was too young to notice it, so he didn't even bother to remove the marks.

Allen put his hand in the bag and compared it with the monitor. The image of the monitor appeared in his mind. He was not tall, or even a little slender. After all, such a person was most suitable to be the monitor.

Allen raised his head and looked at the thick shade. Such a big tree was the best place to hide people. He couldn't even find it in front of him.

Allen became more careful and followed the trace.

Suddenly, he saw a figure squatting on a tree.

Perhaps it was because he had squatted for a long time that the man stood up and changed his legs. At this moment, Allen caught the flaw.

Allen's eyes turned cold.

There was no way to guard against a thief for a thousand days.

Although killing this person might alert the enemy, Allen didn't intend to be monitored like this all the time.

It was easy to say that he was monitoring him now. What if one day his order became to eradicate him?

Did he just sit still and wait for death?

That was not Allen's style.

Allen cautiously walked up to him, intending to give him a hard time.

But when they were five meters away, the man seemed to be frightened and jumped off the tree. Without giving Allen any time to react, he turned over and ran out.

Allen was stunned. He lifted his foot and saw a thin line on his feet. If it weren't for the cold light reflected by the sun, even Allen wouldn't know how he had exposed himself.

"What a cunning man!" Allen sighed.

The sneak attack turned into a chase, but he was not afraid. He roared and chased after him.

After a while, Allen was getting closer and closer to the assassin. After all, Allen was an earth knight, and he often moved in the Egleson, so he was very adapted to this terrain. However, as an assassin, the assassin was also good at this terrain.

Otherwise, he would be caught by Allen immediately.

Allen drew out his sword and slashed at him.

But he didn't expect him to make a weird move. He turned around and avoided Allen's sword.


Allen was stunned, but he didn't stop.

He dashed forward again. At this moment, a cold light flashed across Allen's eyes.

Damn it! It was a hidden weapon!

Allen's eyes narrowed.

His pupils instantly shrank to the size of a needle tip, and he dodged sideways.

A chill swept over his face, and in a moment, blood seeped out.

Looking at the escaping figure, Allen snorted coldly. He caught up with him again. He was injured. How could he let the assassin go so easily.

The assassin threw out the hidden weapon again, but Allen dodged it easily because he was prepared. The hidden weapon was a special kind of needle with a big head and a big tail. It was easy to throw, and its destructive power was amazing. It could be easily nailed into the stone.

Allen, who was unable to dodge, split the sword in his hand. With his more proficient swordsmanship, he could easily do this.

When Allen was about to catch up with him, the man threw out a hidden weapon again.

Allen's eyes turned cold.

But at this moment, something unexpected happened.

All of a sudden, Allen felt that he had stepped into a cave.

Allen's heart sank.

He clearly saw that there was no rabbit hole under his feet, but he didn't know why he missed it at this time.

Was he doomed?

The man also took out a dagger and rushed back with a sneer on his face.

Instantly, Allen realized that it must be a trap left by him!

Allen didn't expect this guy to be so cautious. He had set a trap in such a far place. He immediately felt that he wasn't wronged, but he didn't want to admit defeat so easily.

"I'm sorry. I have a class tonight." Allen smiled.

He took out something from his pocket.

He directly pulled the lead!


Just as the assassin was in a daze, the thing in Allen's hand had exploded.

Even if Allen was prepared, he was blown up with a groan and flew backward. He thought it was very powerful, but he didn't expect it to be so big. If he hadn't thrown it a lot of distance, he would have been blown to death even if he was an earth knight.

After all, it was prepared for earth knight.

After a while.

Allen covered her chest and staggered to her feet.

Although he was blown up miserably.

However, the other party would never feel good. Before he was blown up, he had already seen the other party's retreating figure. He guessed that the other party was either fleeing or being blown up...

A huge pit appeared in front of him. The soil flew over, and the roots under the ground were blown off.

All kinds of stones were scattered around the pit.

Allen looked around carefully, but he didn't see the assassin's body.

Allen was confused.

Even if that guy had run for a distance, he wouldn't have been blown up too far?

At this moment, a black figure appeared in the distance and limped away.

"What a tough guy! I can't even kill him." Allen ran up to him.

But after a few steps, he felt a dull pain in his chest and ankle.

Even though his body was very strong, it was difficult for him to recover quickly after his ankle was broken, so his speed was naturally not as fast as before.

After chasing Allen for a while, he gave up completely.

While thinking about the mistakes in the battle, he walked back.

Allen was shocked when he walked to the cabin.

Because the door of the wooden house was opened.

He obviously went through the window.

Allen rushed in and saw that Winnie, who had turned into a black cat, was lying on the bed. She didn't notice Allen's intrusion at all, as if she had fallen asleep. This was impossible for the vigilant Winnie!

Allen hurried to check. At this time, he saw a drug on the table.

Allen tried on Winnie. Luckily, she just passed out and the drug was the antidote to Winnie.