
Trash of the Royal Castle

Prince Blueblood is many things. He's a Unicorn, He's royalty, He's a stallion, He's entitled, He's high-class, And most importantly he's not here right now. If Blueblood isn't here right now, then who's that? Well, That's Blueblood, the new Blueblood that is, a human in the body of Blueblood. What will follow the actions of the new prince can be nothing short of disastrous. ---------------------------------------- Warning, this story contains Talking Animals, Magic, Politics, Mentions of Gore and Sex, and a lot of violence. You have been warned.

Netapel · Anime e quadrinhos
Classificações insuficientes
122 Chs

Chapter 67: Elite and Sweet

"Happiest 21st Birthday Twilight!" A Pink earth pony yelled happily before pulling at a string connecting to a Cannon, firing confetti into the ballroom she and her friends were celebrating in.

Music was playing, Cake was eaten, Cake was subsequently thrown, and merriment went around.

Rainbow Dash was laughing as she danced with the girls.

Applejack was smiling happily at all the fun everyone was having.

Even Fluttershy was enjoying herself, making a mess by throwing cake at her fellow Pegasus.

And Twilight Sparkle was laughing happily, smiling and dancing and enjoying her Birthday.

Even Rarity was-

Wait... Where is Rarity?


"Remember your training..." Cherry Pop whispered to herself as she held her body close to the wall of the small house in a quiet street in the small town of Ponyville.

"Okay guys, Let's do this," Flash Sentry nodded his head at his two friends, Cherry Pop nodding back and Wildflower silently tilting his head in ready.

And on a count of three, the squad of Pegasi burst through the door to the small house, rolling for the nearest cover they could find, and waited for a reaction.

Silence crept through the house, a sickly sweet smell entering their nostrils causing Cherry to gag.

"Empty," Wildflower said before holding the large rectangular shield on his back in front of him, looking out the small reinforced window in the shield as he led the group down the small corridor of the house and towards the first door, Flash Sentry following close behind him, his wing holding a spear close to his chest.

Meanwhile, Cherry Pop made a quick search around the kitchen and living room, her face contorting into a grimace as she held herself from throwing up as she opened the refrigerator of the house, seeing it glow a bright pink as jars upon jars of jelly entered her vision, the smell of gelatinous love almost causing her senses to overload.

She quickly shut the fridge and ran outside, throwing up into a bush.

Wildflower moved the shield in front of him to the side as he reached the first door, Kicking the door open and moving out of the way as Flash rolled beneath him into the room, quickly searching for any signs of the target.

"Clear!" He said and the duo moved to the next room.

One by one, the royal guards moved through the rooms, until only one room remained.

"He's got to be in here," Flash said as he took a few steps back and gave his green-furred big friend room to work.

And with a strong kick, the door flung open.

And with a roll, Flash entered the room.

"He's here!


Luna sighed calmly as she entered Canterlot Castle, tired of walking around Tartarus and feeding the many monsters and beasts imprisoned there.

"We brought Pizza for everyone!" Luna smiled as her friend yelled from behind her, a small pillar of cardboard boxes levitating above him as he walked a step behind her.

"We'll go ahead and call Celestia," Luna told him.

"Go right ahead, I'll set the tables and get Cadance," Blueblood told her before the two split away.

Luna smiled as she watched her friend walk away.

"This was nice," She thought to herself, "We enjoyed today,"

Her mind moved to earlier that day, as she sat in front of Nightmare Moon, smiling smugly down at her evil half.

"He gave me a nickname," The Nightmare told her, "You don't have a nickname," She continued, "He likes me more than you," Luna rolled her eyes at Nightmare Moon's pathetic attempt at making her react.

As if Blueblood would fall in love with such a creature? And even if he was, Luna was more than one hundred percent sure it wasn't with the Nightmare.

"Although..." Luna pondered for a moment, "Miss Rarity had an obvious attraction to him... And Nightmare Moon merged minds with her..." Luna paused in her thinking.

"Could it be?! No... We must be overthinking," Luna took a deep breath and calmed herself down.

"We mean, What are the chances that Nightmare Moon actually has a positive feeling towards somepony? Hah!" Luna chuckled as she walked,

"Really, What are the chances?"


Shining Armor stared blankly at the group of Guards sitting around the Castle Barracks.

"What are you all eating?" He asked as he stared his guards down.

"Olive Pizza," One of the guards replied as he showed him the slice of cheesy dough.

"And did any of you plan to go tell me we have Pizza?" Shining asked.

"It only just arrived," Another Guard answered.

"Yeah! The guys who went to Tartarus with Princess Luna and Prince Blueblood brought these back," A third pony answered.

"Ah huh," Shining Armor nodded his head before looking at the small pile of cardboard boxes before he levitated two slices of Pizza over to himself and walked out of the barracks.

"...Dick," The Guards nodded their heads at seeing their Captain just take the food and leave.

"Guys!" One of the guards suddenly exclaimed, "Don't forget to save a box for those three!"

"Oh yeah! Those three,"

"Of course, Those three,"

"Sure! We'll save a box for those three!"

They did not save a box of Pizza for the three Pegasus guards.


The Elite of the city of Canterlot were in shock at the sight of the country bumpkins ruining their party, with their commoner music and their undressed fur.

"How scandalous," Some whispered as a Pink earth pony dug her face into the cake, frosting covering her face as she gorged on the food like a wild boar.

"How embarrassing," Other whispered as a rainbow-maned Pegasus swung a cricket mallet around in a circle before throwing it away, missing the ball on the ground and scaring away the birds in the tree she hit.

"How disgusting," The rest whispered as an Orange pony with a stetsons hat dug weeds out of the ground, her legs covered in dirt.

"How come y'all aren't doing any gardening?" She asked as the elites of Canterlot backed away from the dirt and mud she threw around, "This is a garden party, isn't it?"

And to one purple-haired Unicorn, this night that seemed so wonderful just minutes prior turned into a horrible fear of hers.

"Yes," Rarity admitted to the crowd of ponies as they gasped in horror at the commoner who infiltrated their ranks, "Yes I do know them, They may not be as sophisticated as some of you Canterlot ponies," Rarity turned her head to look at her five friends standing behind her, their faces covered in dirt and chocolate, but smiling nonetheless.

"But they are my best friends, and they are without a doubt, the most important ponies I know,"

"Important Ponies? These ruffians?" A grey-furred Unicorn wearing a green polo shirt, Jet Set, asked haughtily as he looked at his fellow elites.

"Don't make me laugh, Haha," His wife, Upper Crust, joined in on making fun of the commoners and their embarrassing appearance.

"I for one find them charmingly rustic," A blue-haired Unicorn added and the rest of the elite quieted down as he continued speaking.

Fancy Pants turned to look at Rarity, a small smile on his face, "And I believe the dress you made for your friend is lovely,"

A small smirk appeared on his face as he kept going, "I dare say every mare in Canterlot will be wanting one,"

And as if a switch was pulled, The crowd of elites changed their tune in an instant.


Staring at the commotion that was happening in the gardens from a window on a higher story, Prince Blueblood frowned at the Pink earth pony.

"What the fuck is she doing here now?" he asked himself quietly before turning away, a Pizza Box levitating after him.


A Day Later, Canterlot Hospital.

Opening his eyes weakly, A grey-furred Earth Stallion looked around the room he found himself in.

Doctors were writing down notes and guards were stationed outside his doors.

"What in tarnation happened?" Hughbert Jellius asked quietly, his throat sore, his eyes tired and his body aching.

"Mr Jellius," A voice called out to him above the rest of the ponies, "I'm glad to see you are in fine health, but we have many things to discuss,"

Hughbert turned his head weakly to see the pony who called to him.

"'Ey, you're that Prince guy I done seen on the papers!" Hughbert smiled at the pony.

"Yes... I am Prince Blueblood Platinum, and we need to speak to you about what happened to you,"

"O' Course! 'm happy to help whenever ah can," The earth-pony said in his southern accent.

"Thank you," Prince Blueblood smiled at the stallion, before nodding to the Doctor, indicating them to leave the room.

"Now, Let us start at the beginning,"


Non-Canon Omake: Sharks, Badgers and Birds, Oh My!

Far away from the land of the living, in the deepest recesses of the Aether, a mug of hot Coacoa was steaming on the eternal table of the afterlife.

Inside the hot beverage, A fluffy pink marshmallow was floating helplessly, slowly melting into a pink fluffy goop inside the cup of liquid chocolate.

It had no mouth but it wished to Scream.

It had no flippers but it wished to swim away.

Cursed it was among its brethren, for it has been swallowed by the curse all beast fear.


By understanding right from wrong, and delving into the spiritual intricacies of Morality, the Marshmallow has led itself down the path of evil, for the sake of revenge in the name of siblings who never knew they existed.

In its mind, three Unicorns stood, The one with the Black-Suit, The one with the Crimson cloak, and the one with the golden mane.

The three ponies who killed it, subjected it to eternal torment as it slowly melted alive over the course of eternity.

Just like any other marshmallow.

Fluffy the Pink Marshmallow Shark was in Hell.


Pressure engulfed the head of the Purple and Orange Moon Creature, his smoke-like body stretching and bending as pain erupted across its body.

Rays of golden magic pierced his body, and he felt each cell in his magical biology twist and turn, from Gas to Solid back to Gas.

Larry screamed as the atrocities he had committed to his own siblings happened unto him for all eternity, Orbs of Gold and Silver shooting at him with magic, all while a White Unicorn stomped repeatedly on his head, scattering his brain across the room as his gaseous body rebuilt itself again and again, over and over.

And all the while Larry the Nightmare creature screamed, he could only clearly pronounce four words.

Four words he repeated over and over, the only words keeping him anywhere close to sanity in this eternal hell.



He was drowning, his body stretching and growing, trying to find a form that would allow him to survive, but the puss and warts kept exploding, pushing him into more and more pain as water entered his lungs.

He does not know why he tried to rebel against his Queen, Why he tried to fight against her.

He could have escaped, he could have run away.

Instead, he placed himself in danger, and in the process placed innocents into the crossfire.

He has doomed himself to hell, feeling as if his lungs filled with water, unable to shift his body into a suitable form, as he kept melting from the overflowing love that drowned his wounds in burning pain.

He no longer remembered his own name, Or why he wanted to rebel.

All he remembered was the form he took as he lost his mind in his last moments.

"GRAHHHHH!!!!!" The Sea-Badger screamed in its eternal hell.