
Trash of the Royal Castle

Prince Blueblood is many things. He's a Unicorn, He's royalty, He's a stallion, He's entitled, He's high-class, And most importantly he's not here right now. If Blueblood isn't here right now, then who's that? Well, That's Blueblood, the new Blueblood that is, a human in the body of Blueblood. What will follow the actions of the new prince can be nothing short of disastrous. ---------------------------------------- Warning, this story contains Talking Animals, Magic, Politics, Mentions of Gore and Sex, and a lot of violence. You have been warned.

Netapel · Anime e quadrinhos
Classificações insuficientes
122 Chs

Chapter 35: License to Star

"There he is! No time to waste, Girls, let's blast him!" Twilight Sparkle shouted as her friends and her ran after the ship that fell from the sky and dragged Discord away from them.

"Yeah! Let's teach this mean baddie what Friendship really is!" Rainbow Dash yelled as the Element of Loyalty around her neck started glowing, same with the other Elements of Harmony as the magic of the Elements activated, releasing a large beam of rainbow harmony magic straight into Discord's stupid face, turning him into a statue of stone and fixing all the chaos he's done in Equestria.

And Discord was stopped.


"We did it," A white pony with golden hair said as it exited the ship, stepping onto the deck and looking over the many ponies swimming away to shore.

"So close..." I thought to myself as the pony took steps toward me, "Just a few more steps and I will finally avenge my siblings for all you monsters have done!"

And as the White horned pony took steps nearer to a pile of my flesh, stuck to the side of the ship, I pounced.

As nothing more than a pink and fluffy blob, Just a pair of jaws filled to the brim with sharp, jagged teeth, Flying through the air like a ball thrown by a professional athlete.

I opened my pink jaws, ready to take at least one of these monsters down with me.

And then an explosion of rainbow magic hit me.

And the Marshmallow Shark was no more.


"Your Highness," I turned my head to see Chancellor Neighsay approach me, his hair oily and stuck to his face, the cloak he wore was torn in several places and stained with sweat and chocolate.

"Congratulations," He told me as he grabbed my hoof and shook it.

"On what?" I asked confused, "I failed the test, I didn't reach the designated spot," I told him, "Look around, We're in the middle of a lake!"

"So?" Neighsay asked me, And I couldn't help but blink.

"So? So?! This means I need to retake the test!"

"No you don't," Neighsay said as he let go of my hoof and pat my shoulder, "You managed to sail this boat through a storm of magic, over a river flying through the sky, through flooded streets in a crowded city and even more,"

He continued, "The ship is still working, Nopony was injured, Your Highness, You saved the lives of who knows how many ponies today, and you did so with nary an incident of your own fault,"

I blinked at him as he continued speaking to me, "What I'm trying to say, is that you passed. Congratulations Captain Platinum, Your degree will arrive in the mail soon," And with an orange glow to his horn, he teleported away.

Starlight looked at me in amazement, "You passed..." She whispered.

"I passed..." I repeated her whisper, a smile stretching on my face.

"You passed!" Starlight cheered, and I ran towards her and picked her up in a hug, twiling her around.

"I passed! Hahaha!" I laughed loudly while swinging Starlight around as I twirled on the deck of the ship, narrowly avoiding stepping in the remains of the Marshmallow shark.

"Take that Mother Nature! It'll take much more than this to take me down! Hahahaha!!!"

And the Prince got his license.


"Mom!" Pip Squeak cheered happily as he swam in the crystal clear waters of Ponyville Lake, "Look at me!"

"I can see you, dear," Clean Squeak called out to her son as he swam back to her, his eyes glued to somewhere else.

"Mom, Shhh." He told her as he exited the waters, shaking his body to flick the water off, before he started running in the direction of a familiar white Unicorn.

"Prince Blueblood!" He called out to the stallion as he ran toward him, the blood-stained scarf from he got at the museum whipping around.

"Hmm?" The prince turned his head and his eyes widened as he saw the colt rushing toward him, "Hey Kid, How's it going?"

"I'm all good!" Pip said loudly as he stopped next to the prince before he fidgeted with his neck as he took off the scarf.

"Here, I'm returning it," He told him with a smile on his young face, and the Prince picked up the scarf with his magic.

"You know kid," The prince said as he looked at the scarf, the sky blue knitting and the brown stains of dried blood creating a sort of contrast that stood out vividly.

"I think you should keep the scarf," He told him and tossed him the scarf, the wool landing on Pip's head.

"Really?" Pip asked with wide eyes as he held on tightly to the oversized scarf.

"Sure, It has your blood on it, it's practically yours now," The prince told him before walking away, leaving the colt to look at the brown stains on the scarf with wonder.

"Mom!" He yelled over to Clean, "I'm keeping the scarf!"

"Okay!" His mother yelled back as she picked herself up from the shore of the lake.

And the Squeak family was happy.


"I'm sorry!!!" I heard someone yell before quickly turning my head, my eyes widening as I ducked to the ground, avoiding the pink missile that was headed in my direction.

"Don't jump at me!" I yelled at the pink mare as she stopped her dash with a cartwheel, turning around with a flip and staring at me.

"I'm going to make you the best apology party ever!" She yelled before throwing something on the ground, leaving a cloud of confetti that hid her away as she disappeared like some sort of pink, loud ninja.

"Pfft," I turned my head to lock eyes with Starlight, The traitor trying her best to stifle a laugh.

"What's so funny?" I asked my bodyguard who simply shook her head and mouthed "Don't worry about it,"

I turned away from the purple unicorn, not noticing the rainbow-colored pile of confetti on my head, nor the white mare looking at me from the distance.

Pinkie Pie was planning a party.


Cosmos perked up when her prince appeared in her dimension again.

"You wouldn't believe what kind of day I just went through," He told her as he illusioned a sofa and a television, a shelf of video games appearing next to him as he took a seat.

"Wanna' talk about it?" Cosmos asked, biting her lip as she looked at her darling think of what to say.

"Hmmm, Nope." He said as he illusioned another sofa next to him before levitating her to sit on it, "What do you wanna play this time?" he asked her, and Cosmos took a look at the shelf he made.

"How about this one?" She asked as she made her horns glow, slowly levitating a disc from the shelf.

"Battleblock Theater, nice choice," He smirked as an Xbox 360 controller appeared in front of the two of them, the disc shooting into the television as it turn on.

Cosmos didn't mind that he didn't want to speak about his day, she was just happy that she could spend time with him.

Knowing full well that if anything were to happen that will stop her prince from visiting her.

She wouldn't hesitate to break out of this dimension herself, find the reason for why the prince is missing, and tear it limb from limb, atom by atom, leaving nothing behind as she destroys whatever it may be that holds her happiness away from her.

But she would never tell him that, Heehee, She's a pretty lady after all, both elegant and cute, regal and adorable.

And as long as her prince is happy, she's happy.

And she will keep him happy.

No matter the cost.

Cosmos is totally normal.


Rarity frowned as she saw Prince Blueblood speak happily with Pinkie Pie, a smile on his face as he joked and laughed with her.

"But... I'm the one who's supposed to be with him..." She whispered as Pinkie Pie walked away from the prince, her spot taken by Applejack, her smooth country charm entrancing the prince, her traditional family values wooing him into her hooves, as she held prince Blueblood in her arms, her stetson hat leaning down to cover her face as she leaned her head toward him.

"But... I'm the one he's supposed to love... not you..." Rarity whispered as her heart broke, seeing Applejack kiss the prince, soon joined in by Pinkie Pie as she sauntered her way into the kiss, her soft and smooth curves glistening under the setting sun as she leaned into the prince, pushing Applejack aside as she took her turn with the Prince of ponies' lips, his elegant yet rough looks melting into her as the three ponies rolled on the ground, smiles and sweat, lust and love.

"No... This isn't how it was supposed to go..." Rarity cried silently as she saw two of her best friends steal the Stallion of her dreams away from her.

"This isn't how it was supposed to go..." She cried, closing her eyes from the sight in front of her.

"Hey Rarity!" She opened her eyes quickly, looking toward the pony who called out to her.

"You were too passive." Applejack smiled at her as she held the prince's cheek in her hooves, a cruel and mocking smile on her face.

"If you want to win, you have to take life by the reins." Pinkie Pie joined her, the two earth ponies smiling cruelly at the Element of Generosity.

""You Need to be Active!"" The two of them yelled at her before they went down on the muscular white stallion between them.

Rarity wanted to throw up, Rarity wanted to scream, Rarity wanted to curse them all for how unfair it was.

But all she could do was cry.

"I'll show them active,"

Rarity was having a Nightmare.

You can guess what the next arc is :)

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