
Ch 3 - First few days At Hogwarts


Butterfly wings? More like fucking dragon wings to influence canon here, the plot is hella thick!


"Typical," said Harry darkly "Just what I always wanted. To make a fool of myself on a broomstick in front of Malfoy."

"You don't know that you'll make a fool of yourself," said Ron reasonably. "Anyway, I know Malfoy's always going on about how good he is at Quidditch, but I bet that's all talk."

"Apparently he isn't all talk," I decided to helpfully cut it "I heard rumors of his team trying to see if they can bring him in this year as a seeker however the majority is still undecided on the matter and considering the tryouts end today this year I don't know what will happen"

"Ugh," said Harry "that doesn't help!" he was now lying on the table making me and Ron exchanged glances and chuckled a bit, look Ron was a prick ok? He was hella jealous of Harry and his fame but he could also be smart and funny, right now I could not hate him. It also helped that I was able to redirect Hermione's constant nagging to me so he had to suffer a bit less.

Speaking of the devil Malfoy was gloating about the sweets his parents kept bringing him, my owl was basically workless all day long so instead she comes to me without a package and demands some petting I duly give as a good servant. My owl is beautiful, she is dark brown with some dark spots, hence the name Blackie, she also has the softest fur ever and gets along well with Harry's.

"It's a Remembrall!" suddenly screamed Neville "Gran knows I forget things -- this tells you if there's something you've forgotten to do. Look, you hold it

tight like this, and if it turns red -- oh..." His face fell because the Remembrall had suddenly glowed scarlet,

"You've forgotten something..."

Neville was trying to remember what he'd forgotten when Draco Malfoy, who was passing the Gryffindor table, snatched the Remembrall out of his hand.

Harry and Ron jumped to their feet. They were half hoping for a reason to fight Malfoy, but Professor McGonagall, who could spot trouble quicker than any teacher in the school, was there in flash.

"What's going on?"

"Malfoy's got my Remembrall, Professor."

Scowling, Malfoy quickly dropped the Remembrall back on the table.

"Just looking," he said, and he sloped away with Crabbe and Goyle behind him.

"Thanks, professor, those three have been trying to get in a fight with us for a few days now, it is hard to avoid them when they literally come for you" I smile wrily at that

McGonagall regarded me curiously and nodded "Noted Mr. Wielding, try not to get too involved, and if you get in trouble always call a professor" she was about to leave when I decided to add something

"But professor, it is not always the best idea to call a professor in all situations, if a rumor starts circulating that a Gryffindor, known for their courage, always calls a professor if the situation gets difficult they will be branded as a coward, and it will be hard to live a peaceful and carefree school life even inside our house, what I am trying to ask is: can we please not get punished too harshly if we defend ourselves?" everyone on the table was looking at me with wide eyes.

The professor was looking at me intently before adding "Self-defense is a right Mr. Wielding, I trust however that you do not escalate the situation any more than necessary"

"Crystal clear professor, thank you" I nod and she nods back

Silence permeated the table, to make the situation a bit lighter I decided to steal Hermione's book

"Hey" she protested

"No more theoretical knowledge miss, we are going flying not having a test about flight, now, drink your tea and relax" she pouted and started sipping her tea

Then I started chuckling and everyone followed, Ron was the first to ask about the elephant in the room

"How did you do that with McGonagall mate, I get nervous every time she looks at me"

"Really? I find her a sweetheart, haven't you seen how fast she ran here to help us?" he looked at me strangely, an expression even mirrored by Neville of all people.

"You are weird sometimes" he ends and I laugh a bit, oh please you play a game of chess where the pieces destroy each other, are you really judging me? The gall of some people


During class, everything went as scripted, I had a choice, either help Neville or not have Harry as our seeker, and, considering how much the guy likes flying, I couldn't really take it away from him. But could I really let a kid get hurt just because? No, not really, me and my bleeding heart.

"Up" the broom came to my hand as fast as lightning, right before Malfoy to which I winked much to his chagrin.

"Longbottom, get down here right this instant!" Neville started floating and I readied my want.

When he reached went feet he started wobbling, he then falls down and the Remembrall slipped from his pocket. It was my cue. As he was about to reach the ground I chanted

"Wingardium Leviosa" oh his clothes, and considering he was too scared to push the magic away It was just enough to keep him afloat briefly before fatigue sunk in and I had to let him go.

Madam Hooch was immediately on the body "Ok, doesn't seem you have broken anything, but I will need to take you to Madam Pomfrey anyway," she then turned to me "Good thinking Mr. Wielding, unfortunately, I broke my wand this morning, damn bludger, 20 points to Gryffindor for your wits"

"None of you is to move while I take this boy to the hospital wing! You leave those brooms where they are or you'll be out of Hogwarts before you can say 'Quidditch.' Come on, dear." I got a pat on the back from Patil, to which I smiled briefly.

Everything else went as scripted.

Lesson learned, the heavier the object is and the faster it is falling the harder it is to cast Wingsrdium Leviosa, that is why you use Arresto Momentum, probably because the spell doesn't fight gravity but cancels it completely. Something to think about.


His heart sank faster than he'd just dived. Professor McGonagall was running toward them. He got to his feet, trembling.

"Never -- in all my time at Hogwarts --"Professor McGonagall was almost speechless with shock, and her glasses flashed furiously, "-- how dare you -- might have broken your neck --"

"It wasn't his fault, Professor --"

"Be quiet, Miss Patil

"But Malfoy --"

"That's enough, Mr. Weasley. Potter, follow me, now."

Achievement unlocked: New Seeker


I forgot about the midnight duel, I was all day in the room of requirements. that's why when the time came I decided to sleep there. Fuck.

It didn't take long for Hermione, Harry, and Ron to tackle me as I was heading to the Great Hall.

""" WHERE WERE YOU!""" the three said at the same time

"HOLYY! are you guys crazy? I almost had a heart attack." panic

"We were worried about you you know? You disappeared and we couldn't find you" said an angry Hermione, I fucked up pretty bad, didn't I? She was hella worried it seems.

"Yea man, she was grumpy and loud all morning," said Ron offhandedly while Harry was just happy to see me

"Sorry about that guys, I completely forgot about the duel, I was out exploring this massive castle and when I noticed it was getting dark, to avoid detention, I got inside an empty classroom and slept there." I shrugged a bit and pouted, guilty as charged

"I can't believe you!" huffed and puffed the girl "We have a lot to tell you, come" they ended up dragging me into the Hall and explained what happened in detail. Seems I am now part of the gang, cool.


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