
Transmigrator Commander of Girls Frontline must not be a Reckless man

The Commander who claimed to be a Transmigrator said to have traveled through several different worlds, and even blew up a planet with his bare hands, and tore off his system with his own hands... Even them Tactical Dolls were not willing to believe such outlandish claim. But seeing how this guy even wanted to unscrew and taste a bottle of Collapse Fluid... They felt that this is most likely true, and their commander...was more like a complete reckless man! -XXXXX- A Google Translated Fic from the Chinese Fic of the same name with some slight edits here and there for fixing, there seems to be a lacking of GFL fanfics and even with those present have too much gloom and this fic is pretty much a breath of fresh air and pacing. I just want to port this so people can see this gem that ive found in the rare GFL fanfics that ive come across. Original CN name; 少女前线的穿越者指挥官必不可能是个莽夫! Disclaimer: I aint own anything, and a mere 'translator' or 'editor' to show gems.

Bismarck_Imperia · Anime e quadrinhos
Classificações insuficientes
306 Chs

Chapter 290: Be Careful of Being Caught

While CF05 was busy picking extra vegetables and fruits, Renault took a look at the fungal mats he used as a culture medium.

They were growing very well. The fungal mats that were originally only the size of a washbasin had now evenly covered all the culture tanks in the vertical farm. The vegetables were growing so fast thanks to the fungal mats.

These fungal mats were grown from the genes in his body. As for how they were extracted, to be honest, he himself didn't quite understand what was going on. Anyway, as long as he put some blood in a nutritious place, the fungal mats would grow naturally.

After that, they would mutate according to his thoughts, which also consumed some psionic energy, but not much.

Once these fungal mats grew, as long as there were enough nutrients, they would continue to proliferate.

Renault had also been controlling the size of the fungal mats on the vertical farm. Otherwise, if these things spread to the ground of the vertical farm, his factory area would probably become a nest of Zergs.

CF05, NZ75, and then AK47 and A-91, who ran to the vertical farm to find fresh cucumbers to make pickles, helped with the harvest.

The four of them, plus Renault himself, took nearly an hour and a half to pick all the fruits and vegetables in the farm.

"Wow! How can there be so many? And look at the cucumber rack over there, there's a large bunch of small cucumbers that look like they're about to mature. Is the yield of our farm really this high?" AK47 sat on the storage box and raised her hand to wipe the sweat from her brow.

She wasn't tired, but she was scared by these weird crops. When she was picking cucumbers just now, she could even feel the vines wriggling...

And just after picking a ripe cucumber, it was probably time to turn around and walk away. When she turned back, she saw that another flower had bloomed, and a cucumber the size of a thumb had already started to grow...

And it wasn't just cucumbers; the other vegetables were the same, growing as fast as if they had drunk a bottle of vodka!

"This shouldn't be a question of high yield, right? These plants seem like they've become alive!" A-91, who hadn't had a drink for an entire hour, was now about to reach the critical point of "going crazy without alcohol."

But even so, A-91 still clearly noticed the abnormality of the plants in the vertical farm.

Normal crops would never grow this fast! The wheat over there isn't like this!

It's been planted for so long, and it's still just wheat seedlings!

Even if vegetables mature faster than wheat, it wouldn't be this fast! One hour! Just one hour, and a new crop of vegetables has already grown!

"Maybe, but I guess these little guys are just a bit overnourished and look a little lively. It's no big deal." Renault shrugged as he looked at the rapidly growing vegetables.

They were just plants. Compared to the Zerg's ability to proliferate to millions overnight head seen before, this was completely child's play.

"Huh, are we going to load all these ingredients into the truck now?"

"Let's load them. When the train comes back, we'll take them all to Gentiane and the others."


"Are those Sangvis Ferri Dolls still moving supplies?" Kalina asked curiously, looking at Gentiane, who had returned from outside.

"Ah, yes. I don't know when they'll finish moving everything. Yesterday was their seventh trip," Gentiane replied as she put down her gun and took off her weapon strap.

These Dolls at home had been staring at her every day for the past few days, waiting for her to say they could go out for a walk.

Being watched by so many Dolls every day, Gentiane naturally couldn't hold back. Just now, she and the Dolls had wandered around the neighboring town. Although they didn't stray far from the base, they did find a lot of good stuff.

The residents in this area had evacuated too hastily, leaving behind many supplies. The goods in the stores hadn't changed much.

Although some shops had been looted by unknown people, many were still intact. She estimated that with the Dolls in her base, they could probably eat for seven or eight years.

However, those supplies wouldn't last for seven or eight years. Instead of leaving them there to expire, it was better to take them back and use them.

Anyway, those residents and merchants definitely wouldn't dare return to retrieve their goods.

At least, not until the mainframe built by Sangvis Ferri Manufacturing was completely destroyed. Until then, they definitely wouldn't come back to the areas nearly taken over by Sangvis Ferri Manufacturing.

Compared to losing some insignificant property, their lives were more important.

"By the way, Commander, there's good news. Our supplies will be delivered soon! And the Dolls deployed from headquarters!"

"Oh!? So fast? It seems like it's been less than a week!" Hearing this, Gentiane's eyes lit up as she asked Kalina in a surprised tone.

Last time, didn't Kalina say there was still a whole week? Now it seemed like only three or four days had passed.

"Well, actually, the two districts next to us have been under heavy attack from Sangvis recently, so headquarters prepared the supplies and Dolls in advance considering the current situation in our district."

"Is that so? How long until the Dolls arrive? How are they being sent? By helicopter?"


Hearing that word, Kalina smiled awkwardly.

Had her commander been led astray by Renault? A helicopter was the first thing that came to mind?

The transportation cost for a helicopter was very expensive!

If a helicopter transported supplies even once, they might lose more than half of their budget for the whole month!

"No, it's just an ordinary truck. It should arrive around tomorrow morning."

"What? Tomorrow?" Hearing Kalina's words, Gentiane's face fell, and she lay down on the chair, looking completely defeated.

There weren't many Dolls in the S09 district now, and they couldn't support the two neighboring districts. So, every day, she had to train, and taking the Dolls to the neighboring city for some free time had become her only pastime.

Seeing Gentiane like this, Kalina sighed immediately. Where was the serious commander she had seen two days ago? Had she revealed her true colors in just a few days?

"I just want to remind you that the arrival time of the transport vehicle from Griffin headquarters is almost the same as Renault's train. If the transport personnel from headquarters see those Sangvis Dolls carrying goods..."

Hearing Kalina say this, Gentiane suddenly felt like dying.

Why did they have to arrive at the same time? This coincidence was a bit too targeted at her!

Want to read advanced chapters? go to my patréon for Chapters 200-850.


Bismarck_Imperiacreators' thoughts