
Transmigrating to MHA World After Eating A Devil Fruit

Miyata is finally dead and just as he had read in those novels he had been given an opportunity to transmigrate in an anime world. A pity though, since he can't choose which world he could be sent to but judging from the gift they gave him it most likely gonna be the world of One Piece...right? For Support: https://www.patreon.com/John_Titor

John_Titor234432 · Anime e quadrinhos
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9 Chs

Chapter 8

After coming home from school Miyata was naturally a bit exhausted so after filling up his stomach he straightway went to bed to rest. He woke up after an hour thanks to the alarm he had inputted on his cellphone. After taking a yawn to make his drowsiness go away a little he went to the washroom to wash his face. Looking at the time it was around half past four in the evening and he realized that in an hour or so his mother would return.

Going downstairs, Miyata went towards the refrigerator to grab some snacks and then sat down in front of the television while munching on the snack. Around 15 minutes later the doorbell rang.

"Who might it be? Did mother come early today?" Miyata walked towards the door and opened it. What entered his view was the cute face of Kyouka in her school uniform who was looking down at the ground. The moment Miyata saw her he suddenly remembered his agreement to meet Kyouka at the school gate after the classes were over.

He totally forgot about her after meeting Shinso and now that he saw her still in her uniform he couldn't help but think, 'Was she waiting for me until now?' Miyata couldn't help but feel a bit guilty as he thought of this and was about to apologize to Kyouka but was stopped by her words.

"I'm sorry Miyata," Kyouka said while still looking down.

'Sorry? Did she just apologize to me? Shouldn't it be the other way around?' Miyata thought in his mind as he replied "Huh? For What?" Miyata inquired.

"I'm sorry Miyata, The teacher told me to stay back with her to do some work as a result I wasn't able to leave her office until four in the evening. I'm really sorry for making you wait..." Kyouka said as she waited for Miyata to say something.

Miyata clearly understood what was going on and couldn't help but be amazed by his luck...he forgot about his meeting with Kyouka and not only did he not have to apologize to Kyouka for it but Kyouka was apologizing to him instead.

Miyata naturally wasn't dumb enough to tell her the truth about him forgetting to meet her. Since he was blessed with this heavenly opportunity he would naturally use it. "It's alright, I only waited for around 20 minutes so it wasn't much Kyouka. Besides that, come inside the house. Why are you still standing outside?" Miyata said in a welcoming manner.

Hearing Miyata's words about him waiting for 20 minutes for her Kyouka couldn't help but feel even more guilty as she saw his smiling face of Miyata. She carefully removed her shoes and followed Miyata to his living room where the television was going on. "Take a seat. Let me bring you some snacks." Miyata said as he rushed towards the kitchen without waiting for Kyouka to say anything.

Kyouka looked at the rushing back of Miyata and then slowly moved towards the sofa and took a seat. After she made herself a bit comfortable she soon saw Miyata coming inside with a bowl full of chips. "Here have some of these spicy chips, pretty tasty I tell you," Miyata said while placing the bowl on the table that was placed in front of Kyouka.

He gestured for Kyouka to try it and she grabbed a few from her hand and then slowly used her other hand to eat them. Miyata also grabbed a few with his hand and sat down beside her as he munched them. Kyouka didn't find it strange that Miyata sat next to her because as her friend it was only appropriate for him to do so.

"These chips are really nice." Kyouka said as she licked her lips with her tongue to savour the spices. "They indeed are. I already finished a packet a few minutes ago." Miyata said as he smiled.

Looking at his smile Kyouka's guilty conscience was once again piqued making her ask Miyata, "Miyata...have you really forgiven me? I know I shouldn't have made you wait...I could have sent someone to tell you about it but I didnt..."

Seeing her still thinking about that Miyata couldn't help but think how pure and innocent she was and replied "I already told you Kyouka, I've forgiven you...but if you still feel guilty about it then how about this? Let's go out to an amusement park together this Sunday. You can make up for it by accompanying me that day."

Hearing Miyata's words brought a smile to Kyouka's face as without thinking much she hurriedly agreed to it. After having this load off her shoulders Kyouka looked at the time and gasped. "It's so late! I better go home or father would give me an earful. I'll be going then Miyata, " Kyouka quickly got up from her seat and rushed towards the exit though she didn't forget to smile one last time at Miyata before going.

Seeing her rushing back Miyata couldn't help but smile. It was around 5:15 pm so her parents definitely would be worrying for her. Not a long time passed and Miyata's mother also arrived. Seeing a slight smile on her face Miyata couldn't help but ask "Mom did something happen? You look more happy than usual."

"Well, I met a sweet girl on the road, she almost fell to the ground if not for me catching her. Looking at her clumsy self I felt like pulling her cheeks. Oh, she was also wearing your school uniform." Miyata's mother said.

"Was she? Anyways, freshen up Imma prepare some tea for you till then." Miyata said as he thought of a falling Kyouka being caught by his mother.

Rita smiled hearing her son's words and went to freshen up so that she could prepare a nice meal for him afterwards. Unbeknownst to her Miyata was also going to treat her to a nice surprise by telling her that he had awakened his quirk during the dinner.