

The experience was much tamer than I expected.

No flying papers, or exploding pots when I flicked the wand around in the old bookshop. Hell, there were no special rules, like 'the wand picks the wielder'. The store wasn't even a specialty shop!

The old man lifted the glass casing that protected the various wands. He selected a few, placing them all side ways along the counter top. He had picked them around the ranges Vaeril and Rophalin agreed on price wise.

They weren't all that special, they had different patterns and sizes but all traded different values for others.

For example, two wands were priced at the same amount. One was a long thin wand, and the other was shorter but much thicker than the other. Funny enough they seemed to contain the same area, but it wasn't just the inside of the wand that mattered but the styling and symbols. Letters and odd shapes were written in various different colors on the wands. The more symbols, the higher the price.

Vaeril leaned over looking at the wands, "Um, I don't know how to select a wand. Do you Delsanra?"

"No, I have some idea but..." I thought for a second before looking at the old man. "Sir, what would you recommend for a healer?"

The old man scratched his chin for a moment before rearranging the wands and taking a few and putting them back in the case.

7 wands laid out in front of us and he pointed to the wand farthest to the right.

"I ordered them from cheapest to most expensive in your price range. This right on here will last you a week if you use it consistently enough and each one has about 1 week added on to it."

"Wow, you guys have such precise details for these wands." I said in astonishment.

"It's only because we sell very few wands so we tend to have a backlog for a few years. Many of these wands might even be older than you." The old man smiled.

"In that case are there any specific qualities besides how long they last we should know?"

The old man scratched his chin again as he observed the wands. "Most are pretty standard with your most basic healing charms. So, the most you could get away with is a very low mid tier spell. But these three-" He pushed them forward. "-are special. This left one with a small red ruby on the handle will let you channel a fireball. The middle one with a blue line down the wand will let you shoot water from it, and the last one has a purple stone at the bottom, causing it to be called from a nearby distance. With these special gems and engravings, they let you use the spells at a very low mana cost. Best of all simply calling out the name will be the trigger to cast, so no need to teach yourself the spell."

Rophalin turned to me, scratching her head. "Well it's up to you Delsanra."

I was at an impasse, all three had various specialties I could see using. If I took the fire ball edition then any low level enemies could be held off or even killed. The water edition could be good if we need a drink and there is no river nearby, but that's if the water is good to drink. Offensively it's clear the fire ball is the most useful out of all of them, but the water may be worth it as well.

My eyes landed on the third wand, the purple stone glimmered. I picked it up gently and felt the weight in my hand. It was thin but not to long, it made up in size for the writings on it.

"Vaeril, what do you think?" I turned my head to see where he had gone.

Not far from the counter Vaeril was sitting on a nearby chair half asleep.

"Vaeril!" Rophalin shouted.

"Huh!?" He looked left to right before fully waking. Rubbing his eyes he said, "What?!"

"What wand do you think I should get?"

"Well, not one with an offensive charm since you can barely defend yourself even against something like a slime."

Rophalin crossed her arms, "Isn't that why she should get an offensive charm!"

"Remember, I'm a guy Rophalin."

"Sorry Delsanra," She shrunk in embarrassment.

"I understand your reasoning but remember when I let him try my bow, even with me doing 99% of the work he couldn't aim straight."

"Yeah, I don't know. I could try to learn to aim."

"With where you're at right now Delsanra, I would stick to any other option you could take." Vaeril leaned back in the chair and began to dose off again.

"Ok, then I think I made my decision."


We stepped out of the book store and parted ways. Vaeril said he had made some plans and would have to leave so Rophalin decided to go shopping. I decided to go home, considering my classes exam was tomorrow I needed to make sure to study.

The exams weren't particularly difficult but since Delsanra was a very consistent student I hadn't been forced to continue with his studies. Thankfully I wasn't thrown into the body of some lazy student who hadn't paid attention for the past month.

Stepping back into my building the nice heat from the vents hit my cold skin. It was so nice I felt so cozy. 

Walking down my hall a glaring pair of eyes emerged from a door.

"I've been waiting for you."

It was none other than Sofia. She was a short, well shaped elf with long black hair and large round eyes. She was shy around most people but was very quick to warm up to the taller guys she hung out with. Right now her normal anxiety was gone, filled instead was excitement.

She was shaking as she opened her door and said, "Come inside."

"Yeah Nope." I turned to continue down to my dorm before her arm shot out and grabbed my wrist.

"Delsanra, let's say you don't have a choice."

"Why is that?" I asked annoyed.

"At first I didn't notice but that man that was in the dorms was accompanied by some short blonde girl. Then I got to thinking who was that blonde girl, then I realized the only short blonde person on this floor was you!"

She didn't have to say anymore, I knew what she was going to do. Black mail.

She wasn't very experienced with it clearly, but her greedy smile told me everything before her words could even come out.

I walked inside and sat down on her bed.

The room was so different than mine. For one my colors were so bright, but her room had been decorated with dark furniture and her wardrobe was primarily black.

Is this the equivalent to goth in this world, even her curtains and bed were a dark purple. I felt tired just being in the room.

When Sofia closed the door she walked and sat right beside me on her bed. The other bed in the room was for her roommate who clearly wasn't around lately. A thin layer of dust could be seen on her desk, and key belongings on the bookshelves were bare and her closet looked half empty.

Sofia leaned forward a bit, "Don't worry my roommate doesn't come back for another week."

She smirked and took off the sweatshirt she was wearing.


Beneath the sweatshirt she wore the equivalent to a sports bra. Her tits were large and plump, she often hid them under her sweatshirts but clearly she felt comfortable. In fact very comfortable, despite the sports bra she was wearing pajama like pants with cute purple sock and a thong, with its band sticking out over her pants.

"Delsanra, I want to make a deal with you."


"We know that if you are reported with a nonstudent in the dorms you get a strike."

I protested, "But that is only if multiple people come forward."

"Correct, some of the other girls on this floor saw you leaving with the tall man I saw but also a tall woman and orc."

What? But that can't be, the hall was empty?! Was she lying to me, or is she being serious?

"Hehehe, you little slut. We could hear you, you know. Your moaning and the loud pounding filled the hall!" She was gloating at the knowledge of this information. She was looking giddy, I noticed her hands were pressed against her pussy. She... She was enjoying this. Touching herself just by the memory of her hearing Vaeril and I. It's probably amplified by the fact she thinks it was a foursome.

"Hehe, you even brought the Orc back you slut!" She moaned a bit as she laughed. 

"Ahem," She straightened herself out. "I won't come forward to the floor manager if you do one thing for me..."

"What is that Sofia?"

"Simple, teach me how to get a boy."