

Alessandro Francesco is the handsome son of a poor cobbler. He suffered extreme degradation when he got married to the niece of the richest CEO in Italy. He was treated like trash by her rich family members and he was subjected to extreme degradation because of how poor he was. All of a sudden the CEO dies and Alassandro's name was written in his will, the entire company and all the CEOs properties were willed to him. Now that he was CEO, it was time for payback.

Scarlet_Carmichael · Urbano
Classificações insuficientes
6 Chs

Chapter 4

Alessandro took over the CEO position the following day after Alonzo's funeral. He now lived in a mansion with his dad, Eduardo. 

 After so long, he finally felt like a normal human being. Alessandro didn't plan on letting everything that the Lorenzo's did to him slide, he was going to repay them in double folds.

 He had so much money now that he didn't even know what to do with it. For so long whenever he thought about being rich, he also thought about all the things he would buy for Mia and how he would take care of her. He thought about all their moments together and he shook his head sadly.

"Alessandro!" Federico yelled loudly. They were currently at Alessandro's newly acquired luxurious mansion.

"It's time to make your first appearance in the Lorenzo Group," Federico said. 

 Alessandro was wearing an expensive black tux while Federico was dressed smartly also, he's actually Alessandro's assistant.

"Are you ready?" Federico asked.

"Yes," Alessandro replied confidently. 


 The driver opened the car door for them and they entered. The driver ignited the car and he started driving them to Lorenzo Group.

"Since my dad froze my account, I thought I'll continue serving drinks at that hotel forever" Federico said. "I'm so glad you got this golden opportunity which changed my life for the better," Federico said.

"If you hadn't opened my eyes, I would have let this opportunity slip past my fingers, thank you Federico" Alessandro smiled.

"It's okay, girls will come and go but real buds will stay forever" Federico said and Alessandro smirked.

 They reached Lorenzo Group 20 minutes later. Reporters and News crews were in front of the building, eagerly waiting for Alessandro's arrival. 

 All eyes fell on Alessandro's BMW as it pulled up at the front of the building. The driver, who was dressed in a fine suit, quickly alighted the car and he opened the door for Alessandro. 

 His well polished shoe gently made contact with the ground and cameras began flashing. Alessandro emerged fully and screams followed, the reporters began asking numerous questions but thankfully Alessandro's bodyguards showed up in time, they covered him and Federico from the reporters till they got inside the magnificent building.

 Leonardo was already waiting for them, they saw him immediately they entered.

"Uncle" Alessandro called.

"Now that we are at work, you don't have to call me that," Leonardo said. "You can call me Leonardo," Leonardo said.

"I wouldn't dare try that," Alessandro chuckled.

"Dad," Federico called.

"It's Mr Massimo to you" Leonardo said and Alessandro chuckled.

"I'll show you around" Leonardo said and he started walking away.

"I don't get why he's so uptight and strict with me," Federico sighed.

"Stop thinking about it" Alessandro said and they started following Leonardo.

 As they walked, people kept bowing to them and offering their greetings. If someone told him a week ago that he'll be in this position, he would have called that person mad but here he was now, receiving all the fame, respect, riches and glory that he has always wished for.


 Cecilia who was watching the news about Alessandro screamed in anger, she threw her heels to the tv screen and it cracked and went off instantly.

"Antonio!! Antonio!" Cecilia yelled madly. Antonio was alighting the stairs when he heard his wife screaming like some mad woman.

"What is it? What!?" He asked frustratingly, his whole head was a mess. He really didn't know what to do about this Alessandro issue.

"Fix this! Do something! Call the lawyers or someone that can help" Cecila yelled.

"And you think I've not tried to do any of that, this whole issue is making me go bald slowly" Antonio said. "I'm going to the company to see what i can do" Antonio said and he started heading out.

"Please do it because I can't bear this, I really can't!!" Cecilia yelled.

 At that moment Alessandor and Mia walked in, they looked disappointed and sad about how everything turned out.

"You!" Cecilia faced Mia. "You need to get married to one of those rich men you've been following, make it snappy, get him to propose" Cecila said.

"And you Alessandor, just do something with your life and yourself" Cecilia yelled and Alessandor folded his fist angrily.

"This can't be happening!! Never!" Cecilia yelled crazily as she went up the stairs.


 Alessandro was currently in his grand and spacious office, his hands were on his temples as he kept thinking about everything. He still didn't understand why Alonzo wrote his name in his will. If it were only his name that was written in there he would have concluded it was a typing error but his surname was written there also. He facepalmed himself and sighed tiredly. He was just lucky he went to business school, else it would have been over for him.


 He heard a knock on the door and Federico came in. "Dude you don't have to knock," Alessandro said.

 Federico sighed, "If I don't, my dad will kill me," he said. "Anyways Antonio Lorenzo is here so it's time for the board meeting" he said.

"Is he now?" Alessandro smirked. "Let's go" he got up from his chair and sauntered out of the office. It's like the rich lifestyle was meant for him because he blended immediately.

 The two grand doors of the meeting room opened revealing men who were old enough to be his father and Antonio, seated and waiting for him. They all got up and bowed slightly while some offered their greetings.

 Alessandro elegantly sat on the chair that's meant for the CEO, Federico sat beside him and Leonardo was seated at Alessandro's left hand side.

"Proceed," Alessandro said.

"Firstly, I'm Williams Bryan the manager of Lorenzo group and we want to welcome you here and.." the man who was talking was interrupted by Alessandro.

 "Go straight to the point, Williams," Alessandro said. 

"Investors from New Zealand are willing to pay 900 billion dollars for shares in this company but I'm afraid we're out of shares to sell" Williams said and Alessandro smirked.

"Most of you here have shares in this company, am I right?" Alessandro asked.

 The men in the room started sweating nervously, "Y.. yes we do" Williams stuttered.

"And my dear ex father-in-law has the most shares here" Alessandro said and Antonio frowned immediately.

"I looked into it and you bought those shares for a giveaway price of 50 million dollars," Alessandro said. "I think it's pretty obvious where I'm heading at, who's the financial manager here?" Alessandro asked.

"I am" a man who was in his early 50s said. "I am Steward Brown," he said.

"Refund Antonio's 50 million, henceforth Antonio doesn't have any shares in this company, I'm officially kicking him out cause he has no use here anymore" Alessandro said. "Meeting adjourned," he said with a smirk on his face.