

Maelyn stared at the snow falling outside the window hospital where she rests.

She's now in her 40th year living in this world alone, no partner, no kids and aloof to the world. There was once in her life that she thought all emotions she had was null, that she can't feel anything anymore but now, she knew she was wrong.

She feels lonely.

She was already in her late stage brain tumor and she already discussed with her doctor that she will not do any treatment at all. Ever since knowing her condition, she already stopped communicating with her siblings, since both her Mom and Dad already passed away.

Slowly, she's becoming weak, headaches kept coming and she's already starting to vomit blood.

She slept and dreamt once again for the last time.

It was such a happy dream.

There it was again, the silhouette of the man she's always been dreaming about. There was still the shiny, black locks that looked so soft to touch, pair of striking eyes that always seemed to say that she was his world and lastly his pair of kissable lips that always smiles at her as she smiles too but this time she can't seem to see him smile.

"Sorry, I know you wanted me to still live and enjoy life but I can't. I feel so alone, I do know that you've long been gone from this world, I think that was the time that I thought all my feelings inside me were died. But now, I feel so alone and sad that I know I can't be with you in this lifetime." She touched his chiseled face that is absent with its usual smile.

"But now, I know that I do feel. But I feel so alone and in despair knowing that I can't meet you in this lifetime." She closed her eyes and slowly touched her forehead with his. She felt her heart clenched. She promised with herself that if she was given a chance, she would find him and cherish the time that will be given to her to be with him.

She cried as she let her lips get closer to his.