
Tower of God: Gamer System

ShadowPanda_538 · Anime e quadrinhos
Classificações insuficientes
52 Chs

Ch. 29 Escape

( Zero Pov )

Two years have passed, and today should be my 17th birthday. And I spent it with Bam as he gazed at the night sky or ceiling of the tower.

I am standing next bam as I read my friends' journal. From her first day of entering the army to her last input.

Inside, I found a picture, it was the picture of our team when we accomplished our first mission.

We were all smiling, thinking we'll win the war ourselves. But it only proved to be nothing but a dream.

" Here." I held out the photo to which Bam took it and looked at.

" That's what you call the sky. And that is the sun, a star."

" W...what?" He looked shocked as he looked at the photo.

" And those people, those were my firmed before I entered the tower. That lanky guy there with glasses, his name is Jim. But we called him four eyes. And that's Emilia, an engineer. My leader, Zero."

Bam looked at me confused.

" He was my mentor, someone I admired. I took his name after he... he passed away. He was a slave just like me. 02492 was his number. "

" Them, what's your real name?" Bam asked.

" Ashborn... reborn from war. Before I joined them, I was named dog or something I don't bother remembering."

" You're... from outside the tower..." Bam muttered.

" I guess you could say that."

" Why... why are you telling me this?" He asked as he gave me the photo back.

" Because I'm going to escape. I may be killed in the process, but I'm want to know if you wish to come as well."

Bam looked down for a few seconds before replying.

" I can't... they'll kill everyone. And I want to get stronger." He replied.

I nodded as i expected that response.

" Then, I wish you luck, Bam. Since we won't see each other for a while, let me tell you about space."

" Space?"

I smiled as I got his full attention.

" Yes, space, it's what holds the stars, the sun and moon, as well as other planets. "

I closed the journal before telling Bam about the solar system.

I also began telling him about the amazing sights I saw, like the Aurora and light pillars. After a while, I stopped as I looked at Bam.

" Bam, as much as I don't want to leave a friend behind. I want to let you know I'm sorry about being a little hard on you for trusting Rachel, but I want to let you know. I'm really grateful for having a friend like you."

" I enjoyed the times and hardships we faced together. But I don't want to feel like a caged bird anymore."

" Zero...ashborn, do you think.. we could reach the top?" He asked.

" Of course. I promise you, didn't I? I'll bring not only you, but also khun, Rak, and everyone to the top." I replied.

" Ashborn, could you tell more about the outside?" He asked.

" Well, since I'm leaving. I might as well."

" Ah, right before I forget, here a lucky charm." I gave Bam a charm that enchance a person luck.

" Th...thank you." I received the gift as I bagen to tell him more about my world.

And sometimes, a little bit of my past. It felt nice to tell someone about myself.

Hours passed as I stood up.

" It's time for me to prepare, Bam. it's nice talking with you. " I walked away to get ready to escape.

( Bam's Pov )

Tonight, I learned a lot from Zero or Ashborn, the stars, and the beautiful places he has seen despite the darkness he faced.

His determination to keep moving forward despite having no direction. His memories of his friends and their journey were something to remember.

' Though I wished he would tell a little more.' I thought as I sat in my room.


I heard the Sirens going off as I heard footsteps rushing through the hallway outside.

" Ashborn..."

I heard screams and shouts before feeling the rumbling and the walls shaking.

I felt the shinsu in the air becoming heavier.

( Zero Pov )

" Out of the way!!" I shouted as I kicked a large regular away.

" Graa! Zero! What are you doing!?" He shouted as I approached him with the greatsword in hand.

" Escaping." I replied as I stepped on his throat.

" We...grk...used...to be ...a team!" He screamed.

" Team? I only have one team. It's definitely not with you." I replie as I break his neck and take his keys.

It would take a day for Jinsung and the other rankers to reach this floor, so now is the perfect time to kill every FUG member here so they wouldn't chase me.

I stepped over the choking guards bleeding from their orifice as they tried to crawl away.

' Seems is effective.' I thought as I looked at the other group approaching.

I gripped my greatsword and rested it upon my shoulder as I walked towards them.

The sword hummed as the guards stopped in their tracks. Fear was evident in their faces as they all stepped back.

It didn't take long for them to reach a conclusion that they wouldn't be able to beat me, so they all tried to run away, but as soon as all of turned heel, they froze.

Some silently cried, accepted their fate, and struggled as they held them down with telekinesis.

[ Ruthless Decimation]


I walked past the dead bodies that had been cleaved in half. Their blood painted the hallway as I made my way outside.

' I should leave now, before he arrives...'

" Woah! Slow down, man."

I paused and stared at the man in front of me. The leader of this branch. Elgin.

" Out of the way." I spoke as I silently channeled the mana throughout my body.

[ Mana Boost ]

" You know, I never had the chance to fight a genius. I'm really curious!" He grinned ear to ear as I felt the shinsubin the air move.

Three baangs formed as he shot them towars me.

I dodged the first, blocked the second with the greatsword, and I realized how low dense the baangs are, so I swatted the last one.

[ -12hp ]

After blocking the last Baang, Elgin immediately rushed forward with his needle.

I blocked it and guided it downward before hitting in the liver and using the pummel to hit his nose.

" Ah!" He stepped back as he held his nose.

" If you really want to stop me, don't hold back." I spoke as I activated my [ Sharingan ] and stepped to the right to dodge his needle.

Elgin is known to be fastest in the entire branch, so imagine his surprise when i predict his attack.

His eyes widen in focus as he bagn to take this fight seriously as he repeatedly attacks.

I memorized every single movement he made and adapted my body to his speed.

" Just, the hell are you doing?!" He shouted in frustration.

" Learning." I replied before ducking under an attack, I decided that I had enough information to defeat him in a quick manner.

I threw a smoke bomb into his face, stunning him.

[ Winters Bite] It's an upgraded version of [ Cold Blade], and I used it by slashing his arm. And before he could react, his right arm started to freeze.

Using the smoke as coverage, I continued to slash him until he was frozen as the smoke began to disappear.

" Fucking idiot. Should've moved." I muttered as I passed his frozen corpse.

No one was left to kill as I easily made my way outside and grabbed my fixed jacket from the spatial bag and wore it.

" Finally." I smiled as I walked through the street of regulars on the 9th floor.

[ Ding! Mission Completed! ]


( Hello! I hoped everyone enjoyed the chapter! Right now I want to know if anyone wouldn't mind if I add Fate, Because I got an idea for creating a team which is summoning servants from Fate. If you don't any of that, or do, I'll just hold a vote. )

Yes, add more stuff.


No, keep everything as is.