
Chapter 1

Chapter 1

Huff Puff

'Fuck! Fuck! Fuck! Fuck! Fuck! Fuck! Fuck! What the fuck!?!'

I thoughtly cursed deep inside my soul, my heart, and my being, for whoever mother son of coconuts did this to me, I swear if I die! You will be the first in my list! You son of a Gundam!!

Pant Pant Pant

' What the hell! What the hell! What the hell! What the hell! What the hell! What the hell! What the hell! What the hell! What the fucking hell!?!'

Huff Puff Huff Puff

I angerly asked as I dashed forward without stopping, without any moment to look back, neither any time for me to discern where am I? What just happened? What are those? As I keep running and running and running, passing every trees, broken trunks, small rocks, giant boulders, there is even a whatever cave thingy I pass through as I keep dashing and dashing, trying to use my useless, already tired, and wounded legs to at least carry me out from the fang of that freaky huge insect like monster that was chasing me like crazy

"I'm fucking tin you damn fucker! At least wait for me to get fat!!"

I yelled as I keep my eyes wide open, piercing with my terrified and already moist eyes, trying to help me at least find which path to take, and which route I shouldn't. My mouth was opened wide to support me to breath as I run down the pathway I choose to take, while I hold my already bitten and cut right arm as I dash forward, without looking back, and without trying to do so.

"Why, why, why, why, why, why, why, why, why, why, why the hell is this happening to me!?'


' Fuck!'

I yelled as I accidentally, without me noticing, that I bump to a tree trunk in front of me, causing me to stumble down and rolled below like a dead log


I then rolled and rolled and rolled and rolled like a cinnamon roll.

'Shit! This gonna hurt like hell!!'

I then used my already worn out and battered left hand to cover my head as much as possible before hitting myself to a giant rock below me.



Hitting my flesh body to a rock solid object, caused my back to hurt like I was hit by a metal bat at my tendons, could even hear some of my bone cracked. A bit staggering as I got up, I then used my left hand to stand up, carrying my tired, and almost at the dead end body to stand up. After I got up

Bang! Crush! Groan! Bam! Thud! Screech! Thump! Rustle!

Sound of trees falling as its getting crashed, and being blown away resound the deep forest

Clatter! Clatter! Clatter! Thud! Thud! Thud!

Loud stomping of a massive body then followed through, rampaging down the trees that is getting in its way, crashing them down by its gigantic might


It's loud roar vibrated the vicinity, roaring down the forest deep


Trying to lift my body up faster than I could, I then turn myself back at front and started hastening my movements, carrying my wounden self away from the monster that was chasing me.

Staggering as I ran down the slope, I could only advance a hifty amount of distance, as I carried my already tired legs, and broken body down below, away from the monsters that was rushing towards me.

'Come on, come on, come on, come one, come on!!'

Gritting my teeth, as my pained and strain body screamed it's defeat, but I still carried on, trying to at least make a gap between me and that hideous beast, trying to at least extend my life even for a bit

'Come on dude, moved!!!'

I screamed as I pushed my already exhausted self, pushing every last bit of my strength, trying to at least pour every bits of my last remaining minutes into this one dash

"Come o-"




I groan as for the first time in my life, I now knew how it felt to be stabbed right into your gut, as a sharp pincer like thing of the monster thrusted me, and went through my stomach, Impaling me as the monster came out of nowhere down below


I yelp as It then raised my body up high with its long limbs, making me felt like that lion from a movie, but unlike the movie, it wasn't a baboon who carried me up, but an insect like one that was trying to munch me alive

Time suddenly slows down as I could feel the wind breeze passing through me, letting me felt its windy touch.

'Fucking dammit'

Finally able to reached the maximum height that monster could raised me, I then fall down with great speed below


A loud explosion came as its huge body slum down the ground, causing the soil to crack and break as its impact greatly took a huge blow to the ground could even handle.


As the monster crashed, my body then was being pushed as my pierced stomach slid through the pincer like horn that impaled me, causing me unbearable pain as I was forcefully being pulled away from it. I was then sent flying, and crashed to a tree trunk I was sent into. I then rolled down the slope, dashing myself like a bowling ball with great momentum

Rocks and other broken trunks scratched me along the way, pilling another bunch of wounds on my already wounded body, while ripping my clothes off along the way




I keep bouncing and bouncing as I rolled down the slope, causing my body that was already at its limit receive another bruises and strains, pilling up another bunch of pain and agony



I then halted as I hit a huge trunk in my way, stopping me on my track, and breaking another bones in my already worthless body. With my remaining strength, I then used my weary left hand to lift me up, to at least let me carry my wounden self, and look for any shelter, or placed for me to at least hide.

Cough Cough

With my heavy eyes, and hazzy vision, I then stared at front


Not listening, nor being bothered by the loud roar of that monster behind me. Looking up front I then saw a tattered, old, and quite not well maintained structure, made of old stone, with plants, ferns, and moss, covering the old tower, stating the facts how old and battered it has been. I then staggered forward, trying to carry my wounden self forward. I used my left hand to at least cover and hold my guts and organs before it spills below, it might not be much, but I could at least maintain my life, and hold on a bit longer than I could possibly imagine

Rustling of the ground and another loud crash of trees and a terrible quake shaken my self as fear and chill crawled down my spine, indicating that the monster just got back its feet. Without looking back, I then hurriedly carried my self towards the old tower, trying to at least extend my life there, finding anything that I could took a shelter from, or even defend myself for whatever circumstances may hit me like a fuck


I took step by step, striding my way towards the tower as I gritted my teeth, trying to bear the pain my body felt

'Not just my arm and now my stomach? Dude knew which part is delicious ha'

Trying to at least sway all my fear and distress in my anxious self, jokingly I spoke the terrible fate that whoever pulled me from my home did.

Huff Puff Pant Pant

With my hoarse panting, and heavy breathing, couple with my blooded and wounded body, I still move, walked, and hurriedly trying to increase the distance between me and the grim reaper behind me.

Thud Thud Thud

Clatter Clatter Clatter

'Here comes mother scuttle! Fuck!'

Cursing again as a loud thumping of monstrous step echoed and vibrated the whole forest, and this time, this time it's step were ferociously deadly and angry

Luck or whatever came and gave me its grace, I was able to reach the tower first - though still a bit distance - and clearly saw how run down the stone structure was. In front of the ramshackled tower was a old, worn out and completely destroyed wooden gate, a huge mahogany colored gate. I then went inside it, trying to sway the thought that that monster could easily break and destroy the already broken gate.

I then staggered as I went inside, swiftly trying to observe my surroundings, discerning every bits of what my vision could sight and found an uneven rocks forming a little cave that could fit a middle school child

'I should thank my whore and worthless mother for giving me a petite body'

I then directly without any moment to lose nor hesitation to make as I moved my body and rush towards the small cave



Another loud explosion then came, closer than before, but not caring about that monsters rampaging wake, I keep my eyes wide open and stared only at the cave, moving my helpless body as I hasten myself forward, trying to pull and peel even squeeze every bits and bits of my last remaining strength - which I am surprised about that I have - and rushed towards the cave. Staggered and a bit fast, I keep striding my step with great momentum and took every step like my life depend on it

'How funny cause it is!'

I then keep going forward, moving forward, daushing forward, and walking forward with everything I have left

Haah Haah hah hah

With my dry throat and heavy panting, my vision became hazzier and hazzier than ever, blocking my sight with my tired eyelids which keeping my vision intact was harder every second that pass, but did I falter? Huge no! I still want to live, I still wanted to at least live, maybe for tomorrow, for another day, maybe a week, a month, or year, I don't know, but I want to live, I wanna live, I don't want to die yet

'Come on! Come on! Come on! Come on! Come on! Hurryyy!!'

My mouth is wide open, and my tired and heavy eyes were already reached it maximum length as I keep staring and staring and staring at the little hope, my little hope

'Just a bit more, just a bit more!'




Staggerly hoping my way, I then tried to hasten myself even a bit, rushing down the short cave I found without looking back as I keep pushing myself up

'Come on! Come on! Come on! Come on!'

Thud Thud Thud Thud Thud Thud

With its gigantic body rustling towards me, I could clearly hear a train like noise as if the grim reaper just took her lazy time riding a bullet train towards me, holding its giant scythe and aiming at my defenseless, worn out body

'Fuck! I should have at least sleep with Diana before I die!'

Cursing I keep myself dashing and dashing and dashing, not wasting any moment, not wasting my precious little moment to turn back as I peel my eyes wide open to the front

Seconds, minutes, hours or whatever, I don't know as time flew by like a rushing wind in the sky, breezing me with its gentle touch, as I could only hear my own breathing heart, thumping loudly at my chest, and my hoarse dry breath, trying to make its way to my battered body


Bit by bit, I could clearly see the small cave right in front of me, it so small that I am thankful enough that both my wonderful and lovable respected parents were able to give birth to such small little kid

But as I almost taste the victory in front, my body suddenly-no, my body just reach its limit as I mistakenly took a misstep and tangled my right and left feet, causing me to fall down


My body then stumble, and as if all the music in the world came together, I could now clearly hear the loud rustle of death behind me



Screamed with all the remaining strength in my lungs, I cursed to the world, to my parents, to the gods, to whoever shit called me here about my hatred, about my pain, and about my agony

I then stared with my cloudy vision up front, stretched my left hand forward and cursed

'It just what!? 5, 6, 7 or like 8 fucking damn meters away from there, and guess what!? What!?! Fuckkk!!"

I then slump my tired and heavy head on the ground, huffing and puffing as I clenched my left hand tightly into a fist


I then looked aboved me and for the first time, with my fuzzy vision saw what kind of fucker just chased me. It was a combination of a giant centipede and an arthropod

'Wait, isn't a centipede an arthropod?'

The fuck do I know, I could even hardly passed all my middle school exam and only got myself lucky enough to even graduate, so how the hell do I know the difference between the two anyway!?

I then tightly closed my fist and slump it down the ground before I closed my eyes and calmed my beating heart

'At least, I did try'

And smiled before I lose my vision and fallen asleep


It was December 4, 2437, my birthday, but rather than any so fabulous and oh so great birthday party or celebration, I was eating one and a half dried fish coupled with a half cup rice, I was celebrating my birthday as I sang and bliss myself for whatever wish I wanted, even knowing that never once did it came true

"Happy birthday me, I just wish for another day"

I then clap my hands and took a bite of my wonderful meal.

I was the sole son of my worthless parents, living alone in a dump like place you might call home, in fact, I could even compare this to a pig den, and won't deny that even a dog's house is far more luxurious than my chabby, run down, and already or almost broken house

My mom left me after she went out to his hot American boyfriend just because his much better in bed than my father, and also rich. My father went and ditched me also with a hot busty Korean and went to wherever they wanted to spend their life fucking. I already lost my grandparents, that I totally wish should have happened to my parents than them. My grandmother was the best grandmother I could ever asked, and even though my grandfather is strict and totally has sharp tongue, but he was still able to feed me and took care of me, his what you refer as tsundere old man. Both succumb to their death, which was reported as heart failure after I just got back from school. I have no relatives left, or like I just don't know who they were

I left school after I barely graduated middle school, and took a part time job in any store or household that may accept me. At first to live by, I only pick pocket in the market street, trying to squeeze myself to the ground and grab their wallets behind them. After I was caught, I then decided to give up and just took a normal job. 10 years of being a house keeper on my crush household, I was living a bit good life until I was kick out for being accused of peeping on that two face bitch, like what can she gain on it anyway?

I then filled my entire life living in the street, trying to scavenge my way through with plastic and boxes to be junk, until one night, after my birthday, a summoning circle like thing - thankfully I was lended some Manga book from my classmate, so I knew - and teleported me to whatever place I came to be

The surrounding area was dark and eerie, full of grown trees that were blocking the sung light gaze, not making any way through for the sunlight to pass in between

Anxious and terrified, I keep myself in check and tried to observe my surroundings, trying to at least help me discover where I am. Few seconds or minutes of silence, I then started walking up front, not able to know which is my north or south, I just walked and used my guts which totally I then regretted. A huge black thingy then out of nowhere came at me and bit my righ arm off, it then swayed me as it keep chewing and biting my broken arm with its giant maw. After my arm and body detached itself, I was then thrown away, causing me to get away from that monster, not looking back I just moved forward, running with all my heart before that monster finished munching my arm



Feeling my body screaming in pain, I then groaned in response. With my tired body, I then opened my heavy eyelids. My fuzzy vision weren't able to help me discern where I am, and as my body was tired, I could only looked up and have no remaining strength to turn my head to the side.


I then moaned again as strain and brushes than my body just took was now taking its effect after I have rested and woken up. Suddenly feeling a much colder breeze than before, I then gaze at my body, lifting my head a little bit before I slump it back and thought

'Someone is here'

I concluded as I saw that I am shirtless and I as my move my vision to my right, I then saw my cut right arm was now wrapped in a bondage, a clean white bondage.

'I should have losed my consciousness for an hour or so, seeing that the bondage that wrapped on my injured arm has no blood'

But who did it? Trying to relaxed myself, I then took a deep breath, silently I then took another one


After I have calmed myself up, I then tried remembering what just happened

'After I stumble down and was about to be that giant monsters meal, I then lose my consciousness and nothing furthermore.....'

I then closed my eyes and opened them again and tried to turn my head to side, slowly and carefully, and gradually I was able to look at my left. At there, a small camp fire was lit, with few herbs was placed atop of a grass like thingy, with few berries and apples on it. At the camp fire was some fish impaled to a stick and was being roasted near the camp fire. As I tried observing more, I then saw some fire woods that was piled up just a bit further away from where the berries are, and beside was a long spear, as I can't see it clearly it might be made with stone or iron

I then took another deep breath and closed my eyes. After a few minutes pass, I then tried moving my left arm, moving my fingers first before I gradually able to move my hand then my arm. I then tried as carefully as possible to move my legs.


I then took a sigh of relief knowing that my body seems to be, not fully but remarkably intact and good. I then moved my left arm towards my abdomen and tried touching my stomach that was pierced by that bastard.

'Its completely wrapped up'

Though I don't know if it's already healed or not, but I'm quite thankful enough that it was not that critically injured.

"So you are awake"

Swiftly, my reflexes then kicks in as I hurriedly turn my vision to my left which caused a sudden jolt of pain on my neck

"Don't try to strain yourself"

The voice then spoke in a bit concerning tone. And as I look at my front, I then saw a woman coming inside with few carrots and cabbage - both were quite bigger that what I have remembered - that she carried in a wrapped clothe that she made, hanging on her right arm like a basket. She then placed a fishing rod - which is just made with a stick and a tin rope - beside the spear, and placed the wrapped up clothe like basket near the campfire.

"You are quite lucky that I was still nearby, or you should have been that {Centrapod} breakfast"

".... So that what that fucker was called"

I stated in pissed off tone. The woman then smiled a bit as she placed some of the carrots she brought couple with some potatoes and gabbage. She then took some stick she already sharpen and impaled another bunch of fish she caught. She then went over just beside the fire woods and took a basket, it was coated in a tawny brown, one of those picnic basket you keep seeing in the part. As she opened it, she then took some salt, and beside the basket was a bucket full of water.

"You passed out for almost an 5 hours, but seeing you received such wounds, I can't really blame you if you took a whole day being unconscious"

She stated as she washed the impaled fish before she rub some salt on it.

"I think you are hungry, so after you can move your body up, eat"

She muttered in an order tone but quite pleasing one to hear. I then nodded, understanding what she just said. After she pierced the new impaled fish next to the camp fire and rotated the other that she roasted first to the other side, she then stood up and walked towards the entrance.

She was wearing those old vikings clothes that I was seeing in game and manga that my classmates always brought. The upper was coated in a worn out stone blue, and her skirt was painted in a fog gray coat.

"Eat some meat when you get hungry, you need to build your stamina and strength"

And left. I then stared a bit of time in the entrance where she told before I thought

'At least she isn't trying to end my life yet'

A few moments pass, after I have realized that I can now turn my body to my side, I then took a deep breath before I turn my body to left. Afterwards, I then used my left hand to lift me up, slowly and carefully as I could. After I have sat down, I then took a moment of rest before I tried moving my legs in an up and down manner. After I have discern that my legs are now a bit okay, I then took another deep breath and used my left hand to help me stand. I did failed a couple of times, but after a few rest along the way, I then tried another one.


And this time, I timingly put a strength on my legs and as I used my left hand to push me up.

Huff Huff

As I stood up, I then remained a bit to where I was, just standing there as I let my legs get used to my body's weight. After a while, I then moved my right leg first


Rest a bit as I won't try to hasten myself before I used my left leg. Between the intervals of my slow, and careful step, sometimes I was about to stagger and fell down, so I halted midway and raised my left hand in a horizontal manner to the side to help me balance myself off. After a few moments, I was able to reach where the campfire is. After I got there, I then slowly sat down just a meter from the camp fire. And as I just a bit away from the ground, I then slump my ass down which is a bit painful to my butt. I then stretched my legs and placed my left hand behind me as an archor.

I then strengthen myself up, took the already cooked roasted fish away from the camp fire and pierce it on the ground next to me. As it was still hot, I just let it cool down a bit for me to nimble on it. I then took the apple just a distance from where I was, used my pants to clean it, and placed it on my lap. I then reached out to the water that the woman already placed near where the apples are, inside a bowl.



Chugging down the water carefully to not choke myself, I then wipe my mouth with a refreshing feeling. I then took the apple on my lap and munch it


Chew Chew Chew

After a few more bites I then grab another bowl of water and drank it. After the whole apple was eaten out, I then decided to take the roasted fish next. I blew it off and took a simple nimble, after I knew that it wasn't hot anymore I then took a bite. Using my teeth to take out some of its bones, I happily ate the roasted meal I have in this foreign land.


After I have eaten 3 apples and 2 roasted fish, I then sat down and gazed at the entrance of the place I was in. I then moved my legs a bit before I stood up and walked towards the open entrance. As I reached the entrance, what greeted me was a vast plain land with a bit of grass growing on it. Trees can be seen around the place I was in, some were a bit clustered making a bit deep and dim one, while the others were placed by pair or by four at each side near each other, or further from one another.

But what totally amazed me is how strong that woman is, seeing I was further from the broken wooden entrance I entered, it then adds up that that woman could easily choke me to death if she wants to.

"Like the view of the tower?"

I then turn my head to my left, and saw her walking towards me with 4 cleaned fishes that she was carrying on her right side.


She then nodded

"This is my tower, quite small to be one but it still growing"

She then passed me and went inside

"[Havre de sécurité] is what I call it. It's a [Novice Rank] tower, pretty low compared to the others but, I'm trying to build it into a stronger one, oh so you already ate, that's good"

'[Novice Rank] tower? Others? What?'

Confused and puzzled, I then went inside after she got in. I then stood there and gazed at her

"You have some questions, so why not asked"

".... Where am I?"

She then stared at me, puzzled before she spoke

"Like I told you, you are in my tower, [Havre de secu-"

"No, not the tower, I heard you loud and clear. What I am asking is, where am I?"

"Oh my bad"

She then stood up and went towards me, and stand beside me as she hold a knife she was sharpening with a stone

"You are in the [Land of the Great Death Serpent], just pass north of the [Boulder of the Mountain Pass], which is in between of the [River of Twin Falls]. We are pretty much located in the border between the empire of the west, and the empire of the south. I was really surprised that you came from the - wait are you okay? "

She questioned as she saw me placing my left hand on my forehead, trying to massage my temples as I tried swallowing all those information that she just out of nowhere shove at me

'[Land of the Great Death Serpent]? [Boulder of the Moutain Pass]? And [River of twin Falls]!? What the hell are those places?!'

I then tried to relax myself as I faced her and politely asked

"I'm sorry but, I am quite lost to what you just said"


"To be precise, what I am asking is, where am I? Where is this place? What world is this?"

She then stared at me for a bit of time, discerning me from my head to toe before she muttered

"..... I thought you were just a mere refugee that accidentally stumble to my tower, but I guess you are one of those [Foreign Lost Soul]"

"[Foreign Lost.... Soul]? "

"They aren't rare but not common either, we refer them as that as they were drifting souls that lost their way to the afterlife, and got pulled towards our world. To be precise, we sometimes refer them as [Summoned Lost Soul]"

Stunned and aghast to her words, I stared at her for quite some time before I closed my eyes and truly accepted that I was now in the different world. At first I thought I was just inside a stimulation, but seeing that monster bite my arms, I thought I was inside of my nightmare, but I guess both were completely a mistake, as I was totally summoned to another world, to a foreign land, to an unknown place


"What the!?"

As I was trying to collect all the information that she placed on me, a sudden tremor came, shaking the very ground we are standing, and the first thing came to my mind was


I then tried as swiftly as I could to find any open space where I could wait until this sudden quake settle down, until

"The tower is leveling up!"

"The what!?"

I yelled at her, and before I could fully grasped what is happening on me, she then dashed to my right and hasteningly run forward. Conflicted and confused to what to do, I then clenched my hand and followed her. Though I was able to rest and took a few meal after I woke up, my body seems to be not at its full wake as I was lagging behind her, or she just too quick on her feet, but seeing she wasn't paying attention to this sudden tremor means this isn't that kind of earthquake I have known, so following her is the best option I could only take

As I was being left behind her, I then saw at my side as I pass through a small camp site where the huge centipede monster that I was running away, laying cold in the ground, with part of its body dismantled.


I then gazed at front towards her and anxiously preparing myself for any kind of unfortunate and unforeseen situation. I then clenched my fist tightly and prayed that I won't be facing her as an enemy, but as an ally

After a few laps from where I got tended, with a few times that I need to rest a bit, I then reached a huge opened metal door. So huge that it surpassed the one at the front with a few meters or so. It has some unreadable runes written on its side, and as I looked up front, I gulped down and fearfully standing outside of the entrance. Fear still lingers on me, with doubt and questioned loitering around my mind and clouded thought, and myself that is fully bewildering for all these things


Gathering all the courage I could muster, I then step forward and went inside the huge metal gate, and what I saw was a mesmerizing sight of a truly wonderful and frankly speaking, out of the earth norm thing to see.

What I saw was a gigantic crystal that was chained in both side by a golden luster of chains, coiling it up, and wrapping tightly with its steel wrapped. The crystal was huge that I need to raised my head up to see its full length. And what more, that gigantic crystal was floating in the abyss of this out of science fiction type of thing, a technology that I can't believe I am truly seeing. Inside the huge steel gate was an endless darkness, and at the center was a floating crystal. Up front, to where I am, standing was a huge holographic terminal with a circular operator, and standing at that hologram was that woman

After I took a deep breath - I don't know how many times I did that just to calm myself down - I then took my courage up and walked forward, towards her. As I closed the distance between her and me, I keep my eyes vigilant and alert, discerning every nook and cranny of the mysterious place I just let myself in. As I got there, just a distance from her

"This is the control tower of the tower, or what you refer as [Center Main Control Tower], the main body of the tower, and the sole reason why it still stood up even how battered this place is. This is where you manage all the floors, and everything inside the tower. From the trees, plants, herbs, animals, crops, and things, basically everything inside of it were being manage in this one place, in this one control"

'Why is she telling me this?'

A bit concern, she then faced me and added

"And I am the tower owner, the [Tower Manager] Lucrane, who oversee this very tower"

And smiled

"Nice meeting you, oh [Foreign Lost Soul]"

She then went towards me. And as she got there, she then stretched her right hand


"Oops my bad, forgot you are crippled"

She chuckled as she replaced her outstretched arm with her left

"How funny"

I nonchalantly stated as I outstretched my left hand and handshake her

"..... Vince, I am Vince"



A sudden ringing sound then resound inside my head

[Welcome Vince to the [Havre de sécurité]

A see through charcoal panel with white written words then appeared in front of me

[Tower Manager] Lucrane just invited you to her tower]

[Do you want to become the [Tower Manager] [Sub Manager]?]


Truly Flabbergasted to the situation, I then stared at Lucrane and as I was about to asked her a question, she then spoke before I could

"Do you see something like a panel in front of you? That's an invitation I send to you"

"..... What is it?"

"That's an [Invitation Status] from a [Status Screen]. It's like millions of years ago when the first God descend its children these gifts. It's an invisible panel that only the user could see, but if you wanted, with the owner's permission, anyone can see it. It's a panel or screen where it let you see your own status and such, hence the name"

"... I see"

'I quite understood most of it thanks to some time I read those manga'

I then stared at the [Invitation Status] that was being shown in front of me

"What will happen if I press yes?"

"It's quite simple actually, you will become my aid or assistance in managing this tower, my tower, but if you press that yes button, then it's our tower. In short, you will be the tower's co-owner and any work in this tower will be divided among us"

"..... And.... What if I decline?"

She then smiled at me and stated

"See that monster that chased from the forest to here? I can let some of its friends meet you, if you want"

I then stared at her and look at her from the bottom to the top, and asked

"You..... Can do that?"

She then shrugged which made my doubt even more difficult to be swayed


Seeing me questioning her word, she then sighed and swayed her hand from the right like she was grabbing something. She then placed this invisible thingy in front of her and did some manual clicking of some button. Seeing her, it felt like those sci-fi type movies, and then

[You are being teleported]


And before I could asked what just pop in front of me, a bluish white light then envelop me and all of sudden, from the control room I was standing, I was then out of nowhere standing at a dim and unlighted forest

[You are teleported to the [Forbidden Unknown Dim Forest]


Chills then run down my body as my instinct just told me to run, hide, and get away as fast I can, away from this place, and away from the dwellers of this place

Rustle Rustle Rustle

Rustling sound could then be heard around me. Crawling noises then followed through, closing the distance between me and them




[You are in the restricted area of the forest]

Sweats then rolled from my forehead to my chin. As my body convulsed and trembled, I was completely stunned and frozen to my place, and even how many times my institution were telling me to run, my body just wouldn't listen as I just stood there like a chicken in a snake pit

[You are advised to go back as your level isn't high enough to venture this place]

[Lv 50 restriction must need to be lifted to fully explore this place]





'Fucking damm-'

And before I could finished cursing, another bluish white light then once again engulfed me and teleported me back to the control room where I saw the grinning Lucrane standing in front of me

"I hope that will give you an understanding of what will happen if you press no"

Haah ahha hhahh uaha

"And also, if you think it will affect me in anyway if you did, I'm sorry to inform you that I will not. Even if you decline my offer, I could just find someone else to replace you, that easy"

Breathing heavily I could only stare at her and frown as I asked

"..... Benefits"


I then glared at her and spoke in an irritated tone

"What are the benefits if became your assistance?"

"Except for not sending you back at the monster pit and kicking you out from this tower?"

I then nodded in frustration. She then clapped her hands and answered

"You can easily access all the restricted places here in the tower that only those I give my rights to venture, the control room is one of them. Second, you can easily see the panels in this tower to let you know what it lacks, what I have, what it will give, and what is it. Thirdly-"

As she muttered those words she then out of nowhere took something, and like those fantasy movies and Mangas, she then grab and pulled a bottle that seems to be a bottled water. But unlike the bottled water that we have back on earth, this one is made with pure polished steel and tarnished elegantly in the same shape with the bottled water I knew but fully plain cylinder. She then hand over to me as she continued explaining

"You will be able to receive all the stored goods here in this tower that I thoughtly reserved, items and any other available and usable object in this towers will be unrestricted for you to get. And lastly, you will be safe here"



After gulping a mouthful of water from the bottled water, and finding doubt in her words, I then questioned

"Except back then as I let that monster get in, which is totally my fault why you almost died, but other than that, this place could completely guard or ward those monster away, and I think the most beneficial thing for you to become my assistant, except for the fact that you will be aiding a beautiful and charming woman is, you can level up here safely than the outside"

"Wait, level up? You mean those level thingy that shows up and let you gain experience every time you kill any monster, and the likes"

She then nodded, amused to my words

"Yes, unlike outside where you need to battle those monsters and the likes, risking your life just to gain experience and get stronger, here, any minimal to quite hard tasked could let you accumulate experience for you to level up"

She then went towards me and pressed my left chest, which pops another [Status Screen] that let me see my name, level, skill, and other things

[Name: Vince Stubborn]

[Status: Injured, Stress, Confused, Scared, Anxious, Vigilant]

[Level: 0]

[Exp: 0/ 300]





[Race: Human: Foreing Lost Soul]<

[You are heavenly injured and need to be healed]

".... So this is.....my status?"

She then nodded

"Yes, as you are now, I think you are either at Lv 0 or Lv 1-"

"Lv 0"

".... Then that is more reason why you need to accept my proposal"

Deep lost in my thought, I then look at her and further asked

"How many experience would I gain if I stay here?"

She then went quiet for a bit before she respond

"To Lv from 0 to 1, you atleast 300 exp to do so, and if you stay here in this tower, though the exp is quite short than doing it outside, you will gain 5 exp for every crop you tended, by lane. And as we have 5 lanes of crops here, you will get 25 exp every 4 hrs when you tend them, so that will bring you to 150 exp every day. And if you reached Lv 1, you needed at least 500 exp to level up to reach Lv 2, and 700 exp for Lv 3 and so on"

'So basically if I stay here for 5 days, just simply tending the crops, I will gain 750 exp, which will bring me to... '

"1 level rise only if I stay here for 5 days...isn't that...."

I then looked at her with confusion written on my face and a gaze of uncertainty in this situation

"Correct. Just by tending some crops here in the tower only, you will be collecting a hefty amount of 750 exp for 5 days, but be grateful I tell you, because back at those tedious days that I alone manage this tower, I only gain 150 exp for 5 days of hard labor so you are quite lucky, and by the way, that is only about tending some crops, if you do lumbering you will be gaining 7 exp every tree you took down, and for every 1 piled wrapped fire wood with 7 woods inside, you will be gaining 6 exp"


Now I just felt how those farmers back in my country felt, so tedious and so tiring and yet it will only bring you a hefty amount of benefits

Truly surprised and completely shocked, I then went on another deep thought, making sure that I won't be regretting this decision I'll be making


And seeing I wasn't yet fully convinced, she then went pass me and gestured me to follow her which I did. We then walked a bit distance and halted towards where that centipede like creature that almost took my life layed and some of its part were dismantled

"Thanks to you for bringing that monster inside the tower, I was able to gain some new materials coming from this monster. And every part of it can be sold, it's pincered horn, tough armor scale, its sharp legs, its organs and other insides, and the most important part, its eyes and brain which is good for alchemy"

".... So?"


"So, every 10 days, a wondering {Goblin Merchant Trader} will come here in this tower and will buy all these items, including those fishes I have caught, some herbs I have collected, the crops I harvested, and some of the fire woods I already chop. 1 pile of fire woods will give me 10 silver coins, and 6 exp. Remember this exp is an additional bonus. I will be gaining 20 silver coins, and 5 exp if I sold 10 carrots, and 15 silver coins, and 4 exp for 10 cabbage, and 8 silver coins, and 2 exp for 10 potatoes. For fishes, I'll be gaining at least 25 silver coins for 20 pieces and additional exp of 10"

"What is a {Goblin Merchant Trader}?"

'I do know what is a {Goblin}, they are those weak type monster in every start of a fantasy like movies and Manga, the clinched one where the hero or protagonist always start with, but this is my first time hearing such goblin name'

"A {Goblin Merchant Trader} are those rare species of goblins that are well-educated to be a merchant"

"Wait, they can read?"

She then chuckled to my aghast expression

"They can even count silly. They are known to be the smartest among the other, though only among the unranked one. This goblins are exclusive only to the tower, and will show up every 10 days. And as you reach higher level in your tower, you will be meeting different {Goblin Merchant Trader}, from copper to emerald rank. And every rank on this monster, they will offer something exponential, and quite frankly speaking something epic and amazing, from weapons to artifacts, and from monster egg to incredible treasure, basically everything that smells like piping hot and valuable items"

I then stared at her and asked

"And for this?"

I then pointed that monster materials she was collecting

".... I don't know, this one is a new item I just got so I don't know how much it will gain, but I do know its eyes and brain will give me at least some pile of coins"

"How do you know that?"

She then stared at me and a bit frown

"You are more vigilant and truly quite something ha"

"I need to be sure if I wanted to live, I learn that back in my life that not everything are about guts and luck"

She then shrug and responded

"I have a handbook, though I can be hardly called it one, but it was written about some of the important part of the monster, from their exterior to their interior, basically everything about it. But as it wasn't a full handbook, it didn't include anything that I didn't yet captured, defeated nor faced, so yes, this material is new but I'm sure those two important things will bring me some good money and experience"

She then looked at me and spoke

"So if you become my assistant, you will be able to gain some of this exp and money, and I am not a stingy type of owner so we will divide the Exp we gain in this tower in equal terms, 50:50, and full privilege of using any amount of money we have erned"

"And for those rare ones or like those first come first serve type of item"

"Geez, you are quite have a strong defense there buddy"

She stated in a sarcastic tone

"Of course, any item that either you or me found that are rare or never seen one will be given to the person who saw it, it's up to the person who found it if he wanted to share it or not"

I then went in silence as I deeply lost in my thought. Trying to weight the pros and cons of this matter. After a few minutes of thinking, I then decided and came to a conclusion


".... I don't know what are these lost souls you are referring about as I am not from here. I don't know how I got here, and why I got here, neither what reason I got here, so please, if you have some spare time, can you please tell me all about these world"

She then nodded and replied

"As long I know and can answer your question, then I will thoroughly respond to your every question"

I then nodded and outstretched my left to her, and stated

"Yes, I will accept your offer and become your assistant from now on"

She then happily grab my left hand and shake it

[You have accepted the [Tower Manager] Lucrane's invitation to be a [Sub Manager]

[Welcome [Sub Manager] Vince to the [Havre de sécurité]

[You gain 1,600 exp]

[You have level up]

[You have reached Lv 1]

[You have level up]

[You have reached Lv 2]

[You have level up]

[You have reached Lv 3]

[You have received 300 silver coins]

[You have received 300 silver coins]

[You have received 300 silver coins]

[The Tower has reached Lv 2, Congratulations]

[You have received New item's. Please check your [Inventory]

[New Features is added in your tower. Please check the tower status]

"What the"


Surprised to the sudden yelp, I then look to my left and saw the jumping Lucrane and was now dancing as she swayed her hips from left to right, basically those drunk dance you see in a bar or any party from birthday and events

"I knew it! I knew it!"

She then went towards me and smilingly clapped my left hand and yelled

"The reason why I can't level the tower up is I needed an assistant! I knew it!"

I could only make an awkward smile as I saw her like a kid who just received her first allowance.

After I have accepted her offer to be this tower [Sub Manager], Lucrane and I then went back to his house which greatly surprised to find out that the place where she took me in to be tended was her home

"As I wasn't able to mine any [Iron Ore] in this place for quite some time now, I could only use wood and stone as a material to build my home, and as you can see, this is one of the houses I could manage. It's quite not looking like a house but it is much better than nothing"

Is what she said.

"As you were really a [Foreign Lost Soul] or a [Summoned Lost Soul] if you like, and as your superior, I'll gladly explain everything about this new world you just summoned into"

She then cleared her throat and started her explanation about this world I just got myself into

"[The World of Turret] is what we refer this world we are living. Millions of years ago, after the first ever human came into existence and dwell this world first, they then started thier own civilization, from 1 family into 2, creating a village and making it into a town, and building empires and kingdoms, religion and guilds, the world then was filled of different individuals from humans, demi-humans, fiends, and monsters. Until hundred years later, the first ever tower emerge from a deep forest. Everyone seem skeptical about the unknown structure, but seeing that many were curious they then ventured inside it. Some of the few who courageously explored the unknown tower has able to meet a surprising fate. Many of them did fall but the few who remains was able to obtain treasure of untold tier and spells of unknown rank. There were even golds and silvers, with untold and unseen scrolls and potions. As the few who came down the tower, emerged victorious, many then were anticipatingly awaited for another tower to emerge, and so it did. After the first tower was cleared 2 new ones then came to be"

She then continued

"After the 2 came 4 then followed by 8 then 16 until the world was engulfed by nothing but towers. Everyone who were so eager about completing the tower halted, and fall in deep thought, and asking, why is this happening? Many great [Sage] and [Scholar of Great] tried thier best to analyze and further investigate this unknown structure they called tower. But many years and decades pass, as one by one those great people then settled down and took thier rest, none still able to find the truth behind this situation. Many tried to seek the answer by themselves but yet none was able to find a clue neither any hint"

In silence, I was completely engrossed to her tale

"Until the first ever emperor of the lost kingdom in the east was able to find a hidden clue inside the tower. Inside the tower, a hidden room was sealed and heavenly locked. Times and times they did tried to decipher and forcefully unlocked that room until they opened it, and what faced them was an empty room with a huge crystal floating. After a few twitch and turns happened, that emperor was able to reveal the towers secret, one of its many secrets, that whoever conquer a tower, twice of the first that was clear will appear, but if someone manage them before it get conquered, no turret will emerge. With those great find the emperor found, many then tried to take ownership, and tried to manage the tower. Hundreds of years of piled trial and errors, many then were successfully able to manage the tower till it reached its maximum level before they conquered it, but alas, after hundreds of years of no record of new tower that emerge, another then came that truly surprised everyone as they all thought that they were able to solve one of its riddle, but unlike the first one that pops up, this one was completely different to the other, it was taller, sturdier, and ominous than the other old towers. And before anyone could dare to explore its mystery, a sudden roaring voice then echoed

'Conquer and it shall divide, manage and it shall rebuild'

"Which totally a puzzling word for everyone to understood"

'Structure of unknown shall be challenged but not conquer. Tower of power shall be venture and explored. Unknown secret it have, only the gods knows what it was'

"And which lead to us today, where towers became the symbol of power and wealth"

"... Was those words really uttered by the turret?"

Lucrane then shook her head and answered

"Those were the result of years of deciphering of some [High Priest] and [Sage] couple with some [Blessed Saint] and [Scholar of Great]. The words that was uttered in that tower was said to be words in old human language, or ancient scripture. Some even speculated that it was the language of the gods or the holy father and virgin mother's spoken Latin scripture, no one knows, but thanks to the [High Priest] and [Blessed Saint] who has [Divine Oracle] skill, a very rare skill, they were able to decipher it, though it took them long enough to do so, but nevertheless they did so"

"So what happened to those empires and kingdoms, if the towers became the symbol of power?"

"Those towers basically the new empire and kingdom, those old structured buildings were now abandoned and became what we call [Ruins of Old]"

"... You said that this tower is a [Novice Rank] tower, so what other rank does a tower have?"

"Basically its like this-"

<><><>X{[TOWER RANK]}X<><><>

Blessed Rank

Might of Greatness Rank

Glorified Rank

Excellent Rank

Great Rank

High Rank

Middle Rank

Beginner Rank

Novice Rank

(Note: I'll be changing the name if I find any better words to replace them)


"Each rank has 40 floor levels each, from the [Novice Rank] to the [Blessed Rank]. The higher the rank of your tower gets, the harder it is to manage but the benefits it give is astonishing"

I then nodded greatly understanding what she just told me

"How about the currency of this world? I wanted to know to at least I won't be ignorant for such matter, especially for trading"

"As for the currency, it followed this"

××××××××<{|×WORLD'S CURRENCY×|}××××××××< p>

100 copper coins for 1 silver coin

35 silver coins for 1 big silver coin

25 big silver coins for 1 gold coin

100 gold coins for 1 big gold coin

35 big gold coins for I platinum coin

25 platinum coins for 1 golden platinum coin

(Note: I'm using my other novel 'Dark-Ages' currency in this novel, even the design is the same)

××××××××<{|×] ××××××××××× [×|}××××××××< p>

"Any more question?"

"What is the maximum level could we reach?"

She then went on deep thought before she answered in a tone that tell that she was completely unaware or unsure

".... The highest one by far was Lv 189, 889 or so, it was owned by an {Ancient Dragon}. That Dragon told us that she didn't yet reached the final peck of her growth, so no ones really knows"

"I see"

I then went on silence, trying to find anything that I should asked, something that I importantly needed to know

".... For now, that is all. I'll asked further if I need something to be asked about"

She then nodded in agreement. And before she could stood up, I then called her out

"Wait, what are the other things beside tending the crops, chopping some woods and fishing, could help us gain exp?"

"Subjugating monsters"


Completely surprised to her words I was standing in front of her, giving her a look that saying 'are you fucking tripping or what?'

"You said we don't need to kill some monsters inside the tower as it was safe?"

I confusedly asked

"The monster inside the tower might be lower in terms of level unlike the one roaming outside, but a monster is still a monster. In the first floor-"

"Wait! First floor? This isn't the first floor?! "

I puzzlingly asked

"This is the ground floor idiot. It might be small in terms of size but, it has 2 floors and the first floor is much wider than the ground floor. There is a den of {Goblin} atop, we can subjugate them after you have reached at least Lv 20 or so, and learn some few skills"

'Lv 20? For mere {Goblins}?

".... What level are those {Goblin}s anyway?"

"In this tower, as it was still at [Novice Rank], they reached Lv 35 maxed and Lv 25 as minimum. And outside the tower, those who we call [Non-summoned Monster] were Lv 50 max, and Lv 30 minimum"


Holy shit!? Lv 35 and Lv 50!?! I thought they were the weakest!? Those companies sure are lying as fuck! Those authors seriously need to study more like what the fuck!?

"H-how about {Slime}s?"

"{Slime} has Lv 60 maxed and Lv 45 minimum if they are outside the turret, here, they reached Lv 50 maxed, and Lv 35 as minimum. They are one of the weakest of the monsters"

Weakest!? You call that weak!?

"A-and, what level are you anyway, Lucrane?"

She then made this smug expression as she grin

"Lv 30, basically I can handle 4 [Goblin Camp] and 2 [Slime Den], easily"


Completely stunned, I then once again asked, anxiously asked

"... W-what other monsters are there in this tower?"

She then went towards me and tap my back with the back of her palm and replied with an amusing tone

"Relax, as long as I am here, nothing will happen to you, so just follow me, my dear Vince"

And left me standing. For quite a moment I was just there, standing, looking at the entrance where she left, I just deeply thought whether my decision is correct, or the the right one I should have choose. Thinking that, I then stared at the wooden gate up front, that was miles away from where I was and sigh

"Yup, I choose the right one okay"

And followed her as I took my resolve once more and strive for whatever circumstances may come to me

'Grandma, Grandpa, please guide me into this new world I was summoned into'

And this is how my story started, as a [Sub Manager] of the [Havre de sécurité], and as an assistant to this haughty woman called Lucrane

'Whatever comes, comes'


Just a bit reminder to everyone, when a person is scared, shitly scared they won't care about their body, their looks, or even their own circumstances if they are facing death. When you are scared, or feel fear, you just need to run and run and run, to get away from death that is chasing you, that is the power of fear.

Though I was quite soften when he got hit by that rock when he rolled down, but most of it were still in the realm of realism

And also, I'll be posting this either for 4 days dap or 5, I don't know but I'm thinking of posting each chapter the same with my other book, which is I hope everyone would like to read if you have some spare time, it's called "Dark-Ages"

And also before I forgot thank you for reading my series


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