
Chapter 49: Taking Care of Business

Blaze smiled at Jay smugly as he approached the desk and knocked his fist on the surface to get his attention.

Jay looked up with a disgusted expression. "Yes?"

"Aw," Blaze laughed. "Don't be like that Jay. I thought we were friends."

"You should leave the thinking to better people," Jay said with a smile.

Blaze scowled, "You can tell Gemma I'm here."

Jay shrugged unconcernedly. "You know the way."

"Whatever," Blaze muttered with an eye roll as he walked away from the desk and followed the familiar path to Gemma's office.

There was no denying it, he felt pretty good about himself right now. His song and video had landed just how he'd intended and the impact had been even better than he'd hoped.

His manager had been skeptical about letting him do it and had warned him it might backfire. She had been surprised by the reception but was happy about all the press they were getting. She hadn't been able to find him another publicist but Blaze figured it was only a matter of time.