
Start Anew

It was odd.

As far as a tiny silver haired boy knew, he should already be dead. No, seriously. He had already lived a number of lives in more than enough alternate timelines and parallel/alternate universes. That, and he even experienced living in 4 different universes that had in no way in any connection to his original life. Which in short, he has no counter parts there to meet.

Which was why, with the knowledge, experience, and magic that he gained he knows that the ritual that his enemies had done towards him should have already made his soul to cease on existing. He knows that he should not be in anyway even capable of having thoughts of in-existence. Period.

That said, what he was feeling and seeing right now was way beyond his expectations and pretty much going against what he knows that should have happened.

He was seeing a number of infants of what appeared to be of different species wearing simple white and brown garments while adult humans and others alike were watching them as they toddle all over the place. His green gem-like eyes blinked a couple of times at the absurdity of it all and as a short green figure with a wooden cane suddenly appeared as things only got worse. Thus, he screamed.


Of all things he expected to happen, he did not expect to see that person. He did not expect to see Yoda of all living creatures approaching him and fucking poking him with a bloody cane.

Like, seriously!? He was officially in a body of an infant. How can someone just be allowed to poke a baby with a fucking stick!? Even if the said being was Yoda, he would not allow such misconduct towards him.

Angrily blinking his green gem-like eyes as he continued his screams, the small boy searched within himself for the familiar thrum of power that he knew but was surprised to find not only his magic but also something else. Along with his icy and electric mana was a large bright warmth that was peacefully interacting within him.

The two forms of power were coalescing in serenity. If anything, the both of them were patiently waiting for his commands. Yet, for the boy, he could easily feel how this 'warmth' was keener of pleasing him right now as if to prove a point. It was as if it wanted to prove a point that it could be just as useful as his magic.

So, when he wistfully thought of wanting to have something thrown at the elder's way, it was to his utter surprise that the said warmth ended up having a large wooden table crashing to the said green elder and shoving him as far away from his own person. Which in turn, with the new discovery, made the child with devil horned spikes styled on his hair giggle for the immediate and easy obedience of said power.

It was just like his magic. That said, unlike his mana which generally came from within himself and his soul, this new energy seemed to originate from his body and the world outside. What's more, as of the moment, the warmth was quite rather eager to please him.

The tiny silver haired infant then unintentionally laughed in pleasure and babbled a few things with his infant mouth that it got the attention of all the other adults in the area.

"Master Yoda, are you okay?" A feminine voice called out as an entity with pink skin and reptilian features checked over where the green elderly has fallen.

"In this one, the force is strong. Led me the way, the force did. Covered in white crystal, him I found. This I should teach, the force has said," Yoda replied as he looked at the concerned female Jedi and pried himself off of the wall which he was driven into.

"But, Master!?"

"Enough, I have decided. By me, the boy shall be trained. My padawan he shall be," the small alien remarked as he stared at the silver haired infant one last time before leaving.

Hearing those words, the rest of the adults stared at the now quiet silver haired infant and stood in silence for a few moments.

"Well…Master Yoda has decided. What can we guys do? I mean, Master Yoda himself found the tyke in some undiscovered part of Dantooine via the force." Stated a male humanoid that looked too much like a cat.

A mousy haired human with blue eyes and a pleasant masculine voice then shared, "Aerin, is right. I was part of the crew which found the kid. Master Yoda was pretty much acting like a crazy old codger while searching for him.

Like, seriously. We were just done finishing negotiations that the republic had sent us for and walking back to our ship when Master Yoda suddenly stops and says that the force is calling him. He was then basically muttering a few things under his breath a few seconds before he led us in a wild goose chase that lasted five days."

"Fine. That said, Leali, is it true that when you found the youngling in Dantooine he was in some kind of really fancy medical pod or something?" The reptilian woman asked the human.

"Screw fancy. The whole pod looked like it was a priceless treasure, Eona.

I mean, its metal body was made of golden Phrik. You know, the really rare and high derivative of the alloy, which is a lot more expensive to even the usual Phrik itself. While it also has some good enough amounts of Beskar embellishments on it too which is pretty insane since who in their right minds would just use Beskar for decorative purposes!?

Then, the glass like material for the pod is actually an Adegan crystal. The highly sought after Pontite was merely used as some glass casing! Heck, even Master Yoda did a double take because of that discovery.

Then, there's the contents of the pod along with the infant which was a bit weird since the pod itself looked like it was designed for an adult. I mean, sure, with the kid it only meant more space for his things. But, if it was just really a medical pod, then why all the other knick-knacks?

Beautiful glowing flowers that hardly appeared like they aged a bit and had some amazing medicinal properties. Memory chips that explained their world's history, languages, culture and scientific advancements. A couple of Phrick made boxes with insignias on it. Clothes, shoes, jewelry and a couple of stuffed toys which I can't understand what they're supposed to be."

"But what about the white crystal that Master Yoda had mentioned that encased the pod itself? What was it made of?"

"Pontite. The gigantic crystal that encased the pod was also made of Pontite which was why we had to stay there a couple more weeks just to get both the large crystal and the pod separated from each other."

"Wow…" Eona trailed off in disbelief at that.

"I know. But to be honest, I don't think that it was just a medical pod. I actually think that it's some kind advanced cryogenic chamber that also served as some kind of pre-programmed traveling vehicle for the youngling that was made by his parents," Leali remarked as he gave a loud sigh and turned to his two companions.

The other two then blinked at Leali's shared information and groaned as the implications they were getting were somehow far too complicated for their tastes.

"Please tell me that the tyke isn't some kind of royal survivor that was sent by away by their royal parents because of some planetary war," Aerin grumbled as he ran a hand down his face and sighed loudly.

"I don't really know guys. I don't really know," the human murmured as he took a look at the boy and corralled his companions out of the room that they were in.

With their leave, what they didn't notice was a sad yet complicated expression was on the silver haired infant's face. That, and an air of unbridled confusion, curiosity and resignation now heavily hung in the area as the rest of the other younglings cried at the disturbance.

There was only one word in the silvernette's mind and it was only, "Fuck."

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