
Chapter 4 He Hires an Actress?

Wyatt's face was originally extremely painful and swollen like a pig's head. But he didn't feel the slightest pain at this moment.

Wyatt stared at the beautiful woman in front of him and didn't move. His eyes were dull. Wyatt was fascinated by the woman.

Sienna was also shocked by the woman's beauty. She felt embarrassed and inferior.

What was even more ridiculous was that Wyatt and Sienna had forgotten that the beauty had just smashed their Mercedes-Benz.

After the beautiful woman got out of the car, she didn't look at Wyatt and Sienna. She rushed to Emery. She bowed low and said respectfully, "Mr. Malone."

Unlike Wyatt and Sienna, Emery wasn't amazed by the woman at all. He said expressionless, "Adelyn, what on earth happened? Why have you hurried here?"

The beautiful woman's face suddenly became serious. She hurriedly said in a low voice, "Mr. Malone, Supremedom's Secretive Unit just found something. They said you got the wrong person. She wasn't the woman who saved you at that time!"

Emery's expression suddenly changed.

He said in a high voice, "What? Adelyn, what do you mean?"

"Mr. Malone, this vulgar woman wasn't the one that saved your life." Adelyn handed Emery a document.

Emery immediately grabbed it and opened it.

"It's... How is it... It's actually her..."

Emery widened his eyes after he read it. He looked astonished.

"How is it possible? It's too absurd! It's too absurd!"

Emery trembled. He was full of remorse and got flustered.

The emotions were so strong that Emery could barely stand. He staggered and almost fell to the ground.

Adelyn immediately rushed to Emery, stretching out her slender and delicate arms to catch him.

Leaning against the curvy woman, Emery quickly recovered from the shock.

He quietly pushed away Adelyn, who would make any man intoxicated, and took a step back. "Adelyn, take me to the company now."

Obviously, Emery was keeping a distance from her, and Adelyn looked disappointed.

But she still replied at once, "OK, Mr. Malone. Please get into the car."


"Both of you, stay where you are!"

However, just as Adelyn and Emery were about to get into the car, Sienna rushed over furiously.

She stood in their way and cursed them. "You bastards. One of you hit my husband, and the other broke my car. You must give me an explanation, otherwise..."

Before Sienna could finish, her eyes suddenly blurred. Adelyn had gotten very close to her.

Bang! Bang! Bang!

The next moment, Adelyn started slapping Sienna...

She didn't stop until Sienna's face became red and swollen.

Adelyn pinched Sienna's chin with her smooth hand and said with disdain, "Only a short-sighted and simple-minded fool like you would think that Mr. Malone is a pauper.

"Hehe. Do you know Mr. Malone's real identity? Do you know how much wealth he has?

"Did you see the limited edition G63 that is worth 1.6 million dollars? It is just a small toy for Mr. Malone. Yet, your stupid lover's garbage truck is less valuable than one of its tires.

"Alas. Ignorance limits your imagination.

"However, I envy you. You are stupid and plain-looking, but Mr. Malone has stayed by your side for a year.

"Do you know how many rich and high-status beauties want to get this rare opportunity?

"One should be extremely lucky to get the chance. It's a shame that it was obtained by an idiot like you...

"Forget it. I'm in a good mood today. I will give you some information. Listen. Mr. Malone's real identity is America's supreme..."

"Enough! Adelyn, it's time to go!"

Before Adelyn finished speaking, Emery interrupted her impatiently.

Adelyn immediately shut up and threw Sienna to the ground like throwing garbage. Then she hurried to the car.


Accompanied by the fierce roar of the engine, the steel beast showed its tremendous energy and moved off.

Sienna and Wyatt looked at each other with embarrassment.

After a long time, they recovered from the astonishment brought by the car.

"Wyatt, it's not true. Right? Emery must have hired an actress to humiliate us because he is angry. Right?" Sienna still couldn't believe that Emery was actually a rich man.

Wyatt had been confused. Hearing what Sienna said, he suddenly understood. "Damn it. Bastard! Emery is too despicable. He was pretending!

"Damn it. The Mercedes-Benz G63 6×6 is worth 1.6 million dollars. And it's a limited edition. Even if you have money, you may not be able to get one. You need to have enough power and influence. Emery is a nobody. If he is really so powerful, will he still be a security guard?

Sienna was so angry that she almost jumped up. "Right. I know that good-for-nothing too well. He usually bought bargains. How could he have the money to buy such an expensive car? Wyatt, we should fight back. I heard that he was going to the company."

Wyatt looked sinister. He growled, "Right. I must beat him up today. Let's go to the company!"