
Chapter 1

"Mick, Mick,Mick. This is the last time am calling you hurry up we're getting late." Mom called out.

Hey am Michaela, am the only girl from a family of 5. My life is a complete wreck if I can say.

"Yes Mom…am here now let's go." I said while walking towards the door. My mom was a bit hard to handle. Every one was in the car looking at their own phones since no one cared about dad's company. Today was a special day for my mom and dad since the company had gotten the greatest contract ever…but none of my siblings cared apart from Steve who was going to work there in a weeks time since he was already done with his schoolwork. Lucky he was.

As soon as we arrived the packing lot was filled up with cars meaning that the building was filled with people. "Alright guys we are here…I want us to make a grand entrance for your father alright the clothes you are wearing is not just meant to fit your body but to show that your father has really made it in life alright." Mom said as she looked her self in the mirror in the car fixing her makeup. " But mom did we have to do with the suits it's annoying." Harry said. " yeah mom we didn't have to do this much I mean I have a hard time walking in this red gown." I supported. I mean the dress was spontaneously beautiful matching my red brown hair and my skin tone but it was so heavy.

Mom gave us a hard glare that said alot." I mean if you don't want to have them on you can go to the dumpster over there am sure they have garbage bags that you can put on or what do you want?…mmh?" Mom said.

"Guys come on let's not ruin this for the power couple we are all here not only for dad but for the family as well to show that we support each other…okay….now let's go and …" he added " be at your best behavior." Steve said while looking at us in concerned look.

Mom informed the guards that we have arrived…so they opened the door and mom made a very weird pose thinking that she had it right. People had their gazes at us….my siblings and I were really disappointed on mom… " gross…what a pose!" I said while we moved some inches away from mom.

" is that supposed to be your wife?" Sir Ben asked while laughing. Sir Ben was the one signing a contract with dad for our company, he was a bit of a teaser. "I mean she's beautiful but the pose…need to work on that." He said while chuckling.

My mom finally snapped out of the pose and we walked where dad was and dad didn't say anything. He just approached mom hugged her and kissed her on her forehead. " common guys let me introduce you to someone special." Dad said while we approached a family that was sitting in a VIP corner I guess they were special or something.