
Tolerate Me Mr. Billionaire

Ava Jones is a skillful person who had only one outcome which is having anger issues that caused her so many problems to the point that it even got her fired from the company but surprisingly she got a job in one of the world's top companies whose CEO is a multi-billionaire named Rylan Nichols. Tolerate me Mr. Billionaire

Mehakfatima · Adolescente
Classificações insuficientes
20 Chs

Chapter 5- Another Chance

*Ava jones POV*

You are sleeping and lying down for the whole day, it was like you were in a coma. You were too lazy to do anything. You didn't bother to clean your apartment or to look for a job as you knew there was no need for that cause it's all useless.

You have now accepted your fate that you will sleep under the bridge at night and during the day you will stay at the park or be on the streets.

This wasn't like you at all, you were the one who never gave up but this time the situation was different. It was some fucking multi-billionaire who can just finish your whole damn existence in seconds.

It's funny how a month ago you were thinking that humanity is still alive and now because of him I am 100% sure that humanity is fucking dead, and he is the main reason for it. Whenever I see his handsome face I just want to punch him and throw that smirk away from his face to the black hole. His existence is just like an irritating bug that annoys the shit out of you.

Again I was about to doze off but a sudden phone call disturbed me. The user was unknown but I still picked it up lazily.

"hello", I said in a sleepy tone.

"Excuse me mam, Is this Ava Jones?", the female voice said.

"Yes, but who is it?", I asked.

"Mam I am the receptionist of the Nichols Emprises", she said.

Hearing his company name made me roll my eyes and curse him mentally.

"Why did you call, let me guess to threaten me and say that I am blacklisted?", I said in a kind of annoyed and mocking tone.

"Oh! No mam you got it all wrong, I called you to inform you that you have been hired as an employee in Nichols Emprises", she said.

"WT-", you quickly stopped yourself from saying anything stupid again.

Ava control your temper. Instead of getting angry this time, think of this as another chance. You don't have to end up on the streets, however, but you will still have to face that jerk again. Ava spit your anger, I can just ignore him and treat him like he doesn't even exist. Like this I will also get a Job at one of the best companies, so Ava doesn't do anything stupid and take this chance, you said it to yourself. I was still in my thoughts when a voice from my phone interrupted my thoughts.

"Hello mam, Are you still there?" she asked, thinking I was gone.

"Yes I am here", I said.

"So what do you say?", She asked again.

"When do I have to start?", I asked which made her sigh in relief.

"Fantastic!, You can start next week", she said in a happy tone.

I hummed in response and cut the call. I laid down again. Finally, I got the job, good news but still in that jerks company.

Will this be a good start?, whatever will happen but I know for sure that he is gonna smirk right now when he hears that I have accepted the job, I hate it when he thinks that he is the one who is winning but its hard to admit it but for real he is the one who is actually kind of winning.

Reality is always bitter.

I know for sure that it's gonna be hard working with him, especially after whatever has happened in the past, He is not gonna make my life so easy. I am sure he must have planned some tactics against me.

"But I am not gonna lose, I will also work hard!", I said to motivate myself.

Ava who have you even chosen to take your rivalry with!, I ruffled my hair in frustration thinking about every possibility which is gonna happen in the future.

*meanwhile Rylan Nichols POV*

"So did she accept the offer?", He asked.

"Yes sir", She answered back.

This time just like how she expected, his famous smirk made its way onto his face.

"Mrs. Jones you have some guts to accept the offer even after humiliating me", I exclaimed astonishingly.

I called my employee and asked him to prepare some files for ava jones which she is gonna complete in the coming next week.

At first, he was surprised that ava is going to have files that are for senior employees and they are difficult for a newcomer. He wanted to question me but didn't, he just nodded and went away.

"Mrs. Jones it's now time to test your abilities which you are so confident about", He said in a way that made him seem like some villain, he really can sometimes be pure evil.

"But I am just too nice, look I even gave her a job!", I said to convince myself that I am not evil.

*Ava jones POV*

Achoo! you sneezed while preparing lunch for yourself.

"Looks like someone is missing me", You said to yourself and continued making lunch.

"Maybe my dear prince is missing me who will make my life heaven", You chuckled at your childish thoughts.