
Tolerate Me Mr. Billionaire

Ava Jones is a skillful person who had only one outcome which is having anger issues that caused her so many problems to the point that it even got her fired from the company but surprisingly she got a job in one of the world's top companies whose CEO is a multi-billionaire named Rylan Nichols. Tolerate me Mr. Billionaire

Mehakfatima · Adolescente
Classificações insuficientes
20 Chs

Chapter 13- After Care

*Ava Jones POV*

I blinked hard to get used to the light which I faced in an attempt to open these eyes.

What happened yesterday?

I finally flicked open my eyes and faced the ceiling while laying down. This ceiling doesn't look like my place.

Or maybe I changed them but when did I? The bed has gotten softer too.

This all indicated that I am not at my place. Where am I? A sudden feeling of panic rushed through me making my heartbeat insanely fast.

I remembered what happened yesterday.

A groan left my mouth in an attempt to get up and I guess instead of me someone else got up.

This man immediately woke up from my sound.

He got up from the couch.

I guess he slept on the couch. But who is he??

What if he is that drunk guy? I couldn't fully get up and see that guy's face. But I am certain it's a guy.

With my little blurry eyesight, I looked around to look for something that could be used as a weapon.

"When did you woke up and are you alright now?"

I stopped my moments.


Is that Rylan?

It's Rylan's voice.

I looked towards the guy with wide eyes open.

This time I successfully clearly saw the guy and it was Rylan.

Why is he here? Or am I at his place?

Whatever it is but why am I here? And what happened to him? His pale face clearly showed that he is worried and dark circles under his eyes indicated he haven't slept all night.

He was still looking at me for my answer.

"I am fine", I said blankly.

He gazed at me for a few seconds. He could sense the awkwardness between us.

I tried getting up to leave this place.


I looked at him for his sudden outburst.

"I mean don't leave yet. It's still early."

"What time is it", I asked.

"almost 5: 30 am"

"I don't care, I am going", I said again.

"wait! at least eat breakfast"

What happened to him? Why is he acting weird?

I just did a quick nod.

When I got up, I saw that my clothes weren't the same as yesterday. My eyes widened. Who changed them?

It seems like he read my shocked face.

"my maid changed them as you were drenched in rain", he told me briefly.

"you go, I will come after freshening up.", I told him.

He nodded.

"btw where is the restroom?", I asked again.

"It's on the right", he said and left the room.

*Rylan Nichols POV*

my maids don't work at midnight. I thought while doing down through stairs.

I am not a pervert or something. It was just that I was shocked that she fainted out of the blue. I was worried that maybe it was due to an injury so I thought to change her drenched clothes which will be a way to see any injury.

I didn't see her in a dirty way or had any perverted thoughts.

This was a way to get rid of all my worries.

*other POV*

Both are sitting in the luxurious dining room which is not any five-star hotel but Rylan's house.

There is an awkward silence.

Both are eating their breakfast with pin-drop silence.

It's good to eat quietly but this silence was eating Rylan out.

"Why did you faint suddenly?", Rylan said breaking the silence.


It was there again.

"um. Um, I was exhausted", Ava finally replied with an excuse.

Finally, the breakfast was done and Ava was about to leave.

She wanted to say thank you to him but wasn't able to.

She knew it was rude but still thought to go along with it.

She was at door and Rylan was standing with her but at some social distance.

Suddenly the sound of someone running came.

He hugs Ava in worry.

It was no other than Raider.

Everything was so quick for Ava and Rylan.

Raider cupped Ava's cheeks.

"Are you alright?", Raider said with tenderness in his voice.

Ava was flustered but someone else was fuming in anger.

It was a busy week so I didn't have time to write. I tried my best but still, chapter isn't long enough.

Mehakfatimacreators' thoughts