
Tokuro System

Philip_Glover · Ação
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6 Chs


Once Adan Stopped He said " Oh I will Find him"

He Wondered In his Mind I miss Sofie

Another strange man said " What

Sofie is my daughter!"

Huh?! Adan Said, I heard my sofie little girl

Was Dead Did u kill her The Strange Man Said

No I was In a Realationship With her Adan Replied

Then Who Did? Asked The Strange manh

I Dont Know Replied Adan

Lets Be Friends Said the strange man

I'm Mike Said Mike I'm Adan said adan

Wanna go Find Them Asked Mike

Yes! replied adan


this story is about a boy named

adan fighting for his wife

he wanted to have kids

but his wife is dead.

Back to the story

They was Walking around for 10 minutes

until they found a hidden lever

Whats That Said mike

um Its a lever replied Adan

Adan Pulled it

and a monitor Came Down

A Clipped Played saying "

I will Find you and Kill You

Mike Davidson"

What! Yellled Adan Your my - Your My- Brother

Asked Adan Mike:

Well yes I was going to tell you

But I couldnt Find you.


I'm Going to tell my Parents, And See Who's Telling the Truth

Mike or The man in the clip, Lets go.

Mike: Ok!

5 minutes Later

Adan: Here's A Portal!

Mike: Adan: Lets Go!

They was about to go in

But the portal was blocking them in

Adan: I cant Get Out!

Mike: Me Either

Strange man:

Hello I'm Sorry That You can't

Get Through the Portal

You shouldve Got a Note Saying"

your movment Got Transported into the game"

Adan: Oh Yeah! I did, but what does it mean

Mike: i got the same thing

Strange man: It means your legs, arms, movement, And Everything else

Got Into the game you can't get out.

Adan: But the Clip Said "They"

Narrator: One More Chapter Coming Next Week!
