
Tokapi Hell

The story revolves around the tragedy of an entire planet due to an unjust imperial rule. The hero, Zayan, seeks revenge and achieves justice by leading a secret organization, but things begin to go outside his plans and unexpected events emerge.

Iriss22 · Fantasia
Classificações insuficientes
8 Chs

  White Flame Witch         

The fighting intensified, and fatigue and exhaustion were evident on Zayan and his friends, because what they are fighting is not of the human race

They are dead spirits that are unaffected by any sword strike that was summoned just to kill them and get rid of them.

A discussion occurred between Zayan and the witch as they fought and repelled the attacks, saying to her

Zayan: Are you a witch or what are you?

She raised her voice so that he could hear her well: Yes, I am, but I am not what you think.

Zayan turned to her: What, how is it not as I think?.

Witch: I will explain everything to you, but not now. We have to get rid of the spirits at once, or you will all die

Zayan: Yes, you are right, and Daniel, I have to check on him

Zayan shouted loudly for Sai to hear him and said to him Zayan: How is Daniel's condition and how is his wound?

Sai: His condition is getting worse. He has bled a lot of blood and has become weak. I'm afraid I can't protect him any longer.

Lucas called out to Zayan: Commander, what shall we do now? They are draining our energy and their numbers are increasing more and more. We are truly in absolute hell

The witch spoke to Zayan: You and your comrades must listen to me well, I will cast a strong spell on the spirits in order to get rid of them all, but you must hide behind that rock behind me so that nothing will hit you from its effect.

Zayan: How can I trust you, witch?

The witch looked at him with a look full of confidence: What will you do then? You have no choice but to trust me or you and your friends will be cut off, but one of your friends has his life on the line now.

Zayan, his eyes full of looks of doubt and insecurity: Well, we will implement what you said.

Zayan shouted loudly and ordered his friends to get close to each other so that they could hide behind that rock. Zayan started running towards Sai to help him protect Daniel, and Lucas and the witch were blocking any attack that came to them. They formed a barrier like a shield with their swords.

Lucas: Come on Commander, you and Cy hurry up and transfer Daniel behind the rock, it is very close, and we will protect you and come after you quickly.

Zayan: Well, we have to be careful with every step. Daniel, pull yourself together and don't die. Please stay awake and don't pass out.

Sai: Captain, I'm sure we will succeed. Don't be sad, everything will be fine.

Zayan put Daniel on his back and the rest were protecting them from any attack until they reached behind the rock.

They succeeded in reaching it, leaving only Lucas and the witch

The witch spoke to him and said: I will count to three and you will go quickly behind that rock and I will kill them all.

Lucas: Alright.

Witch: One, two; Three quickly come on.

Lucas set off and hid behind the rock with his friends, waiting for what the witch would do to them.

She became muttering words and her voice rose little by little, and she hit the sword with a strong blow on the ground, after which the spirits began to turn from black to white, which radiates light, and began to disappear little by little until they completely disappeared.

Zayan and his friends came out, stunned by what the witch had done.

Lucas: You were amazing and so strong I've never seen anything like this before.

Zayan: What are we going to do now? Daniel is dying and has completely lost consciousness.

Sai drowned in tears and put Daniel's head on his thigh: Please, my friend, do not die. Stay with us. You are Daniel, the fighter who will protect us all. You said this. You have to fulfill the promise you made to us.

Lucas is standing looking at Daniel and did not say a word as if he was shocked and unable to express, but he was showing signs of helplessness and brokenness.

Zayan: Please, witch, do something to save Daniel, I will do whatever you want from me.

Witch: Didn't you say you didn't trust me a while ago?

Zayan: I also said that in this situation I am forced to trust you.

Witch: Hmmm, everything has a price, right? You now have a lot of debt to return to me.

The witch approached Daniel, who had bled a lot of blood, his wound was very deep, and his breathing was slow

She grabbed a small dagger and cut the palm of her hand until blood came out. She placed her hand on Daniel's shoulder and started pressing it. Daniel screamed in a hysterical voice from the severity of the pain.

Sai: What are you doing, get away from him, you're killing him.

Zayan: Leave her now she is healing him.

Lucas continues to stand like a stone and not show any reaction.

Witch: His blood was poisoned by the curse that was on the sword of that spirit that stabbed him, but I have tried to help his body resist that poison by giving him a little of my blood. He eats an herb that grows on the mountain, and its name is (Sako), which is an herb that removes the effect of poison from the body, and it only grows on that mountain. That is why many people were trying to enter in order to obtain it, but they did not succeed in doing so.

Sai, who was very affected and collapsed on his friend: We will bring it to him and he will return as before. Thank God he did not die. I would really die with him.

Zayan: Thank you for your help. I really owe you a lot. What do we do with him now?

Witch: We have to let him rest now until his body begins to recover and he regains consciousness. His injury is not normal, his body was burning inside from that poison.

Sai was moved and cried more after hearing what she said: "My poor friend, you are still too young for this. Your beautiful body does not deserve what happened to it."

Zayan: Stop it, you exaggerate your words, you should be stronger than this, man.

Sai: Excuse me, Commander, but I couldn't control myself.

Zayan patted Sai on the shoulder, saying: Take it easy, he will recover, and we will bring that herb to him too. Don't worry.

The witch, smiling and looking at them: Oh my God, how are you fighters and you came to the path of the cursed witches, and you are full of these tender feelings and tears? I do not believe this.

Zayan and Sai : What do you mean by this.

The witch laughs: No, I don't mean anything, believe me.

Zayan: I think it's time for you to tell us who you are, and when you helped us, and how did you see us on this road, were you watching us?

were killed and displaced by the Emperor. We were the protectors of the planet with the guardian (Iuzu), but now I cannot tell you more than this. As for To your help and how I saw you. I hide and live in places far from the population and out of sight so that no one of the Emperor's followers suspects me and catches me, for I have become limited in strength after he managed to strip me of many of my powers when he tried to kill me. That is why I live near the mountain in order to hide. Out of sight, I saw you and your friends when you camped near the Path of the Cursed Witches

And I was able to see a symbol on your neck similar to the letters of the symbol that we, the witches of the White Flame, have, but I could not read your symbol, there is something strange about you, but despite this, I followed you so that I could protect you and to know who you are and why you carry this symbol as well This is the answer to your questions that you asked me.

Zayan: So, that guard, didn't you know anything about him?

Witch Nazuka: No, I never mixed with the population, and I did not hear anything about him, not even about my other friends. The last thing I remember about them is when there was a bloody massacre in the planet, and the seven of us with the guard were fighting against the ruler, who is originally a demon with a bloody curse that stormed the planet to occupy it so that My memory became distorted and many things I can't even remember.

Sai: You were a witch and a veteran fighter. I really respect you, madam. Let me introduce you to our names. I am the warrior (Sai), and this is our leader (Zayan) who was fighting with you near the rock. His name is (Lucas) and our injured friend (Daniel).

The Witch with confidence: Yes, I know that, apart from that, I am very beautiful and kind, and I have also had the honor of knowing you all.

Sai: Wow, well, I can't deny that, you're really like that.

The witch smiles: That's right, I forgot why you told me why you came here. Don't you know the danger of what is on this road?

Zayan: There is a person who lives at the top of the mountain and I want to meet him.

Witch: Just that? Don't you want to tell me more details?

Zayan: I still did not know you well, and I have the right not to tell you all the details.

Witch: You arrogant, I have told you many details, the exact opposite of you.

Sai: Commander, didn't you notice Lucas's absence? He's not with us.

Zayan: Yes, it is true, where is he? I did not see him, so let us search for him.

They started walking looking for Lucas, and they found him sitting on a big rock, and he was crying. Sai, surprised: Lucas, what are you doing here? We were worried about you.

Lucas turned around and looked at his friends and his face was very red and swollen from crying saying: I have been washing my face to feel fresh so that I can fight well.

Sai: What are you saying there is no water near you and also does the water make your face red and cause swelling in your face, you were crying for Daniel right?

Lucas feels very embarrassed: shut up the idiot crying, what am I not crying, I told you that I had only washed my face.

Sai: okay okay you were washing your face I believe you.

Lucas: You bastard, come here, I'll kill you.

Zayan looks at them while smiling with joy that his friends are still alive and by his side

Witch: I don't want to interrupt these romantic moments, but we still have three traps that we have to face in order to reach the top of the mountain.

Zayan: Do you know her?

The Witch: No, I have not entered the mountain before, but what I know is that they set four traps that no one can cross except them.

Zayan: So if we have three traps left in order to reach that man.

Zayan: Witch (Nazuka), tell us what spell you used on those souls.

Witch: It's a spell (Rest in peace).

Zayan and his friends: What is this spell? .

The Witch: It is a spell that removes and cleanses any evil energy that wears the soul back to where it belongs and the soul rest in peace again.

Sy: Wow, I would like to become a magician, me and Daniel in the future, will this work?

Lucas: You idiot, it's not that easy.

Zayan: It seems that you will benefit us a lot on this journey. I hope that we will cooperate with each other and each of us will get the answer that he wants.

The Witch: I too hope to hear the answer I have been waiting for so long.
