


"Turn off the music!" I said out loud to no one in particular as Jonathan was trying to concentrate on the scent. He said he couldn't exactly detect it because it was mixed with the others' scent and sweat.

When the music stopped, everyone's attention slid toward me and my future Beta. Jonathan sniffed and started to make his way to the other room. We all followed behind him and reached the room where only a few people were there. I leaned against the wall which was near to the door and watched him as he aproached toward a group of girls.

Jonathan turned to me and I could see his nervousness evident in his eyes. I raised my papper cup in silent encouragement and gave him a grin which he returned with his own. He then turned his attention to the group where girls were chatting happily with each other. But except one.

She was staring right at him.

She stood up from the couch and slowly made her way to him. She had long blonde hair and brown eyes. She looked bewildered.

Just as the scene before me was unfolding, a familiar scent hit me. I turned to my right to see a girl with brown wavy hair looking at the crowd curiously. I knew this scent but not the girl. I'd smelt it in the hallways and kitchens but never knew who it belonged to.

A scent which always had my wolf on edge. I could never pinpoint who that girl was, who always disappeared in the crowd.

I didn't know who it belonged to, until this morning when I had come back from the morning training session a bit earlier from usual. I saw her in the kitchen but I couldn't see her face and when I returned she was gone.

Now here I was, staring right at her as she watched the crowd with amazement.

I faintly heard a girl's voice say, "Mate..."

My eyes never left her as she broke into a smile which lit up her whole face. My wolf was feeling uneasy in the back of my mind and wanted to come but I had better control of him.

She smiled as everyone cheered for the new couple, her whole face lit up and a tint of pink graced her cheeks. But then her smile faltered slightly and her eyes met mine.

She stopped smiling and we stared in each others eyes for... for how long? I didn't know. There was something about her which made me want to reach out to her. But I held myself back and just looked into her hazel eyes.

Jonathan growled which made her flinch slightly and she blinked at me as her eyes held some fear. She bowed her head, showing her respect and submission to me.

That small gesture, which was so common for me, made me little uneasy. Like this was wrong, she shouldn't be bowing infront of me. And my wolf definetly did not like that.

When she looked back at me, her eyes were filled with fear and I could smell it radiating off of her. And just like that, she turned around and ran away from there.

I ran my fingers through my hair and drained the beer which was in my hand in one gulp. I didn't know why I was feeling like shit right now but I didn't care. I went to get a refill and wanted to forget about that mysterious girl.

I grabbed a bottle of beer which I emptied pretty quickly so I grabbed another. Just as I was drinking, someone wrapped their arms around my waist. I turned and saw Rachel looking up at me with a seductive look and her eyes were full of lust.

"I am sorry, baby. Lets forget about what happened yestersay. Okay?" she said seductively and leaned forward as she pressed her body against mine. I smirked. She then kissed me and I kissed her back, wrapping my arms around her body. We started to make out and suddenly her face flashed in my mind. 

I broke the kiss and took a step back. Rachel looked at me with confusion and said seductively as she pulled me towards her, "What's wrong, babe? You want to do it somewhere else?"

I looked at her and blinked as I shook my head at her. I tried to forget her and pulled Rachel with me upsatirs to my room. Just like everytime, Rachel come back to me no matter what.

The next morning, I woke up next to a naked Rachel who was sleeping soundly. I turned in my bed and sat up which made her wake up too.

"Good morning, babe," she said as she again wrapped her arms around me and starting to leave small kisses on my neck. But I shoved her back and said, "Take your cloths and get out."


"Get out," I said boredly. When she didn't get up, I glared at her and gave her an angry look.

She looked at me and saw my angery expression, she immediately took her cloths and within seconds she was gine. I sat on my bed, alone in my room. Just as I was about to get up, again her face flashed before my eyes.

I shook my head, trying to forget about her.

Who was she anyway? A low growl escaped my mouth in frustration.

Frustrated, I went to get a shower and got dressed. I then went downstairs to have breakfast.

I wasn't going for a run 'cause I had school today. I'd missed school for so many days because of my 'Alpha-in-training' duties. So I was a bit early for my usual breakfast timing.

When I entered the kitchen, the smell of bacon and pancakes reached my nosetrils and I inhaled deeply. I smelled another scent which didn't belong to my mother, who was always there in that kitchen. She loved cooking. The other scent that I smelled, it was like rain with a hint of lavenders, and it was her scent.

That girl... Today, I will know who the hell she is.

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