
Disciple Number 355244's Past history.

The fifteen years old boy suddenly wakes up in the middle of the night confused and disoriented.

He looks around but nothing seems familiar.

He was supposed to be leading the fighting against the Dark Sect Blood Moon who invaded his sect territory. As the patriarch of Sole Heaven Sect, it was his duty to be in the forefront of the fight and keep the disciples moral high. If so, why was he here now?

Flash backs start passing through his mind.

Memories of this and the other life start joining together making him more and more confused.

Slowly, only step at a time, he starts understanding what had happened.

In the middle of the fight with the patriarch of the Blood Moon Sect someone fell from the sky bringing up a huge explosion that devoured both patriarchs, but somehow a miracle happened and he was reborn in this body.

(Well, since I was reborn, I should do my best to aim higher than ever before! This time, with my experience helping me, everything will be a lot easier and no challenge will be impossible to overcome! Just wait, Immortal World! This Heavenly Dragon will return!)

Now that his past memories were organized, he decided to understand his current predicament. It seems like he was the only son of a merchant family. Because of his father insurmountable fortune, he always had everything that he wanted... that is, until 3 days ago, when his father was accused of treason by the royal family and had all his fortune confiscated.

Luckily he were outside the house when it happened, so he easily escaped being imprisoned as well. Unluckily, without the support of his father, he was just a idiot, spoiled brat.

But wait! He was not totally alone yet!

Concentrating on his memories he finally remembered he actually had a fiance who was just as rich as he was!

(Yes, exactly! That fiance who made a love pledge under the cherry blossom tree!)

...Who he doesn't even remember her name.

(Well, no matter her name, my fiance is still my fiance, so I should be able to ask for help, right?)

So, using all the money he had left, he finally arrived at the front door of his fiance's where he was received by two guards who were guarding the entrance.

"Hey boy, this is no museum for you to be looking around, get out of here fast before I give you a beating!"

"How dare you! Do you know who you are talking to!? I am the Heavenly Dragon whose fiance resides in this mansion! Now open the way!"

"Ha??? What the fuck is this brat talking about!? Let me teach him a lesson, so he grows some common sense!"

The second guard stopped him and said:

"Wait, I think I recognize him... Oh!!!! This is the brat from that rich merchant..."

"Rich merchant? Which rich merchant??"

"The one who got accused of treason two days ago."

"Oh!!! That merchant! So what?"

"I think the little princess had some business with him, let's call just to make sure."


15 minutes later.

An elegant and mature 15 years old young lady appears by the gate.

"Good Morning, Little Princess!"

The guards salute the girl and stand guard in their respective positions.

She just nods and goes toward the boy.

"Our current stands are too far apart. Take this and our engagement is now broken! Never look for me again!"

After saying all she had to say, she delivers a big bag of coins to the boy.

The boy opens the bag of coins and sees that inside there are only gold coins, enough to live years without any kind of work.

The boy flips the bag throwing all coins in the street and ...wait no, he actually seems to be closing the bag with care...???

What!? The boy is smiling and saying thank you!?

What does he mean by "Our love was beautiful but short like the falling petals in the wind."!?

He didn't even remember her name!!!!

Wait, did she...she started crying!?


Disciple's Title: Heavenly Dragon

Disciple Number: 355244.

History of his past before joining H.I.T.S.

Seinkcreators' thoughts