
To the girl I love..


_Tiny_Devil · LGBT+
Classificações insuficientes
10 Chs

I beg to know your name


Inside the car....

"Oh my god! Am I THAT obvious!?"

My brother laughed his head off before taking a hard turn to the left and then uttering, "Dude, you're the most obviously gay person I've ever met.

I mean look at you! You are dressing up and acting as a tomboy. And you can't control your eyes when you see a pretty gal walking by, you instantly become a simp.

Plus, the way you talk, is veryyy flirty and I don't know, it's just like as if you have a 'I'm gay everyone' label posted on your head. Literally!"

"Bro- I thought you didn't know or notice anything about me but you didn't even look a bit surprised when you heard that I was.. gay.."

"Foolish kid, I'm your big brother. So of course I notice everything 'bout you! And I kind of have my spies in your class." I saw him winking from the front mirror before continuing.

"By the way isn't is called gay when two boys are together? Isn't lesbian the word for two girls being all smoochy koochy poochy po-"

"Yeah! Yeah! It is. I just felt more comfortable saying it like that. But you're making it sound gross. Shut up."

"Hahah, I think it's cute."

A smile plastered on my face unintentionally. I never thought I'd have such a good conversation with my brother. I always thought he was a jerk and a complete scumbag.

But that girl was right! Sometimes, you just need to be patient and talk to others calmly. Wow. I love her for saying that. Her advice is really great and 100% true.

I couldn't wait to meet her tomorrow. I was nervous at the same time though.. :')


At the cafe.....

Just when I closed the door and got back inside, I saw my granny frowning. She looked confused and kinda mad.

"Why gramma?"

"Who is that young lady?"

"Oh she's just a classmate at school. You look so cute when you look so tense gramma! Aww!"

I made puppy eyes at my granny, to which she melted and hugged me tight.

"I am so happy since you came darling. You are such a sweetheart, no one gives me compliments like that in this age.."

"They are just blind. To me, real beauty is on the inside. Not to mention, you don't look a day over 50 gramma. Can't believe you're turning 71 soon!"

She chuckled before moving away from the hug and said, "Thanks girl!"

We both chuckled before going to the kitchen to eat dinner. There, my granny told me something she forgot to tell me earlier.

"It's just that, I don't really have a good feeling about that young one who just went away."

"It's just a silly gut feeling gramma. Let's eat, I'm starving!"

I went to bed after taking dinner with granny and Oh boy. Why couldn't I stop thinking about Lucy!? The way she fell on top of me twice. And the way we water splashed.

It was so much fun. The way she laughs. The way she pouts when she's frustrated or sad. The way she looked at me. The way I blushed and my heart beat kept rising and rising..

'Have I gone crazy?'

'Over a girl, on top of everything?'

I wasn't even a lesbian or anything. I didn't find boys interesting either. But, there was just something about her. From the first moment I saw her.. Ugh!

'I should really go to sleep and not think silly stuff.'

I was more than ready to go to school tomorrow to meet Lucy again. I was really excited!

(Next day at school)

Our school was the famous girl's school in the country. I was here from a scholarship, otherwise I could have never afforded an expensive school like this.

By every second I was spending there, I loved it very much. School felt like home to me. Now that I've made a friend, I had a feeling it's gonna be an even better experience.

I walked through the big main gate which was made out of wood. It was coloured black, brown and a pinch of blue. The gate was shining as the sun shone on it.

While I was walking inside, I saw a white and orange cat beaing tortured by some younger kids. I couldn't bear to see that scene. No matter how late I was, I walked upto them.

I stood behind them and yelled, "What the hell are you doing? Leave him alone, go to your classes!"

The poor kids thought I was a junior prefect or something I guess, because they ran away like scared little mice.

I laughed holding my stomach and looked down to see the poor kitten trembling in fear. I bent down and patted him on his head and under the neck. He loved it.

He began to relax a little bit as his fear faded away. "Don't be scared.. here, I'll keep you in a safe spot." After gaining his trust, I held him and took him to a place where people couldn't clearly see.

When I was about to leave, he started coming near me, meowing and rubbing his body on my legs. "Poor baby, I'll be back to see you."

"Good bye little kitty."

When I started walking towards my class again, I heard some others whisper, "What a weirdo!" "She's a cat freak! hahaha!"

I couldn't care less about what other's said. I was just too happy at the moment and I never care about their mean opinions anyways. I was happy I could see my first friend in this new school.

There were yellow flowers, that were falling down from a giant tree, on the road. It was like a beautiful carpet. The bell suddenly rang and I started walking faster, almost running.

I always came late because I was living so close to the school. But I was super late today. I started running above the stairs which lead to my class.

My class was right in the middle of other classes. There were two ways you could come to the class. The main gate's area and the 2nd gate's area. As I was running, I saw someone familiar running opposite to me.

It was Lucy. We both stopped in our tracks for a second and then she started running towards me faster than before. So did I. We both flew into each other's arms and hugged tight.

Then we got inside the class, laughing and holding hands. "Why were you so late? I was worried!"

"I was just busy patting a kitty."

"What- ew.."

"I beg your pardon??"

"Oh whoa. I just- I don't like animals.. because they don't like me either. Like my mom.."

"Have you ever had a pet?"


"I see. That's why then. I'm going to see that kitty again in the interval time. Come with me then."

"Sure, but.. I don't know. No animal likes me, ever."

"I'm sure they like you. You just have to see that."

"Okay, I guess. Whatever you say. Um, omg!"

"Your name! Please. What's your name? I beg you to tell me."

"Ah, jeez no need to beg me. I'll tell you, Lucy. My name is D-"

Just then, to Lucy's frustration, the bell rang again and our morning routine started.

Dear reader,

When you get what you want, it's God's direction but when you don't get what you want, it's God's protection. Have a nice day.

Yours truly,

Author Kreshiya.

_Tiny_Devilcreators' thoughts