

[Three hours later] 

When Elsa stumbled on the carpet for the third time, Desmond frowned. 

She had replaced her wedding dress with a white cocktail gown but she still had the same pair of stiletto heels on. 

If she can't walk in heels properly, why does she still have it on? 

"I am sorry," Elsa apologized. She hated wearing heels but she had no other choice. She had to wear it every time they attended a party or any other official function. 

"Let's sit for sometime." They had been walking around greeting guests for almost a couple of hours. No wonder her feet were hurting. 

"No it's fine, I can walk." She wanted to finish greeting all the guests as soon as possible and leave the hall immediately. 

"Who said it's for you?" Desmond wrapped his arms around her waist and guided her towards the nearest empty couch. "I am tired." 

Before she could say anything, she was being dragged towards the couch. 

When they sat down, Elsa took off one of her shoes. She hissed lightly when she wiggled her toes. 

Desmond frowned when he saw the deep red marks and a very painful blister near her tiny toe. Why would she insist on walking around when she is in so much pain? 

When Elsa tried to wear the shoe back, he stopped her. "No need to wear it back." 

"Huh?" she frowned. "What do you want me to do then? Walk barefoot?" 

When he did not say anything, she scoffed, "Wouldn't you be embarrassed if your wife walked around barefoot in front of your prestigious guests?" 

Desmond got up from his seat and stood right in front of her. 

Assuming that he wanted to resume their greeting session, Elsa proceeded to painfully fit the monstrous shoe on her already swollen feet when suddenly Desmond scooped her in his arms. 

She yelped in surprise and involuntarily wrapped her arms around his neck. 

She looked at him with her eyes widened in shock but unlike her, Desmond had a neutral expression on his face, as if he hadn't just picked her up in bridal style in front of everyone. 

"You—What are you doing?" 

Suddenly the crowd started hooting and cheering for the newlywed. 

"Someone seems desperate to be alone with his bride," One of the guests yelled. 

"Way to go son," Henry, Desmond's father, proudly raised his glass at his son. 

Embarrassed, Elsa's entire face turned red and hot. She wanted to dig a hole and bury herself. She couldn't understand what he was trying to do. 

Without saying a word, Desmond started walking towards the main entrance. 

He stopped midway when he saw Carl. "We are leaving." 

"Excited?" Carl grinned at the couple. 

"Oh God," Elsa muttered. 

"Very," Desmond gave his twin a cheeky smile before walking away. 

"Way to go bro," Carl cheered. 



"I can walk," Elsa remarked. 

"I never said you couldn't." When she rolled her eyes at him, he clenched his jaws. "Don't do that." 

"Do what?"

Desmond took a deep breath but did not say anything. He was already having a hard time trying not to look at the deep cleavage that was flashing in front of his eyes and her eyes rolling wasn't helping. 


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