
To Love the Wicked

Black Magic is forbidden in the Kingdom of Basvellia, a taboo only a handful of people practice in secret. Isabelle, the first princess of Basvellia takes after her mother in image, who was uncovered to be a wicked black witch who rose to power by cursing the current emperor. But her personality and morals are against anything her mother had tried to push on her as a child. With a kingdom that regards her as a threat Isabelle’s father offers her as a sacrifice to the blood thirsty neighboring Kingdom of Cavnos, a territory known for its aggressive royalty. In an attempt to cool the growing tension of war Isabelle is faced with the near impossible task of befriending the Kingdom where playing dirty tricks to gain power is how you rise to the throne. Will the royal family of Cavnos eat her alive? Or will the promise of marriage save Isabelle from certain death. -The Sixth Prince looked me over, i could feel his eyes scan my entire body as if he was trying to find something. It took me a moment to realize he was checking to see if i had any injures. I stared at him, curious to see if this man was truly as fearsome as my people had described him. “i’m unharmed, if that was what you were wondering,” i said quietly. He eyes shot and made eye contact with mine. Golden eyes that flickered and shined under the sun. They were mesmerizing. We stood there silently staring at each other, to the point where i started to become antsy under his piercing gaze. “Good.” His voice echoed through the walls and i jumped at the suddenness of it. The Prince then walked past me and disappeared behind the doors i had just walked through, not once hesitating. The sound of his firm footsteps vanishing after the swift click of the doors.-

MagentaReads · Fantasia
Classificações insuficientes
1 Chs

Named the Wicked

My name is Isabelle Claudius Von Knox. Daughter of the former Empress, Johanna Claudius Von Knox and Emperor, Marcus Hempher Von Knox. Unfortunately, i live under the dark shadow my mother graciously left behind. Born into the reputation of becoming a sly woman like my mother once was, i was forced to face the reality of cruel and unjust judgment from the entire kingdom.

I am the spitting image of my notorious mother, with long pin straight black hair and icy blue eyes, i did nothing but remind everyone of the woman the entire kingdom feared most.

My mother Johanna was a Black Witch, unknown to the world until she was discovered trying to raise me to follow in her footsteps at the young age of 4. I didn't know what was happening until my 14th birthday, when my debut into high society ended with my tears and the revelation of the reputation i had taken on.

'Look at those eyes, i feel like if i looked her face to face id end up frozen to death'

'I bet you a million gold coins she ends up cursing the Emperor and hypnotizes him just like her mother did for power'

'How can she walk free, isn't she just as much a hazard to the kingdom as her mother was?'

'The king must be under a spell to have continued to raise such a child'

These words echo through the walls of my brain. Even as i aged, now 16, these words never fail to remind me of who i am perceived to be. Like metal welded into a sign that hung from my neck. I am the offspring of the woman who cursed her way to the top.