
To LOVE Ru - The Unknown Darkness


counterbloxpro19 · Anime e quadrinhos
Classificações insuficientes
11 Chs

Chapter 3: Unknown Assassin Arrives

It's a new day in the morning after the night of the thunder and in Rito's room while Mikan, Lala, Momo, and Nana woke up at the same time before Rito did (Still unknown to what powers are hiding inside of him) and thinks back to yesterday till now what and how they ended up in his room instead of theirs.

″Rito is the same as back then...″ Said Mikan silent while Lala asked her what she meant by that while Momo and Nana were confused but interested that Mikan has feelings for him but never knew how to tell them to him. Some moments later they were in the kitchen talking together about when they were sleeping together while it was thunder outside as kids and how her feelings towards her brother are atm.

*Meanwhile in space on Golden Darkness spaceship*

″We are arriving at the planet Earth″ Says the ship's A.I

″Thanks you...″ Said Golden Darkness while preparing herself to complete the mission as they entered Earth's orbit and closed in on the town where her target was.

*Back with Rito and the girls*

″See you later Rito″ Said the girls as he went out to shop for things that they needed.

When he was near the mall, Zastin knocked on the door (instead of well you know what used to do if you think hard enough) and was welcomed in by the girls and they started talking in the living room.

*Meanwhile with Rito at the mall*

'I think I got everything we needed' Said he for himself while was in a queue for buying some Taiyaki ironic enough as he was hungry and was by a store that sold that. While that happened Golden Darkness was already on the ground sitting against a metal fence along the road near the store where Rito was waiting without knowing that Rito was gonna change her.

*Back home with the girls*

″Well Rito is sure taking time, why?″ Asked Mikan while everyone else did not know anything until they heard Lala's video phone with the Alien that hired Golden Darkness calling so Lala, Momo, Nana, and Zastin rushed there without what is going on as they thought it is the reason why Rito is taking so long.

″Well hello princesses...″ Started the alien on the screen saying just to get interrupted by Lala.

″Lacospo, what do you want now? I already said that I won't marry you″ Said Lala angry while Lacospo continued talking and explaining.

″I have hired Golden Darkness to kill Rito, so now you are forced to marry me Lala″ Said Lacospo as he ended the call which made the girls and Zastin run to find Rito alive. 'Stay alive Rito' thought the girls, while Zastin thought 'This can be problematic for himself.

*Back with Rito after getting his Taiyaki's*

He started to walk back home with the things he bought and the taiyakis as he noticed Golden Darkness at the time he did not know she was there to kill him, as he walked to her and asked her something.

″You want a Taiyaki″ Asked Rito Golden Darkness as he holds out one to her as she took it and ate it and said.

″Earth's food is sure weird″ She said as Rito was surprised by what she said while she stands up and asked him if he was Rito and he said yes and then she explained she had an assassin mission to kill him. Rito noticed her hair transformed into weapons and started to chase him through the town to a train track which where Lala, Momo, Nana, and Zastin arrived and he went directly to attack Golden Darkness.

*The fight went on till Zastin got hit by a train and Rito and the girls went running to the park to not destroy/damage more of the mall part where the princesses started talking*

″Why do you have to kill him, Yami? Asked Lala while she stared with Momo and Nana toward Yami/Golden Darkness while was confused as hell.

″I have been hired to kill him as he kidnapped you three, so stay out of the way″ Answered Yami/Golden Darkness to the three Devilukes princesses.

″Who ever hired you gave you wrong info, he did not kidnap us. He is going to protect us till we find the one we want to marry″ Said Lala back before Lacospo appeared from his spaceship.

″Why don't you kill him Golden Darkness, he is there″ Said Lascospo to Yami/Golden Darkness.

″The description/info you gave me looks like to be different from what the princesses says″ Answered Yami/Golden Darkness.

″Right, time for plan b″ he said as he teleported a giant frog from his spaceship and after he got on the frog's back Yami/Golden Darkness transformed her hand into a sword and started to attack Lascospo and his frog. But before she could get a hit on it, she got hit by the frog's tongue liquid that slowly makes clothes disappears as she is flung back towards Rito as he saw what happened and ran towards her and caught her as she flew towards him. As he caught her clothes was close to being all gone to make her naked as Rito knew what was gonna happen he hander Yami/Golden Darkness to the Deviluke girls while he decided to fight Lascospo.

″Lala, can you help her with her clothes?″ Asked Rito her.

″Peke?″ Said Lala and Peke started to help Yami with her clothes as Rito walked towards the alien and said something.

″Go back to space, you moron″ Said Rito as he somehow punched Lascospo and his frog into the sky without knowing what and how he did that. Yet unknown to them all, his inside darkness power helped for once.

'Why is he helping me and what is this feeling' Asked Yami herself as Peke said at the same time which made her snap back to reality.

″Your clothes should be back soon but you can wear that temporality till they are back. You should come back home with us while we wait for your clothes to return ″Said Peke as the girls started to Rito and what he just did and how he managed that but they never asked anything about it.

″You should live with us, Yami. That way we can help you with anything and explain whats is going on″ Said Rito as he walked towards them and looked at her while she replied with a nod. With that Rito got Yami oh is back which made her safer than before and she soon fell asleep on his back as they walked back to their home.

*Meanwhile with Zastin*

″Where are am?″ He asked as his guard told him that Rito and the girls are safe and he is in his spaceship's medic room.

While they walked out of the room as Zastin had recovered enough from the hit by the train they saw Lascospo floating outside.

″We better grab him and hand him to the galactic police ″ Said Zastin

*Back at Rito and the girls together with Yami*

″Im going to put Yami who is sleeping in my bed so you three can explain to Mikan who she is and what happened in the park″ Said Rito while looking at Lala, Momo, and Nana as they nodded.

As Rito entered his room and put Yami on his bed with the bed cover on her and he kissed her on her forehead without think which made her blush and say ″I love you, Rito″ as she remember something in her childhood while Rito replied ″I love you too, Yami″ without thinking why he said that as he went out of his room to let her sleep and went down to the other girls and explained that he got her to his bed and what Yami said as he put her on his bed.

*Moments later*

The other girls went to their rooms while Rito went to his room where Yami was now sitting up after just waking up moments earlier and were thinking and trying to figure out what to do now as he entered his room.

″Had a good sleep, Yami?″ Asked Rito as he walked to the bed she nodded while he sat down and talked to her.

″I don't get why but I feel safer around you, Rito ″ Said Yami while giving a warm hug as she did that the door opened and the other girls were there for some reason which Rito did not understand as he stand up and walked towards them before asking

″You girls wanna sleep with Yami in my room because it's my room?″ Asked Rito with a smile as they nodded and he looked at Yami who gave a nod too as it's okay.

Rito then picks up Momo and laid her close to the window and then picked up Mikan and laid her on Momo's right side and Yami's left side then he picks up Nana and laid her on Yami's right side and then finally laid Lala on Nana's Right side near the edge. When he had put all the girls on the bed with Yami, he pulled the bed cover over them and gave them a night kiss on their forehead, and let them drift into sleep.

″Night you five″ Said Rito calm as he walked out of the room after he decided to sleep in the living room to let the girls sleep in peace.

As he laid down on the coach he soon also fell asleep.

*Unknown to them again his unknown powers started to gain more strength as the night went on*

End of chapter 3