
To Love And To Loathe

When Tara agreed to the marriage of convenience between her family and that of the Blackwaters she didn't know what to expect nor did she have an opinion about it being the only child of her father. It was common knowledge amongst children from Mafia families that they were not free to marry just the way they like, it would always be with proper consultation and strategy to ensure the marriage was a form of reinforcement for the family. Power comes before Love. However, as the saying goes not all that glitters is Gold. The Blackwaters coated their words with gold but underneath them were plans to have revenge. Revenge shattered the world of Tara who had completely fallen in love with Lakan against the advice to be always watchful. For the sake of the true love she had in her heart the universe decided to reward her with another opportunity to be watchful but how does she go about it when she is still struggling with the fact that the death of every member of her family still seems like a dream to her? Excerpt. Tara walks into his office with uncertainty in her heart. She wasn't sure of what to expect but was sure it would surely contain some secrets after all why would he say "Of all the rooms in this house my office is out of bound to you. You should never find yourself inside even by mistake " Those were the clear words he gave to her from the day of their marriage and she had always heeded those words. But not today. she was determined to find clues that Lakan and his family were making plots against her family. She has made it her life assignment since that dream or since she came back in time. she was still yet to conclude on that. She noticed a red file on the table, the only one with that color, and headed straight for it. "Do you have a death wish? She heard a cold voice ask from behind her. Fear gripped her as she turned slowly, she already knew who it was. There he stood staring at her with a fierce look on his face, his cold eyes penetrating her heart. How could he have entered without making a sound? And I thought he was sleeping. " Do you have a death wish? He repeated this time advancing toward her with steady steps his eyes not looking away for one second. She swallowed hard and wondered what possible lie would save her right now or if this was the end for her.

Delta_Line · Urbano
Classificações insuficientes
28 Chs

Unknown Force

"It is either someone is sabotaging our plans or someone has a grudge to settle with your brother " Lucas informed a fuming Jezebel who was barely listening to him as she bit her lips in frustration taking a sip of wine at intervals.

Lucas knew how she could be when frustrated and stood some good distance from her. He had his eyes on his route of escape in case she decides to throw anything in his direction. He was the only one who was permitted to enter her room so he knew his way around.

"I warned that they should not be any mistake. Although this happened in our favor it was not our plan and what is making me angry is the fact that it was not our plan. So tell me what happened? She asked looking at Lucas who though has been working for her for a long time has never gotten used to the intense feelings that he feels whenever she is angry.

He was sure he made all the plans and everything was in place

" Ma'am I think whoever did this must have been the one who sent an assassin" Lucas blurted out without thinking

Jezebel paused to reason what he just said. It is possible someone else in their family is also making plans against Lakan aside from her. That would mean there is a third force for her to worry about, that made her uncomfortable

"What is the update on the assassination attempt that day? She asked hoping at least he would have something to say.

" our men are closing down on the shooter. We will get him soon. He has been keeping a low profile since that day" Lucas replied.

"Did anyone from the assassins club take responsibility? She queried further.

" No, I am sure he is a private contractor no one seems to know anything about him" He replied.

"Lucas I want something and I want it as soon as possible. Give me something on one of these incidents unless you want me to handle things myself. You know what happens to your men when I handle things myself " She reminded him with a smile playing across her face.

Lucas didn't need anyone to remind him of that. The last time Jezebel personally handled a situation he lost three of his men to her anger issues. If she felt you were slowing her down she could gun you down without thinking about it hence Lucas always ensured she was never with a gun at hand whenever he was discussing with her.

"Please you don't have to do anything, I will make sure to handle everything " He assured her


Lakan looked at the video playing on the phone without an expression on his face. He had finally come to see Tara in his room after Bishop told him about her intention to see him.

He has been listening to his men give him some report on some business issues when Bishop came around with the information. Bishop reminded me of someone he was trying to think about. He felt Tara was thinking lowly of him when she said he wanted to take advantage of her because she woke up in different clothing on his bed. He felt she was being ungrateful considering he was the one who had to bear the shame when she put up that behavior back then.

"You need to see her, I would take care of things here. This is very important" Bishop had said so with a serious look on his face to convey the importance of the message.

He had no other choice than to go to her especially since It was Bishop that brought the message.

Without saying a word to him Tara handed the phone to him and watched him see how he would react. She was not disappointed to see that he didn't show any expression but she was expecting him to say something. She watched as Lakan watched the video for over ten minutes. He kept replaying the video and was looking at it so intensely that she reasoned he must be looking for something else in the video that she had not seen.

"How are you? He finally asked looking at her with a little show of concern on his face.

Tara was speechless when she heard that question. She didn't know what he would say but wasn't suddenly expecting him to ask about her well-being.

" how are you? He asked again with a kind voice.

"I guess I am fine " She replied wondering why he was suddenly being so kind.

" Are you sure? He asked again as he stood up taking some steps toward her to ensure she was fine.

Tara took some Steps backward as he approached her.

"What are you doing here?

" I am checking to see if you are really fine " he replied before going back to his sitting position.

He had a weird way of showing his concern for her she reasoned.

"I am sorry about this. I will mar sure to find out those responsible for this video circulation " He promised her.

Tara couldn't believe her ears when she heard him say these words. She couldn't believe he was apologizing when he was the one that was falsely accused by her after she disgraced him.

"I am sorry too," She said

"For what?

"For what I did at the party and what I did after I woke up in your room. I can't remember a thing about all of these" She said looking sorry.

Lakan scoffed when he heard her say those words. He walked up to her again, and this time she didn't move back she allowed him to get to him.

"I know this is not your fault, obviously someone planned to make you drunk and film it. It can only be someone from my family. So don't worry about your head and just relax. I will make sure they pay for this" He assured her