
To Kill or Be Killed

Chaos reigns at Basilia Palace when power-hungry Christos seizes the throne and imposes tyranny on the realm after King Themis flees and hides to protect his daughter from Casimir, who is driven by a prophecy that states he will die at the hands of the king's child. While commoners suffer under Christos' tyranny, the king is faced with the tough decision of either fleeing with his vulnerable daughter or reclaiming his throne to save his people. As danger looms from all sides, the king must choose between duty and family, with the fate of the kingdom hanging in the balance.

msso · Fantasia
Classificações insuficientes
48 Chs

Unspoken Bonds

As the golden rays of dawn filtered through the trees, Ayira awoke. Panic gripped her heart as she realized that Lucius was nowhere to be found.

Frantically, she searched the empty rooms of the cottage, her mind racing with worry.

"Lucius? Lucius, where are you?" she called out, her voice tinged with fear.

Rushing outside, Ayira scanned the surroundings, her eyes widening in shock as she spotted Lucius standing in a nearby field with Yuno. They were engrossed in what appeared to be a training session, with Lucius practicing wind magic under Yuno's guidance.

"Focus on your breathing and visualize the wind swirling around you," he instructed. Yuno smiled and demonstrated the proper stance, showing Lucius how to channel his energy into the wind. 

Lucius followed Yuno's guidance, closing his eyes and taking deep breaths. He imagined the wind dancing around him, feeling its energy coursing through his veins.