
Forbidden Fruit

Aisha stared at Damien for a long while, and she was bewildered by the pensive look in his eyes. What was he thinking? What was going on inside the sadistic demon’s mind?

Damien on the other hand, started to be alarmed with himself. Why did he suddenly get overprotective with Aisha? It was as if he cared for her and he rushed in mere seconds to her rescue.

They literally just met yesterday!

He shouldn’t be feeling that way for a human. Most especially with someone he had a contract with. He needed to get a grip over himself, or else he would go soft and that wouldn’t exactly be great for his reputation.

He was a demon, a Harbinger of high rank. He had no time to be invested in a human girl! That shouldn’t even be the case for him, it should be the other way around.

But here he was, instantly cancelling his meeting. They were in the middle of an important discussion too! All just to rush and see to it that Aisha was safe.

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