

got reincarnated In another world but as a weak ass adventurer who is part of the hero party and got NTR'ed before being kicked out of the party now armed with an OP system I can do what I want which is having adventures and my own harem

Ahmed_Dazumi · Fantasia
Classificações insuficientes
11 Chs

chapter 6: helping out a village pt 4

As I walked alongside Mark and his vigilante group, the moon casting long shadows over the village, my curiosity burned with a desire to unravel the mysteries that surrounded us. The makeshift weapons clutched by the group hinted at their determination to protect, yet the unanswered questions lingered in the night air.

Seizing the opportune moment, I decided to pry into the enigma of the Nightshades.

Hiro:When did all these Nightshades appear?

I inquired casually, my tone masked in curiosity.

Mark, adjusting the hammer at his back, furrowed his brow in contemplation.

Mark: more than a decade befor

he replied, the weight of years evident in his words.

Inwardly, I was baffled. More than a decade? The realization hit me like a sudden gust of wind, raising more questions than answers. If the Nightshades had been a lurking threat for such an extended period, why hadn't they unleashed their destructive force upon the village earlier? The puzzle pieces of the Nightshades' motives refused to fit together neatly, leaving me grappling with the implications.

Hiro:They could have destroyed this village a long time ago, but why didn't they?

I pondered inwardly, my thoughts racing to comprehend the intricate dance between the Nightshades and the village they seemingly refrained from decimating.

As Mark continued to share insights into the Nightshades' sporadic appearances, a subtle tension lingered in the air. The moonlit path we traversed became a corridor of uncertainty, each step unveiling the complexity of the intertwined narratives that shaped Mystaria's fate.

A glimmer of suspicion surfaced within me. Could there be a clandestine understanding between the Nightshades, Mark's group, and the village chief? The unanswered questions wove a web of intrigue, demanding a careful unraveling.

Deciding to press further, I posed another question

Hiro:Have you ever tried negotiating with the Nightshades? Understanding their motives might help us protect the village more effectively.

Mark's gaze darkened, revealing the gravity of the situation.

Mark:Negotiate? They don't communicate. They only seek to destroy. Our focus is on defending, not understanding.

The exchange left me with a lingering sense of unease, a realization that the Nightshades' motives remained as elusive as the shadows that concealed them.

As we moved towards one of the zones marked on the map, the opportunity to delve into the enigma of Elyra and Sylara's parents presented itself. With a cautious tone, I broached the subject,

Hiro:What can you tell me about Elyra and Sylara's parents?

Mark's expression shifted, and a somber cast settled over his features.

Mark:They were respected members of the village, brave and skilled

he began, his voice carrying a note of reverence.

Mark:Elyra's parents, especially, were regarded highly for their contributions to the community until they planned to abandon the vilage

Intrigued, I probed further,

Hiro:Why did they want to abandon the village?

The air seemed to thicken as Mark's response unfolded.

Mark:they believed the village had lost its way, that we were clinging to a precarious existence under the looming threat of the Nightshades. They thought abandoning the village was the only way to escape the inevitable doom.

His voice took on a dark tone, a hint of resentment lingering in the shadows of his words.

Mark:Their departure was met with resistance. Many saw it as an act of betrayal, leaving the village vulnerable. It led to a fracture within the community.

I mulled over the revelation, the complex dynamics of loyalty and diverging perspectives becoming clearer. The choice to abandon the village, framed by the looming threat of the Nightshades, had evidently ignited a divisive rift within the community.

Hiro:Did you agree with their decision?

I ventured, curious to understand Mark's stance on the matter.

Mark's eyes hardened, and a note of bitterness seeped into his response.

Mark:No, I didn't. I believed in staying and fighting, not abandoning our home. Their departure only fueled the skepticism and distrust within the village.

The weight of Mark's convictions and the underlying tensions within the community hung in the air. Elyra and Sylara's parents, once revered, had become figures of controversy, their choices leaving an indelible mark on the fabric of the village.

The forest around us seemed to echo with the complexities of the past, each step forward unveiling layers of history and emotions.

As we continued our journey through the forest, the atmosphere teeming with unspoken questions, I decided to explore a more personal aspect of Mark's sentiments.

Hiro:What do you think about Sylara and Elyra?

I inquired, observing his reaction.

A subtle shift occurred in Mark's demeanor; a softening of his expression and a glint of warmth in his eyes betrayed a sentiment beyond the surface.

Mark:They're strong, resilient. I admire their dedication to protecting the village

he began, his voice carrying a note of genuine appreciation.

However, a lingering pause hinted at a deeper layer of emotions. "And,"

I prodded gently,

Hiro:do you have any personal feelings towards them?

Mark's gaze turned thoughtful, and a hint of a smile played on his lips.

Mark:they're not just comrades in the fight against the Nightshades. There's something more

he admitted, his words trailing into the quiet rustle of leaves overhead.

Definitely not netori if they don't have feelings for him

Inwardly, I noted the subtle shift in his tone – a resonance of romantic admiration.

Hiro:Do you think about them romantically?

I pressed further, my curiosity piqued by the nuances of his response.

Mark nodded, a genuine affection coloring his words.

Mark:Yes, I do. They're not just strong warriors; they're compassionate, caring individuals. It's hard not to feel something deeper.

I considered the implications of Mark's sentiments. The complexities of emotions intertwined with the shared struggles against the Nightshades painted a poignant picture.

Hiro:Have you ever expressed these feelings to them?

I asked, curious about the dynamics within the trio.

I'm definitely going to enjoy this well as long as my suspicion is correct

Mark's expression shifted, a mix of vulnerability and hesitation.

Mark:No, not directly. The fight against the Nightshades demands our focus. I've kept these feelings to myself, not wanting to complicate our shared goals.

The delicate balance between camaraderie and unspoken affections added another layer to the intricacies of our journey. The forest around us seemed to absorb the unspoken sentiments, becoming a silent witness to the complexities of emotions that shaped the relationships within our makeshift group.

As we ventured deeper into the heart of Mystaria, the echoes of unspoken emotions lingered, intertwining with the mysteries of the Nightshades and the enigmatic past of the village. The path ahead held not only the challenges of the external threats but also the intricate tapestry of emotions that bound us together in the face of the unknown.

The moon hung high in the night sky, casting its silvery glow over the village as the air became thick with tension., watched in horror as a colossal, demonic snake emerged from the shadows. Its obsidian scales glistened ominously, and a low hiss reverberated through the air, sending shivers down the spines of onlookers.

Mark's vigilante group, armed with their crude weapons, moved to confront the monstrous intruder. As they clashed with the creature, the battle unfolded in a chaotic symphony of clashing metal and desperate cries. The snake, however, proved to be a formidable adversary, its movements swift and unpredictable.

A surge of energy emanated from Mark as he activated a hammer skill, his form bathed in an ominous aura. With a determined grit, he faced the demonic serpent, delivering powerful blows that resonated through the air. Despite his skill, the creature proved relentless, its venomous fangs striking with deadly precision.

The chaos intensified as members of Mark's group fell one by one, some left badly injured in the wake of the serpent's relentless onslaught. The night echoed with the sounds of struggle and desperation, shadows dancing in the flickering moonlight.

Observing the dire situation, I felt a surge of determination. Gripping the worn-out short sword, I stepped forward, my eyes focused on the menacing serpent. With a swift and agile movement, I closed the distance, my short sword glinting in the moonlight as it sliced through the air.

The battle raged on, the clash of metal against scales, the roars of the serpent, and the desperate cries of the fighters creating a cacophony of chaos. The air crackled with energy as I unleashed a series of precise strikes, exploiting the creature's vulnerabilities.

The serpent, now faced with a relentless onslaught, writhed in pain. Mark, sensing an opportunity, coordinated his attacks with mine. The combined effort began to wear down the creature's defenses. Despite being wounded, Mark fought with unwavering determination, his hammer skills complementing my agile swordplay.

My sharingan was fully activated

As the battle reached its climax, I seized the moment to execute a decisive strike. With a swift, calculated move, I aimed for the serpent's vulnerable spot, driving the short sword deep into its heart. The creature convulsed, its monstrous form dissipating into shadows, leaving behind an eerie silence.

The aftermath of the battle was marked by fatigue and injuries, the moonlight casting long shadows over the village. The surviving members of Mark's group gathered, offering nods of gratitude. Elyra and Sylara, who had witnessed the intense struggle, approached with relief evident in their eyes.

Amidst the remnants of the battlefield, I couldn't help but wonder about Mark's mysterious skills and the origin of such formidable abilities.

Mark's gaze swept across his comrades, a stoic expression masking any inner turmoil he might have felt. The aftermath of the battle lay before him – injured allies, weary faces, and the lingering specter of defeat. Yet, his demeanor remained resolute, a leader undeterred by the setbacks.

Mark:Get yourselves together

Mark's voice cut through the post-battle silence, firm and unwavering.

Mark:We underestimated the threat. This won't happen again.

The members of his group, their morale shaken by the encounter with the demonic serpent, exchanged glances marked by a mix of frustration and acknowledgment. They knew the gravity of the situation, the consequences of their lapse in judgment.

A subtle tension lingered in the air as Mark, still clad in the remnants of the battle, assessed the toll the skirmish had taken on his allies. His eyes, however, betrayed a hint of concern, a silent acknowledgment of the weight of leadership and the responsibility that rested on his shoulders.

Mark:Retreat for now

Mark declared, a tactical decision born out of a strategic mind.

Mark'We'll regroup and plan our next move. This battle isn't over.

His orders were met with nods of compliance, and the group began to withdraw, each member reflecting on the lessons learned from the encounter. The night, once filled with the clamor of battle, now embraced a solemn quiet.

Amidst the subdued atmosphere, I kept to myself, observing the dynamics within Mark's group and contemplating the mysteries that surrounded him. There was more to Mark than met the eye – his skills, his resilience, and the calculated decisions that defined his leadership hinted at a depth yet to be explored.

As Mark led his comrades away from the battlefield, the moonlit village bore witness to the aftermath of the struggle against the demonic serpent.

As I stood amidst the aftermath of the serpent battle, my Omni system began to flash with a series of notifications, each one heralding a new milestone in my journey through Mystaria. The familiar hum of excitement filled the air as I eagerly accessed the system's interface to explore the rewards that awaited.

**Notification 1: Level Up!**

*Congratulations! You have leveled up several times!*

A sense of accomplishment washed over me as the words gleamed on the display. The challenges faced in the recent battles had not only tested my mettle but had also propelled me to new heights. I reflected on the growth, both in skill and strength, that these level advancements represented.

**Notification 2: Skill Enhancements**

*Your skills have been enhanced due to recent battles and experiences.*

The recognition of skill improvement resonated deeply. The fluidity and precision with which I dispatched the demonic serpent reflected the fruits of perseverance and adaptability. The system, attuned to my progress, acknowledged the evolution of my abilities.

**Notification 3: Spin Card Unlocked**

*You have unlocked a Spin Card! Use it wisely to unveil special rewards.*

The mention of a Spin Card sparked a surge of anticipation. I accessed the designated section, eager to discover the potential treasures that awaited. With a virtual spin, the card's imagery whirled before my eyes, each rotation heightening the suspense.

The system's virtual wheel gradually slowed, and as it came to a halt, a holographic display revealed the reward – a rare weapon, shimmering with enchantments. A grin spread across my face at the sight of the coveted item.

**Notification 4: New Ability Unlocked**

*Due to your exceptional performance, new abilities have been unlocked. Explore and utilize them strategically.*


(instant mastery has been activated)

Shadow steps(instantly mastered)

The unveiling of new abilities added an intriguing layer to my repertoire. I delved into the system interface, studying the intricacies of these newfound powers. The prospect of incorporating them into future battles heightened the sense of anticipation for the challenges that lay ahead.

As I navigated through the notifications, the village around me remained veiled in the quiet aftermath of the recent struggle.

With a renewed sense of purpose, I prepared to continue the journey, the notifications from the Omni system serving as beacons guiding me toward the uncharted territories and unforeseen adventures that awaited on the path through this fantastical realm.

**System Response:**

*Name: Hiro*



- **Health:** 300

- **Mana:** 250

- **Strength:** 70

- **Agility:** 63

- **Intelligence:** 45


- Basic Short Sword Mastery

- Basic Mana Mastery

- Arcane Dagger Strike

- Enhanced Reflexes


- Sharingan (Sharingan Meter: 10%)

- Ultimate Levelling

- Instant Mastery



- Worn-out short sword

- Tattered leather armor

The system promptly displayed the updated statistics, skills, and ability, offering a comprehensive overview of the enhancements gained through recent experiences. As I reviewed the information, a sense of empowerment and anticipation fueled my determination to face the challenges that Mystaria had yet to unveil.


In the dimly lit chamber, the village chief's malevolent grin deepened as Mark's revelation hung in the air. The chief's eyes, once veiled by a facade of concern, now gleamed with an unsettling mix of fear and determination.

Chief:Mark, my loyal ally

the chief began, his voice dripping with deceit,

Chief:you fail to see the bigger picture. Hiro's strength isn't just a threat to our enemies; it's a threat to the secrets we've carefully hidden.

Mark's eyes narrowed, a flicker of realization cutting through the shadows.

Mark:Secrets? Chief, what are you talking about? We've always acted in the best interest of the village.

The chief leaned forward, his face inches from Mark's, an air of conspiratorial malevolence enveloping them.

Chief:Mark, you've been my right hand for years, but even you are blinded by the illusion of loyalty. Hiro's strength... it's a beacon that could expose everything we've worked so hard to conceal.

Mark's mind raced, the implications of the chief's words sinking in.

Mark:Expose what? What secrets are you hiding?

A sly smile played on the chief's lips as he revealed a truth long shrouded in darkness.

Chief:The ancient artifacts we've guarded, the forbidden knowledge we've kept hidden from prying eyes. Hiro, with his abilities, poses a threat to our carefully constructed facade. He could unravel the very fabric of our existence.

Mark's expression shifted from confusion to disbelief.

Mark:Chief, we were meant to protect our people. What have we become if we betray them?

The chief's laughter echoed through the chamber, a chilling sound that resonated with the weight of treachery.

Chief:Mark, my dear friend, the path to power is paved with sacrifice. Our village thrives because we've kept the truth veiled. Hiro's arrival jeopardizes everything. We can't afford to let him unravel our secrets.

As the truth unfolded, Mark grappled with the revelation that the village chief, once a trusted ally, had become entangled in a web of deception and fear. The delicate balance between loyalty and betrayal hung in the air, a tension that would shape the destiny of both Mark and Hiro in the intricate dance of shadows that defined Mystaria.