

The members of the fifth division were already on their trucks ready to turn back. And using the earpieces that Jack had given them before, they were all already on the move.

[Zzzzt, Can you hear me, old man?]

"Yeah, I can hear you"

[So you are really doing this?]

"Are you against it? Even with your past? Even seeing the ones next to us enjoying their life outside?"

[Zzzzt, ...]

Zain drove behind Jack, and he felt that this was needed, but even as Jack said those words, Zain could still feel a stingy pain inside of his heart. Using others' emotions against them was something Jack had already started perfecting.

Zain would never be able to deny the need for a revolution since he knows the pain of those below the best.

[So are you going to be the new king, old man?]

"No, I will be imprisoned, if not executed by my own sister...No, that will likely not happen, I will have Joshua have me executed, and have my sister rise as the new queen."

[I don't believe that will happen]

"... I know, the sequence of power in the sacred land, ranks the division commanders as the thirds, since I will be killing the others, that would only leave me and my sister. With the public most likely siding with the hero instead of the villain."

[We will see]

The group then continued on their fast return. And even until this moment, none of the demonic humans had really said a word.

No one felt the power to intervene, not even Lily who would normally act out of instinct.

It was almost as though she felt no need to speak.


A sudden explosion was then suddenly heard by the group, coming from the village they left behind.

"Carl take the wheel!"

Saying so, Carl immediately extended his beard and grabbed onto the handle, stabilizing the wobbly truck and pressing on the gas at the same time.

Sticking his head out through the top window, Jack used his ability to look far into the distance only to spot a large humanoid creature holding onto red glowing spears on each of its four arms.

Without any warning as well, the large demon started to run after the group.

[Zain, do you copy?]


[We are being chased by the demon that Lily probably smelled...it is an 8-meter tall giant with four arms, each holding a red GLOWIN- TO THE RIGHT, TO THE RIGHT]

Giving his clear instructions the two trucks immediately swerved to the right, barely missing a 6-meter-long spear, that shook the ground.

[Push the gas you bastards, I need to make it back home]

[Shut up, old man, just give us some clear instructions]

The two drivers, now nervous beyond their minds prepared themselves for what seemed to be a long ride home.

Jack, however, wasn't in the best condition possible.



[I lost too much blood, I feeling tired]



[All of this for the past two months of having the children not waste their stamina and then you proceed to use your ability like a d*mb*ss!]


However, at that moment, Jack had already reached his limit, having used his ability for almost 2 hours already. And not being able to see far into the distance any longer, Jack couldn't see the large spear approaching them in a matter of seconds.

Jack's expression turned grim as the demonic spear, crushed through the steel hard truck, piercing both Anastasia and Stefen and turning them into nothing more than a puddle of blood and destroyed body parts.

Only activating his ability for two more seconds as the both of them were being crushed, Jack saw Zain's face of shock, as the only intact part of Zain's truck blew up.


Turning him into nothing but ashes that Jack couldn't even attempt to grasp.

Despair grew on Jack's face at the sight, only getting worse as the almighty spear, had yet to finish its job, tearing onto the ground and approaching Jack's truck like an earthworm chasing for its prey.

For Jack the dark sky with two moons, soon turned to the dark earth, as his truck flew and flipped in the air.

Jack who had his upper body outside of the truck through the top window, was now on his way down. His back snapped, and his upper body was now flat against the top of the car.

Gravity soon took its course, as Jack's upper body was crushed by the hefty truck, breaking whatever bones he had left, as the sheer force of the impact sent the truck flying away together with Jack's bottom half.

What remained of Jack's body was now on the ground, his vision was blurry and immense pain ran through his remains.


Jack could hear a distinct familiar sound from behind, the sound of an explosion that already happened once in nothing more than a dime. In the far distance, Jack could see the demon slowly approaching his catch, ready to feast on what he could find.

Jack's consciousness grew dimmer, and the little strength his eyes possessed faded as his body started to collapse.

And in a final attempt, to maybe save the demonic humans that were more resilient than his weak self, Jack extended him, and as if trying to reach the stars, he opened his eyes.

Jack didn't have any powerful attacks, he was not strong, and he was bleeding on the ground ready to die, but even then he tried, giving all the blood he had in his body into a final attack, on a single strand of his hair.

Launching it forward with what remained of his strength, Jack died before he could even see the result of his attack.





In a dark room, without a single feeling of hope, a young man rested on his bed. Apart from that single bed, no other furniture could be seen. Clothes on the ground were scattered without sense.

The ambit of the curtains blocked the light of day.


A thunderous scream sounded as the young man grasped for the skies, extending his hands with all his might, he found himself in silence as he looked around.

Turning his head to look around the teen found himself in disbelief, falling from his bed as he recklessly moved around, he couldn't understand.

Breathing heavily as the memories of the past kept implanting themselves in his mind, the young man with dark circles under his eyes held onto whatever drink he could find. Crushing the cheap water bottle by his side, he opened the cap only to find it empty inside.

Not a single drop of essence entered his mouth. Panic continued to ensue on the child, as he stared into the distance, he found a door to the side. With heavy steps he stood, stumbling around with no sense of stability he walked.

Relying on the sturdy wall was the least he could do.

His body didn't move as he thought, his every movement and action was uncoordinated, and it felt as though his body was weakened. Using every ounce of strength he could muster, the youth leaned his head against the old rustic door. Smacking the door multiple times in an attempt to get a hold of the handle, the kid's breathing only got worst.

His vision now started to blur as time went on, being unable to even open a simple door. Only after minutes had passed was he able to regain his sense of touch, cradling the rusty and cold handle, he did his best to turn it around.

Falling as he accomplished his goal, the young man found himself falling to his knees, nevertheless, his journey didn't stop. Looking ahead he noticed his saving grace. Dirty, and disgusting, bugs crawled around after sensing the thirst of this man.

A sink had never been seen as appetizing before, but for the young man with insensible thirst, this was life, this was his cure.

No different from the cockroaches that hid at his sight, the man crawled and latched onto the only surface he could find, pulling his body upwards as he attempted to suckle on the true essence of life.

Doing his best to turn the faucet, the young man nursed on the tip as if a hungry baby waiting for his meal. Dirty freshness soon filled his mouth, the water was clear but the taste was indispensable tasting nothing more than like the waste of a man.

Nevertheless, the child continued to drink, and as the sink grew fuller and fuller, the man dunked his face in the water. His calm, however, didn't arrive. His heartbeat continued to rise, and the feeling of peace only got farther apart.

However, the truest blow that the young man had received, was at the moment he looked into the broken downed mirror on the wall. Doubt and fear soon appeared on the young man's face, his dark circles only reflected the slight annoyance and fatigue of his body.

"Who the f*ck is that?"

Reflected upon the light of the window, wasn't the familiar face. Younger, and different, the child in the picture had no gray eyes and not even a speck of life. Instead, a child with gray hair, and fully black eyes mirrored in the light.

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