
To Be Crowned

When Darnley mentions that the Crown is going through Confusion and sends the letters to twenty soldiers, everyone is ready with their weapons. But due to unfortunate circumstances, the four of them have to work together. And they know there will be backstabbing at point. After all, there is only one Crown.

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8 Chs


"...and it was, like, totally funny. I bought this dress," she twirled around her lavender gown," for like half the price."

She was actually tricked (a very easy thing to do) into buying the dress for more than it was worth, but Sage wasn't going to break it to her.

Sage was very bored, and since this girl just never shut up, she could just take a bit of entertainment from her foolishness.

"Hey Sagie, you listening?" Maria asked, her brown eyes showing annoyance.

"Of course,", Sage smiled.

She had to keep up with this demeanour if she wanted to keep her perfect, sweet girl image. But sometimes she really wondered how long she could keep up this image. At some point, no matter how good she was at this, she would snap. Nobody could forever be masked, right?

Her thoughts were interrupted by the sudden appearance of an Air Screen. The transparent screen had a bluish hue to it, and was framed with swirls of golden and red.

Ahhh. Darnley, the Crowned of Regitrix, and her dearest father.

The screen started forming an image; a little hazy at first, but clear soon enough. It showed Darnley sitting on his throne, chin resting on top of his clasped hands. His expression was unusually stern, the lines on his forehead deeper than usual.

"Greetings, people of Regatrix", he began in a grave tone. "I have a very depressing announcement to make, and I hope all of you are prepared to hear this."

Sage wondered where this was leading.

"As you all might have noticed, I haven't been seen with the Crown, as of recently." he shook his head. "You know what? I will just get straight to the point. The Crown has been going through Confusion. Since it has rarely occurred in the entire history of Regatrix, let me explain. The Lead Serene is currently er... rethinking her decision of Crowning me."


"Anastasia and I have done some research on this topic, and decided to do something close to what our ancestors did for times like this. Twenty of you, brave soldiers, have already received the letters of selection. The Head Serene shall decide which one of you is worthy to be Crowned, depending on… many factors. This battle shall prove who deserves the Crown.

Best of luck!"

And just like that the Air Screen disappeared.

"What was all that about?" Maria asked, her focus solely on the mirror in front of her, as she brushed her curly ginger hair.

Sage didn't answer. She kept her eyes on the carpet in her room, trying not to let her anger be visible on her face.

Sure, she and her father never had a good relationship. There was always this distance between them- maybe because her mother, who always kept them together was no more there.


She had to bite her tongue to not scream out in frustration. How come... how come he didn't consider her as a to-be-Crowned. Why wouldn't he send the letter to his own flesh and blood? Was she that incompetent?

Maybe there was a mistake. Yes, she stood up from her bed, brushing imaginary crumbs from her gown

there was certainly a mistake.


Her high heels made clack clack noises on the marble floors as she strode along the corridors. From around her, people stopped what they were doing, and looked at her. Sage could almost hear their thoughts. "What could possibly happen to make our little princess so angry?"

It was understandable for them to be confused. The other days, Sage would stop by and talk to them, smiling, till her jaws hurt. Infact, her jaw would always hurt. And sometimes, when she was alone, she would forget how to wipe the fake smile off her face. It stuck to her face like cheap candy on teeth.

She soon reached the mahogany, stone embedded doors that led to the entry of Darnley's office. Without knocking, she pushed the doors open with as much force she could muster.

Sage was expecting to see her dear old father hunched on his table with his pile of comics as usual, but instead, she found Anastasia in the library section of the room, scribbling. Her long black hair spread around the table on the papers that were scattered around. She was so intent on whatever she was doing, that it took her awhile to notice the dainty figure by the door.

Sage didn't hint her arrival so that Anastasia's peace wouldn't be disrupted.

Anastasia was one odd human. She worked for Darnley on her own accord, and she found tranquillity in working. But none of her personality could be deducted from her demeanour.

Her emerald green eyes always sparkled with mischief, as if she would secretly set your clothes on fire. Her pin straight, knee length black hair was either cascading down her back or put into braids. Even though she was working all the time, not a hint of exhaustion could be seen on her face.

"Oh hey, Sage. Sorry, didn't notice you there. How may I help you?"

"Nothing much", Sage gave a tight-lipped smile. "Just wanted to talk to Dar-dad." She quickly fixed her mistake. She couldn't have outsiders knowing that there were imperfections in her life.

"Oh, he is currently in Criatovi. He left just a while ago. Anything I can do?"

"Oh... uh..." Sage 'shyly' neared Anastasia, and took the chair opposite to her. "This is kind of weird. So, you know the whole Confusion thing?"


"God, this makes me sound so... greedy", she faked an exhausted sigh. "I was just… you know, wondering why I wasn't given a letter."

For a moment, Anastasia looked like she was caught off guard. "I am afraid sir Darnley didn't find it necessary to put you on the list."

The temperature in the room dropped, but Sage's blood boiled.

"And why is that?" she asked quietly, like a cat about to pounce on its prey.

"Well, according to the reports,'' Anastasia took out a few papers from under one of the books, "You never participated in any battles, or never showed any tremendous amount of power."

Never showed "tremendous amount of power"? All this time she has been using her Charmspeak. Well of course they wouldn't know. Revealing one's Gift was considered to be a great weakness. And if the people knew they had been Charm-Spoken to this entire time... God, it would tarnish her reputation.

So, even though it killed her ego, she decided to play along.

"Oh, ok",she faked disappointment as she stood up. "Sorry for wasting your time."

She stood up and walked towards the door, her brain already cooking up a plan.

"Sage!" Anastasia called out, making her halt, but not turn around.

"It's just a hunch, but I feel like sir Darnley might have underestimated you."

Maybe if Sage was facing her, she would have seen that evil smirk stretch across her face.

Anastasia is good at hunches, Sage thought as she walked out of the doors.


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