
Time Train: Adventure of a lifetime

Jobs Maddison works as a janitor at his old Academy after quitting life, he works there even though he is overqualified for this job. Everything changed for him the day he found a strange man in front of his house in the stormy weather. The man says he is the conductor of a train that can travel through Time. Now it's up to Jobs to help this new friend find his train and get it to work

lightgel · Realista
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3 Chs

Chapter 1: Rules

" Janitor jobs janitor jobs!! they are fighting again" said a barely audible voice, only more audible by the silent corridor. A corridor of glass cabinets filled with all types of trophies, there are silver, bronze and gold medals and trophies. A corridor of achievements in all categories of academic success and sports. A tall thin blonde man with golden yellow skin wearing a blue uniform with a black tie was listening to music on his headphones connected to a music box that played via tapes like in the 1980s. The man was cleaning the glass cabinets with a yellow labelled spray product that reads " UNIVERSAL CLEANER, IT CLEANS THE WORLD". The man was moving to the Rhythm of the music as a sudden jolt makes him take off his headphones to see a hand on his shoulder.

"Janitor jobs I have been calling you" said a muscular young man with freckles, wearing a blue blazer with the collar mixed with yellow and blue, a tie with blue and black stripes. The boy's eyes were glittering blue , brown hair, he wore small yellow circular earrings and pale skin.

"Oh David, I was working and listening" said Janitor jobs as he hangs the headphones on his neck, he got up from his workspace and dusted himself from the dust he may have collected on the floor. He looked at the heavy breathing and sweating young man who had his hands on his knees from all that running, tired. David tries to catch his breath for a moment and he opens his mouth to say something but his tired body refuses to let him speak, he waits for a while and says "T....that's a....all r.....right Ja....Janitor Jobs" as he stumbles on his words before catching his breath.

Janitor Jobs looked at the young man with a melancholy and grabbed a bottle from his uniforms many pockets, he holds the bottle above his pocket and said " Hey David, I think I have a bottle of...." David grabbed the bottle and gave Jobs a tired thank you wink and drank the bottle of liquid with speed. After finishing the bottle of liquid, David felt a bit weird in his throat and stomach, the sensation was fast and strong, he felt dizzy and woozy, all he saw was a ocean of moving colours that moved like waves. Just staring at them could make anyone puke 🤢 all the food they ate during the break.

He asked in bliss tone " Wh... What w.....was tha....that I drank Janitor Jobs". Janitor Jobs looked at the empty bottle and sighed " That was my homemade moonshine that you drank".

"What!!!" asked a confused and dizzy David as he leans on the cabinet to regain balance.

"I was trying to give you, a water patch from under my bottle of moonshine but you grabbed the bottle without thinking" said as he looked at the young man.

"I thought you were offering the bottle to me and aren't you supposed to pour water in a bottle?"

"No, you use a moisture patch for a tried person , you are an athlete you should know this"

"I am a chess player, a mental athlete not those drug junkies"

"Oh my bad, okay let's go to my office and get you a bucket"

"No wait, I ran here for something important, go to the East Bathrooms and I will get the bucket just give me your keys"

"Why?" asked a confused Jobs.

"No time to explain just go" said David as he points to the corridor he ran through. Jobs nodded in agreement and didn't argue with the Young man and handed him the keys and his music listening kit.

Jobs ran without looking back, just for a moment he was unseen blur. He ran through the corridor and turned east and ran up the stairs with jumping and control pace.

Jobs was on the first floor but could hear a commotion coming from the East Bathrooms and suddenly remembered something from when he was in his music daze, he was able to distinguish something David said before coming to the corridor, something he was yelling out. He couldn't hear well but was able to hear two words "fighting again".

'Shit of course Lamal and Darren again' thought a furious but calm Jobs as he looked at the direction of the bathrooms. A huge crowd was gathering around the boy's bathroom, Faculty and staff were there judging by Mr white's lab coat and Mrs Carmen who was scolding a young silver haired girl wearing a unbuttoned white uniform with a black short skirt who had her head lowered down apologizing for something.

'Carmen and Hannah at it again as well, two fools were fighting again , now two lionesses were fighting' thought Jobs as he looked the pair. He got close enough to hear put of the conversation, Mrs Carmen was asking " Why isn't always them Hannah, are they fighting for you again" and Hannah replied "No Mrs Carmen, I don't think so.

"You don't think so, that's the problem with you guys you don't think about....."

"Wow Mrs Carmen, humans and animals can still think when arguing and fighting, the cycle of life works like that" interrupted a Tall thin Man with yellow skin wearing a blue janitor uniform with many pockets on the pants and hemp, Mrs Carmen looked at man with furious eyes with a hint of hope burning in them, Hannah as well.

Jobs looked at the slender beauty with long raven hair, red lustful lips , a mole under her left eye, wearing a red dazzling dress which didn't look like working attire, the dress matched her glorious body from head to toe. Mrs Carmen looked at Hannah and said "Little runt, that's why I couldn't find David during this period of fists with idiots, he went to find your benefactor. The great janitor of Jacksonville's Academy , the future that was predicted by our headmaster as he said he will fail and come back. Hello Jobs Maddison".

Jobs looked at the woman with a happy smile and said " Well if it isn't the slut of decade with pension to always love me for being a thorn in her lonely life. Hello to you too Carmen loveless. oops I mean Mrs Carmen Lovelace" , the mood between the two after exchanging words was silenced by Hannah who hugged Jobs with a happy and panicked look on her pale freckle face. Jobs looked down at the little girl with an unchanging expression on his face and said "Hugs wouldn't save me or them Hannah, the slut will find a way to always to get us both in trouble".

Jobs shrugged off the hug and nodded to the two women and left them without saying a word, he pushed off the crowd to get to the bathroom which wasn't a tough job. Because some people recognised the tall man and cleared up a path with lingering gossips as he passed the crowd of people,

"Hey look it's Janitor Jobs" said a student.

"The untamed beast of Jacksonville's Academy come to punish the ants that disturbed his garden " said other student. The gossip became louder when Jobs walked towards the doorway of the boy's bathroom , someone whispered " When those two start fighting, the Demi god of school always comes to punish them"

"He should have been the principal instead of the Janitor "

"I heard rumours that say he once destroyed a biker gang that hung outside of our school, because he found their motorcycles loud and annoying".

"Damn what a story, I heard that he beat up a teacher for smoking in school grounds and now that teacher is in a coma".

There were many rumours like that surrounding Jobs , All true to some extent but the one thing that the rumours never mention about Jobs is....


He never acts without thinking about the consequences and benefits of the rules of society and life. With veins popping around his fists and face, Jobs looked at the messy room with anger and frustration. Water was on the floor far away from the shower drainage, the mirror was shattered, towels were soaked and dirty brown and the lockers had dents of something being smashed on them.

In the middle of the room, two boys wearing gym shorts were stood there, all in there respected fighting stances waiting for someone to make a move.

The atmosphere became chill and quiet as Jobs got in the bathrooms, the cheering students were quiet, the two boys felt the chill as they looked at each other in confusion as one of them is radiating a murderous aura that affected the room as well as the audience.

They looked at the doorway at the same time, the chill became cold and icy as two blue eyes looked at them with murder, while the face was angry and happy at the same time.

Jobs broke the silence by flex his knuckles and fist with a loud thunderous crack that echoed the entire room and sighed

"Well boys, it's Time for lesson nineteenth of my behaviour management and that is I'm going to punch your lights out"