
Time to not hide anymore

Autor: Sunena
Contínuo · 1.9K Modos de exibição
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What is Time to not hide anymore

Leia o romance Time to not hide anymore escrito pelo autor Sunena publicado no WebNovel. Niel who was living alone all this time suddenly met his childhood friend Danial, after such a random reunion the first thing that came in Niel's mind was "the world is so small", the Niel, Daniel use...


Niel who was living alone all this time suddenly met his childhood friend Danial, after such a random reunion the first thing that came in Niel's mind was "the world is so small", the Niel, Daniel used to be friends with was long gone, Who is that person looking like him? Why did Niel disappear? Will Daniel find his childhood friend Niel again?

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mysterious past ; horrible past and some un-acceptable secrets

Today she was returning to his home, after 4 years, with his twin children (a boy and a girl , Lu James and Lu Anna ) where she had spend his childhood with some memorable and horrible memories. She was the CEO of MN empire spread in every type of buisness. 4 years ago she became pregnant with her crush ( Lu Feng ) childrens, because no one accepted her and the fact her being pregnant without a marriage. He changed his name from Li ning to Natasha a birtish name to not let any one know her true identity in business and under world. she was the demoness of both world. What will happen when she will meet Lu Feng? Would she tell him about the twins?Will he accept both of the childs ? What would be her family reaction seeing her after 4 years with her twins.⁉️⁉️ Most memorable scene: Lu Feng : " I am asking u again Where were u for 4 years and with whom? And whose childrens are these 2? ?? Natasha : " Why are u asking? Do u even care?"?? Lu Feng : " Yes , I care about u more than myself or anyone."?? Natasha : " Stop lying, You dont even miss me or thought about me and u are going to marry soon."?? Lu Feng replied without any hesitation : " Yes, I missed you with my every heartbeat and i had ended that engagement." Lu Feng started to kisss her on her lips without waiting for her response. ❤ Natasha was dumbfouded ?? by his answer she havent expect this not even in his dream. That he would say something like this.??

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4 Chs


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  • Qualidade de Escrita
  • Atualizando a estabilidade
  • Desenvolvimento de Histórias
  • Design de Personagens
  • Antecedentes do mundo


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