
Time Loop: Rebirth of the Time God [My Time System]

On the eve of a celestial alignment, four children were born under an extraordinary convergence of stars. As the heavens whispered their secrets to the ancient seers, a prophecy was unveiled, foretelling the intertwining destinies of these young souls. "When four shall be born, blessed by celestial light, Their paths shall intertwine, in the tapestry of might. Together they shall rise, a force both fierce and bold, To forge a new era, as the prophecy foretold. In the twilight of chaos, when darkness taints the land, Their union shall spark, the cataclysmic grand. The beginning of the end, mankind shall bear witness, As their powers converge, a destiny so boundless. Time, like a sword, shall be their chosen might, A new world god born, to set the world aright. With wisdom in their gaze, and courage in their hearts, They'll weave the strands of fate, embracing their noble parts. Through trials and tribulations, their spirits shall ascend, The realm of mortals to transcend. From shattered ruins, they'll build anew, A world reborn, radiant and true. Yet, heed this warning, dear mortal kin, The balance hangs on a delicate spin. For their actions hold weight, both light and dark, A choice must be made, to ignite a spark. Embrace unity and love, the ties that bind, Or succumb to greed and power, leaving morals behind. The fate of mankind rests in their hands, As the prophecies unfold in shifting sands. So, mark this day, when their journey begins, The four shall rise, as destiny grins. The birth of a new world god, they'll bring, With time as their weapon, and hope as their wing." Thus, the prophecy was passed down through generations, spoken in hushed tones, revered and feared by those who understood its magnitude. The four children, unaware of their intertwined fate, would soon embark on a journey that would shape the very fabric of existence, and the world would hold its breath as their destinies unfolded.

Zone8 · Fantasia
Classificações insuficientes
38 Chs

It's all about Points

The students returned to their dorm room, expecting the same level of comfort they had grown accustomed to. However, to their surprise, their dorm rooms had been emptied out, leaving only regular mattresses and basic furniture. Confused and bewildered, they stood in the room, wondering what had happened.

Just then, the hologram system located at the corner of the room flickered to life, displaying the stern face of the General. His voice boomed through the room, addressing all the students at once.

"You all have displayed excellent performances in the previous exercise," the General began. "But I'm sure you're wondering why your dorm rooms have changed. You had a taste of luxury, and now you'll have to earn it. From now on, a comfortable lifestyle at Grenguard and access to Mechabot Trainings will be rewards for those who have earned enough points."

He continued, "The earlier exercise was not only to test your compatibility as teams but also to challenge you individually. You'll have to develop good team strategies while honing your individual skills, as you might have to duel against each other in the future."

The General's words were met with mixed reactions from the students. Some seemed determined to rise to the challenge, while others looked disheartened at the prospect of losing the comforts they had briefly enjoyed.

"I have reviewed all the clips from the exercise," the General continued, his eyes sweeping over the room. "Some of you have shown remarkable progress from your previous academies, while others still have a lot to learn. But remember, this is Grenguard, and you'll be pushed to your limits."

While the General addressed all the students, Lin couldn't help but feel a mix of excitement and curiosity. He knew that their dorm room's downgrade meant they had to work harder to regain the luxuries they had lost.

As the roommates huddled together, Lin could tell that the same thought was running through their minds. Draco patted Lin's shoulder, silently signaling him not to reveal his time manipulation ability to the others. Lin smiled, acknowledging Draco's unspoken request.

Hoyt approached Lin, genuinely impressed by his performance during the exercise. "Lin, you and Draco were an amazing combo out there. But I couldn't help but wonder about your abilities. You were a marvel to watch, and it doesn't make sense that you're a cadet without any biocore infusion."

Draco stepped in, diverting the attention away from Lin, "Lin barely did anything; I practically did everything. He just provided me with support."

Cassius headed over to the food replicator, hoping for a hearty meal, but to his dismay, it only dispensed instant noodles. His disappointment was evident, and the other roommates shared the same fate with their food orders.

Lin smiled, "Looks like we're stuck with instant noodles until we accumulate more points."

Draco nodded, determination in his eyes, "In that case, we'll have to work harder to get to the top. We're currently ranked 7th out of 10. Let's work together and climb to the top."

Cassius and Hoyt nodded in agreement, a newfound determination fueling their spirits. They knew that Grenguard was the ultimate test of their abilities, and they were ready to face whatever challenges lay ahead.


After their simple meal of instant noodles, Lin's roommates gathered on their beds, chatting and laughing among themselves. However, Lin found himself lost in his thoughts, contemplating his abilities and where he wanted to focus his training.

Pulling up his stats, Lin studied the numbers carefully. "I am definitely fast enough," he thought to himself.

After a moment's consideration, he decided to allocate the extra stat point he earned during the exercise to his strength. He knew that having a stronger physical presence could be beneficial in various combat situations.

As his roommates continued their lively conversation, Lin allowed his mind to drift back to the journey that led him to this point. From discovering his time manipulation ability at the Shing Academy to earning a spot at Grenguard, it had been a series of unexpected turns. However, he knew that he had a long way to go before he could truly master his unique power.

With determination in his eyes, Lin envisioned what he wanted to achieve. Becoming an elite soldier, honing his abilities, and working effectively with his teammates were at the top of his list.

"Zen, can I be pulled into the mind construct for training?" Lin thought, requesting assistance from Zen, the system which was now acting as his alter ego.

His wristband beeped in response, and in the next moment, Lin began to feel lightheaded as he was gradually pulled into his mind construct for training.

As the world around him shifted, Lin found himself standing in a virtual training ground within his mind. It was an empty space, allowing him to create various scenarios to improve his skills.

"Alright, let's start with working on teamwork," Lin said aloud, knowing that this was an area he needed to develop further. He decided to recreate the battle they had just experienced earlier, with him and Draco facing off against Hanzo and Kristin.

In his mind construct, holographic images of his teammate and opponents materialized. Lin focused on simulating the scenario as closely as possible, hoping to refine their teamwork and coordination.

"Draco, let's try the same strategy we used earlier," Lin said, communicating with the virtual image of his roommate.

Draco's holographic form nodded, "Got it. I'll unleash my fire and thunder attacks while you slow down time."

Lin activated his time manipulation ability, causing everything around him to slow down. He watched as the holographic images of Hanzo and Kristin moved sluggishly.

"Perfect," Lin muttered, pleased with the simulation's accuracy. "Draco, go for it!"

Draco unleashed a barrage of fire and thunder attacks, and Lin observed how their opponents responded in the simulation. He noticed a few openings in their defense that they could exploit.

"Kristin tends to focus more on defense, and Hanzo's movements are predictable when he attacks," Lin analyzed, committing the details to memory.

As the simulated battle progressed, Lin experimented with different strategies and tactics, fine-tuning their teamwork in different scenarios. He encouraged Draco to adapt his attacks and timing, and together, they worked on capitalizing on their opponents' weaknesses.

"Okay, let's try a combination attack this time," Lin suggested, feeling more in sync with Draco with each simulation.

Draco grinned, "I'm all ears, Lin."

Lin explained his plan, and they executed the combination flawlessly in the virtual training ground. They watched as Hanzo and Kristin struggled to defend against the coordinated assault, their holographic forms gradually losing their footing.

"Excellent job, Draco!" Lin praised, pleased with their progress.

Draco beamed, "You're the one who slowed down time and gave me the opportunity. We make a great team, Lin."

Lin smiled, appreciating Draco's acknowledgment. "We do. And we're only going to get better. All that is left is to rehearse this set of moves with the actual Draco."

Throughout the training session, Lin and Draco continued to work on their teamwork and communication. They experimented with different strategies, taking note of what worked best in each situation. Lin was impressed by Draco's adaptability and willingness to learn and grow together.

"Thanks, Zen," Lin said to Zen.

"Of course, Lin. I'm always here to assist you in your training," Zen replied.

As Lin returned to reality, he felt an urge to go regearse what he had learnt with Draco. He knew that with continued effort and teamwork, he and Draco would become even stronger. The path to becoming elite soldiers at Grenguard was challenging, but Lin was ready to face it head-on.

Back in the dorm room, Lin's roommates noticed his focused expression as he returned from his training. They exchanged curious glances, sensing that Lin had been up to something.

Lin joined his roommates on the beds, a renewed determination in his eyes. "We've got work to do," he said with a grin. "Let's train harder and become the best team at Grenguard."

Draco, Cassius, and Hoyt nodded in agreement, mirroring Lin's determination. They knew that with their combined efforts and unwavering support for each other, they would rise to the top and achieve greatness at Grenguard.

"Draco, when we are done catching our breathe, we will have to go work on our teamwork," Lin said looking in Draco's direction.

"I'm down," Draco replied, his voice lacking all excitement.

"Hoyt and I, will join you," Cassius said with a smile.