
Chapter two- how it all began(2)

I sat on the grass staring at my bestfriend who was laying flat. I wanted to strecth my hands out and wail like a baby screaming. "LUCYYYYYYY"

But no. I stayed silent watching this tiny chipmunk staring up at me with those intoxicating light green eyes. For some reason, if i stare long enough i would think i could sink into a pool of green. Now that i look around, i see everything in my eyes is green. Green grass, Green Lucy, Green creepy house. And lastly. Green eyes. I wondered if I could only see green but when I raised my arms its not green. Its Like a pale color.

"Are you a vampire?"

My attention snapped back to the tiny girl holding her blue Bunny who's eyes were staring into my soul sending another set of shivers down my poor spine.

"No!" I snapped.

She didn't even blink. "You pale. Mommy say pale people are vampires."

"I'm not a vampire."

She lifted up her fluffy bunny and tilted her head. "Do you want to play with Mr. Snuggles?"

Mr. Snuggles. I would laugh if I had friends. I would of laugh at her for naming such a thing such a name. But I didn't. I didn't because I am a 9 year old boy who has no friends, and talks to a bike.


We played and I hated to admit it but I enjoyed it.

"How old are you?" I asked, stroking the fur of the bunny, loving the feeling.

"I'm this many." She held up 5 chubby fingers and smiled that toothless smile.

I laughed. "Well i am this many." I held up 9 fingers and she raised up on her knees and tapped each of my fingers mouthing something..

"Your 9? "

I nodded and she smiled. "I wanna be 9 too."

I squeezed her cheeks, loving the feeling of her chubby cheeks.

"In 4 yrs you will be 9."

She held her red cheeks and pouted. "Thats long."

I laughed again, "Emma Dinner Time!"

I looked back at saw a lasy with brown hair and brown eyes holding the door. She was pretty and i assumed that was Emmaline's mother.

"Hello? you must be the new neighboors."

I nodded shyly. Emmaline grabbed my hands and stood up, causing me to stand up as well.

"He is my new bestfriend!"

The lady laughed. "I'm Emmaline mother Emily, nice to meet you..."

"Noah. My name is Noah."

"Mommy can he stay to play."

I looked at my house and froze. "Actually i have to get home."

Emmaline looked at me and pouted. "NO! STAY!"

I looked up at the child mother and tried to say through my eyes, "Please let me go. I am only a child. I dont wanna be a princess puppet!"

As if the mother read my eyes and mind, she gave me a apologtic smile and strecthed her hands forward. "Emmy he would be back tommorow. You will see him soon ok?"

Emmaline, not taking her eyes off of me, rubbed her eyes and smiled at me. "You will?"

I nodded dazed at how cute a human could possibly be. "I promise."

She waved her hands to me to come closer. I bend down expecting her to tell me a "secret"

Instead the tiny thing planted a big sloppy wet kiss on my inncoent lips.

I looked at her wide eyed and my mouth stayed open in shock. I blinked costantly whishing this is a dream. "Did you just- "

She planted a tap on my cheeks and smiled. "Bye bye Mo Mo."

Mo Mo??

she ran up to her mother, and i looked at her. The mother looked at me with the same expression my mom does when dad is telling sad stories....She is trying to hold back a huge laugh.

I pouted and wiped my face off quickly. I ran to my house wailing like a baby.


Emmaline and her parents came over for dinner the next night. Our moms gotten along well and our fathers, well they disappeared...Emmaline brought over her dolls and we played up in my room. When they were about to leave i tried to ignore the pleading look Emmaline sended me when ever she wanted me to go closer to her.

"Say bye Emmaline."

She didn't. She just stared at me. I felt my cheeks warm up and i touched it. I looked at my parents for translation to why my cheeks are growing hot from one look. They just looked at me with amusement written all over there face while laughter is in there eyes. I pouted and smiled at The guest we have in my home.

"Goobye Mr. and Mrs. Willingtons. Bye Emmaline."

I forgot everything when i notice a coin on the ground. I didn't even think twice as i bend down to pick it up, only to drop the godamn shiny penny to recieve agian another sloppy wet kiss on the corner on my lip and slighlty on my lips.

"Please stop doing that Emmaline!" I said wipping my face. My dad snickered. I looked at Mr. Willington and he stared at me with a blank expression. I gulped and looked away.

"Mommy says you should always kiss your closest friends. So i kissed you."

I looked down and didn't say anything.

Soon the WIllington family left leaving me upset.

"SOmeone has a crush." I heard my father laughing into the kitchen.


Mom laughed at me and hugged me.

That is how it all began. I grew up with Emmaline, her spending every night here in my room until i turned 13 years old and she was 9 years old. Once she blew out her candles i smiled.

"Bunny your finally the same age you wanted to be 4 years ago."

She pouted and sighed. "But now your 13. I want to be the same age as you Mo Mo."

I laughed and kissed her cheek. "Soon bunny soon."

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