
Tidelands: King

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  • 12 Chs
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  • NO.200+

Based on the Netflix Series 'Tidelands'.

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Chapter 1Prologue

Orphelin Bay, Australia, they call it Queensland's best-kept secret. Why would they give such a beautiful bay a title like that? Three reasons may be four, but for now, I'll say three.

The first reason is simple, like every other secret place in the world, the locals have been here for generations. Families could trace their lines back to the very first settlers, that's if the family line was completely intact.

That brings us to the second reason, Folklore. Some family lines are spotty because a lot of people believe in the mythical creatures of sirens. Slender, silvery skinned, beautiful women of the deep. These cruel creatures would sing their bewitching song and lure men to their deaths.

Over the years, people stopped coming around and sailing the waters. Besides the few mermaid enthusiasts who arrive to track down old stories. Eventually, the stories of Sirens were kept solely to the locals and was never advertised as a tourist attraction. Orphelin Bay was only for the locals.

The third reason is topography. You see, Orphelin Bay, like its mythical creatures, is beautiful and cruel. If you are caught in the bay at the wrong time, the sea will take you. The small pocket that makes the bay is easily missed by the massive island and smaller ones that wall off the bay from the greater sea and make up the south bay's rocky shores.

The only way to enter is to sail through the southern islands, which only the most experienced locals do, or enter the bay from the northern waters. However, the second reason makes it very difficult to do that.

Now I'm sure you're wondering, What the fuck is this guy gettin' at?

Well, let me tell you, every reason why Orphelin Bay is the best-kept secret in Queensland is the reason I don't know my real parents and I washed up on the shores of Mackley Island.

You see, the stories are true, and each reason that I have stated brewed the perfect storm for my fucked up yet amazing life. The day I was born, some beautiful Siren placed me on a small island. If I was found, fantastic. If not, the sea would have taken me, and I would have eventually died without anyone to care for me.

Next to me was another baby, a girl, being placed on the shores as well. Together, my mother and her pod mate bobbed in the water and watched us. I committed my mother's face to memory that night. Thankfully, I was born with a perfect memory. The moment the light of a boat came around, my mother and her pod mate left. Never to be seen again.

But that's when things became interesting. A man heard the baby girl's cries. He leaped from the boat and retrieved her as the tide was picking up and a storm was coming. Orphelin was known for its impromptu storms.

The moment I began to cry out, the man had leaped from the boat once more, but he was too late as the sea had taken me. I sank deeper and deeper until the current took me. I choked on water and cried in pain until the water became apart of me, and I took my first birth under the sea.

Here's where the topography comes in when I should have died a day later for being drug out to the sea. The current shifted, I washed up on another shore, kilometers to the south. There, the locals' secrets came into effect as travelers were on Mckley Island for a business trip.

They had no idea to stay away from a child spit from the sea. So they picked me up, and they wept at the sight of seeing a babe miraculously survive the sea.

The young couple, Marie and Leonard Whiters, took me to many locals on the island only to be turned away and shunned. The real estate that Marie was looking to buy declined her offers after, Marie refused to give me back to the sea.

I was then taken away from Orphelin Bay.

My childhood was great. For the most part, I knew what I was, and the powers given to me by my mother's blood grew. I trained them. But I was Fourteen when everything changed.

I had made it to another swimming championship and won. That's when I was invited to a beach party to celebrate. As you've probably guessed, the party was at a beach house in Orphelin Bay.

When we arrived, everything was stellar. The girl who invited me was a bombshell, with the body like she was twenty, and she liked me. Which wasn't surprising, I'm beautiful. Flawless brown skin, ocean blue eyes, and my mother's platinum white hair. Though I was slender my whole life, I started to get some mass to me and grew pretty well.

During the day, we took to the waves and had fun surfing and playing on the beach. That's when I first noticed the local children watching us, and eventually, their parents would pull them away.

That's when I realized they must have known about my mother's kind. There was something to fear in the water, and they never forgot.

But I soon saw a girl who looked like she wanted nothing more than to be with us. There was something about her that called to me, I couldn't explain, but I had to invite her.

Her name was Calliope McTeer. She told me to call her Cal.

Cal enjoyed the rest of the day with us but never went into the water. She just stood on the beach and let the water wash over her feet. When night finally came, Cal told us why locals didn't play on the beach.

She told us of the Sirens. I had finally known the name they call my mother's kind. My kind. While everyone laughed it off, I wanted to know more. And Cal told me the stories she was told. The revelations continued to come when Cal's father showed up on the beach with a man I never thought I would see again.

"Calliope!" her father shouted.

Cal stood up, shocked, she walked to her father. In a world of my own, I followed her. Eyes wide with confusion, I stared at the man next to Calliope's father. His blonde hair and brunette beard. I later found out the man's name is Bill.

Cal was talking to her father, and he pulled her into a tight hug, while the words slipped my tongue, "I know you."

Calliope's father, Pat McTeer, looks at Bill.

"I'm sure you're mistaken, kid," said Bill.

"No, you were there. That night on the little island. You took her but--" I was cut short by the shock on the two men's face.

Calliope's father immediately dragged her away, and Bill, the man who left me, moved to silence me. His hand was over my mouth, and Calliope looked back with confused eyes as she was dragged away. My heart thumped, and then I realized who Calliope McTeer was. She was the babe that was saved the night of my birth.

"Hey," Bill called out to get my attention. "What...How do you remember? If you were there that night, you had to be an infant. No one remembers their life as an infant."

"I do. I remember being put there...by my mother. I remember another one, her pod mate, I guess you can call it, or they could have been sisters, I don't know. But I know she left the girl you took. After that, I was taken by the sea."

Bill stared at me, flabbergasted. "I went in after you. But I wasn't fast enough. There was current. Once it had you and the storm picked up, you were lost. I thought you died."

"Well, I'm alive and well. Cal told me stories of the sirens, but I didn't hear a story about kids being left on islands by them." I tell him. "I want answers. I've always known I was special, but know I want details now."

After that night, Bill told me of half-breed-children known as Tidelanders who live in Orphelin Bay. Tidelanders, take after their mothers, the Sirens. They don't age after maturity. They're faster and stronger. They can breathe underwater, manipulate water. But even then, I knew I was different when Bill told me that only women could even use our mothers' manipulative powers. Known as the Siren's Song.

I could produce the Siren's Song. Bill said it was unheard of for Tidelander men to be so powerful or inherit so much of their mother's power, so I opted not to tell him. Instead, Orpheplin Bay became my new favorite place. Calliope, my new favorite person. I don't know if it was because she was like me, but my song didn't work on her. She was never persuaded to do anything, and when she kissed me for the first time, it felt right.

I promised Bill and her father, Pat, not to tell her what she was. But when Pat went missing, probably taken by a Siren out at sea, Cal was emotional. So, when I went to visit and just be there, things happened. Cal had given me her virginity, and I gave her mine. The sheer emotions of everything that was happening caused Calliope to leave marks all over my body.

Her power to manipulate water manipulated my blood, unintentionally. If I was a normal human, I probably would have died after the rough lust-filled tryst, Cal and I shared. I learned our sex drive was multiple times higher than an average human.

But things didn't last long, as Cal was dragged away by the police a few days later. Apparently, she burned a cop alive. The whole fucking house with him inside of it. I never got the chance to tell Cal she was a Tidelander. She was sentenced to ten years, and I figured I'll tell her when she got out.

Anyway, I belong in Orphelin Bay. Whether Cal was here or not. My mother was in those waters, and if I ever wanted to see her again, Orphelin Bay is where I needed to be. So one day, I pocketed some money from adoptive parents. They were fucking loaded. They wouldn't miss it.

I packed my shit and went to Orphelin Bay. My life consisted of a salvaged Carver 570 Voyager and Bill teaching me how to fix her up. With my memory, it didn't take long before I was working solo.

I put every penny I had into it. When I turned Sixteen, it was me and the boat, not a penny left. I spent my days surfing, fucking the occasional tourist who came down to catch a wave and the local chicks. At night I would fish to eat and talk to Cal on the phone if she managed to get time put on the phone and kept it well hidden from the guards.

That's the year Augie, Cal's older brother, invited me to his business. He needed a man, and I was around. I had been since I met Cal.

The business was fairly simple. Tidelanders supplied the drugs. Augie, the team, and I would pack them and sell them. When the job was done, we all got a cut.

For me, its heaven, My living expenses weren't shit. I kept the same lifestyle and allowed my money to grow. Thank's to Bill, I got set up to put my money into investments to build it. My monthly expenses were no more than a thousand dollars. Everything I made on the job, I tried my best to turn into legal tender.

This steady lifestyle went on for eight more years. The only big change was the new paint job on the NIAID, my boat, and I had started fucking these girls, Thea and Zara, regularly. Thea is a Tidelander from L'Attente, while Zara was born and raised in Orphelin Village.

Life is good. I'm rich, twenty-four years old, living as I pleased with two girlfriends. Then a boat washed up on the beach with a crucified man hanging from it. His eyes and tongue ripped out, the beginning of a fucking shit show and the story of how I became King.

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RightTranslation · TV
136 Chs