
Throne Of Hate

When anger in soo deep that a mere revenge is but a soft word that is but a undying falling. When even the demon of hell is scared of the deep hate within one soul than who can melt this icy heart.

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2: From Bad To Worce.

It took Alex a whole hour to snap back into reality and come up with a workable solution to the situation.

it was simple.

Since he was absolutely sure that Alxes body was dropped off in the middle of nowhere where none have ever going to look for a body of a dead royal and potentially invite the wrath of the whole kingdom on the culprits.

Alex understood that he was safe if he stayed here or move even further away from his former home.

The idea of living as a wild men and surviving off the land was not something that Alex had any desire or experience with.

In fact if he even tried to do the whole survival in the wild thing Alex was 10000% sure that he was going to be turned into bones by the next morning.

In short he was a spoiled city man that lived off food delivery in his last live and has not ever even own pets or plants in his tiny apartment.

And as a even more spoiled son of a city lord Alex's current owner was fed and clothed and bathed since the day he was born.

So even if by some miracle a fish just jumped into his hands and cut itself on the rock and cleaned its own guts out he was still going to die to hunger as Alex had no clue on how to cook it.

The only option he had was to be a lazy burden on any unlucky human in his upcoming future.

With this realization only one option was left.noon and as the heat of the day begins to lover Alex shook.

"Brr it's getting to cold to prance around in my birthday suit" his tone cried out In disparity as Alex kicked the lake with anger.

In order to survive Alex had to skeam his was into finding a sugar daddy or sugar money to keep himself properly a lazy spoiled helpless angry kid .

As the sun began to go down past it's midday point the cool of the day Alex felt the chill to remind him that he was as naked as a newborn baby.

He was 100% sure that sleeping through the night without a stich on was going to be rough to say the least.

Alex was not going to die after just getting another shot at life. As he did not know if it was going to happen again. So in desperation to prepare for sleeping in the nearby tree Alex started collecting biggest leafs he could find to use as a mattress.

As he was in progress of doing that a dust cloud began to appear on the horizon as it slowly approached his location.

"Well that is definitely trouble." Alex grumbled to himself as he moved closer to the lake.

"My only safe place to hide and wait it out is the water." His voice has given off the tone of anger.

"This can only be be one of those crazy animal rushes a gang of robbers or war party." Alex was slowly going deeper as he waited for things to go from bad to worse.

He figured that out in the open Alex was as good as dead, but in the lake he could hide and wait for the danger to pass or at least use all this water as a buffer as he was going to swim away from any persist.

The one and only issue was drowning.

Alex was at least 30 feet away from the shore as the massive cloud of dust has gotten close enough for him to see what was making it.

What he saw was a bit of a surprise to him.

A group of people who were riding lizards as big as horses as they chased a huge metal brick on wheels that had nothing pulling it.

So a tank was escaping from a bunch of Jurassic Park wannabees. All he could say was that it was all wrong no matter how much he thought about it.

There was no reason for a bulletproof metal box to be scared of some 5 inch nails and teeth that will be only able to scratch it at most.

that means that the lizard riders were there just to annoy and distract the big box

Their goal was to force the item to stop to deal with the easy but annoying pray.

So what was so important that it has to be protected by a tank and had to be delivered to someone else no matter what was trying to stop it with a major time limit to it at that?

No matter what it was Alex wants nothing to do with it.


Inside the metallic carriage a pair of scared children huddled in the corner starring at a scary ugly man who was breaking a nut in his mouth every second of the entire trip.

The pile of shells was all the way to his knees. The mens huge figure was filled with muscle was covered by armor from head to tow as if the two children were the most dangerous creatures on the planet.

His sturn glare is ice cold as he silently crushes one nut at a time just forcing the children to try to hide in the corner and shiver in fear.

"Why do I have to keep my eyes on a bunch of useless babies and deliver them to the confine by the end of the week no matter what?" the brut was grumbling quite audibly as he stuffed his mouth full of nuts in anger.

Suddenly the entire carriage shook as something hit it hard enough to make it jump a few inches off the ground.

This action moved several nuts in the big men's mouth in a odd angle. As one of them blocked his airway forcing the men to drop the control as he dug at his throat.

Choking with a helpless look on his face he tried to get more air by opening the door. But as it had many locks and even though the keys were in his hands. The door stayed closed.

Alex watched as the lizards tried to push the heavy cart this way and that by slamming into it with all the weight that a lizard could throw.

Finally the cart hit a big ditch and jumped um in the air and began to rotate.

It's heavyweight slammed into the ground at grate speed crushing most of the enemy lizards and riders as it bounces about like a rock that falls down the mountain.

As my grandfather has died I have not seen able to focus on my books at all.

So I will write when I can

FYI: I'm still going to put more writing effort into my other book "( One Piece Year 0. )" and come back to this one from time to time.

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