
Throne of Blood: The Revenge of the Progenitor Vampire

Vlad lost his home, his family, and everything he loved in just one night after masked men attacked his family without any apparent reason. He could do nothing but watch as his father, his mother, and his siblings were killed one by one, and in the end, one of the masked men pierced his heart with a dagger. He should have died that night, but miraculously, his soul resonated with the magic of a powerful being in a faraway place. Now, he has been turned into a vampire, and he doesn’t plan to rest until he avenges his family.

LivingWisely · Fantasia
Classificações insuficientes
38 Chs

Promotion Mission

[You have reached Level 10!]

[You have reached the first barrier. A promotion mission is being issued.]

[Mission – Blood Initiation:

Gather five blood seeds from people stronger than you. The method to create blood seeds has been taught to the host.


Level promotion.

Blood core.

New skill acquisition.

Note 1: The quality of the blood seeds determines the initial quality of the blood core.

Note 2: Additional gains can be acquired from high-quality blood seeds.]

Vlad's eyes flashed after he finished reading the content of the messages.

He finally reached Level 10.

He had killed a total of twelve people tonight, including the five thugs, and went from Level 7 to Level 10.

Right now, his status screen looked like this.



Vlad Grando Alilovic

Progenitor Vampire – Level 10


[Progenitor Blood]

The Bloodline of a Progenitor Vampire. Increased physical abilities. Increased senses. Resistance to aging. Can consume fresh blood to become stronger and recover from injuries.

[Radetic Heritage – Sword Heart]

Radetic Family's bloodline. Increased proficiency using sword-type weapons.

[Vampire Instinct]

Vampires are the supreme predators, and years of evolution perfectioned their instinct for hunting. When activated, all the senses and physical abilities are enhanced. In exchange, it increases the burden on the body and mind


Using will to pressure the opponent's mind, making him feel overwhelmed.


Creates shockwaves of mana below the feet that boost the movements of the user.


He used the battles tonight to test his new skills, and to be honest, he found them much stronger than he expected.

Just like in the previous battle. After using [Intimidation] and killing one of the thugs, the rest of the thugs became so scared that they were just like lambs waiting to be slaughtered.

Actually, the five thugs were weaklings. The strongest of them was just at Level 12, so perhaps intimidation would not be that effective against stronger opponents.

But even then, it would not be completely useless.

[Leap] also increased his battle powers greatly. When he used [Leap], his speed became almost twice as fast as normal. That was an astonishing increment.

Right now, Vlad was confident he could defeat almost any enemy in the second realm of mana.

The increase in his battle powers made Vlad more confident about completing the mission that suddenly appeared.

Just like the system said, the information about how to create blood seeds appeared in his mind. Now, he only needed to find five people to kill and use them to create the seeds.

However, Vlad was worried about the last two lines of the mission.

The quality of the blood seeds will determine the initial quality of the Blood Core and additional gains can be acquired from high-quality blood seeds.

Vlad knew what a Blood Core was. It was the source of the magic power of a vampire and their most important organ.

If he wanted just to complete the promotion mission quickly, he could kill ten second-realm practitioners and get done with it, but Vlad knew that doing so was shortsighted.

In the long term, a stronger Blood Core was better. Plus, the additional gains he could get from the blood seeds sounded tempting.

'In other words, I should try to get high-qualities blood seeds if I can.'

But there was a small problem.

Vlad was surrounded by enemies.

Even though his enemies did not know that he was alive, if he was discovered, his life will be in danger.

To avoid that, becoming stronger as quickly as possible was essential, even if he had to do small sacrifices.

'No, I should not be shortsighted. Sacrificing long-term gains for short-term advantages is not good. But I should not force myself to get high-quality blood seeds either. If the need arises, then forming the Blood Core quickly is the priority.'

After thinking things through, Vlad decided what his next goal was.

First, he needed to make sure that he could finish the promotion mission anytime he wanted.

"The night is still early. Let's see if I can get five blood seeds tonight."

With a murmur, Vlad's figure faded into the night.

Then, the hunt continued.

That night, dozens of crooks and criminals in the capital experienced a night of terror. A red-eyed monster appeared in the capital, killing them indiscriminately, tearing their limbs off, and harvesting their blood.

For the entire night, the alleys of the capital were filled with cries of terror, pleads of mercy, screams of pain, and rivers of blood.

Most of the people that met the monster were unable to avoid suffering a terrible end. Only a couple of them managed to escape.

All of them were innocent victims that Vlad saved, just like the woman before.

However, none of them thought that way.

They only felt that they were lucky to escape from the bloodthirsty monster.

Due to that, the rumor about a monster appearing in the capital spread.

Eyes as red as blood, sharp fangs that could tear limbs apart, a liking for human flesh and blood, and a twisted and evil smile.

People called it, 'The Night Hunter'.

Nobody was sure if it was a human or a beast, but something was clear.

It was dangerous, extremely dangerous.

From that day on, a new danger haunted the nights in the capital.

A danger that was thirsty for blood, and hungry for revenge.