
Throne of Blood: The Revenge of the Progenitor Vampire

Vlad lost his home, his family, and everything he loved in just one night after masked men attacked his family without any apparent reason. He could do nothing but watch as his father, his mother, and his siblings were killed one by one, and in the end, one of the masked men pierced his heart with a dagger. He should have died that night, but miraculously, his soul resonated with the magic of a powerful being in a faraway place. Now, he has been turned into a vampire, and he doesn’t plan to rest until he avenges his family.

LivingWisely · Fantasia
Classificações insuficientes
38 Chs

Attack on Crow (2)

Hello again.

Firstly, I want to announce that my P@tre0n is already available. I appreciate it a lot if you support me, as that is the best way to motivate me to continue writing. The page is p@tre-on.com/livingwisely.

Right now, there are only five extra chapters there, but I plan to add one or two daily as I edit them for a total of twenty extra chapters.

Secondly, my schedule will be five chapters weekly. I think it's a good number to get used to writing regularly, and the number of weekly chapters will increase as the patronage increases.

Lastly, thank you for reading my story; I appreciate it a lot. I hope you like it and continue supporting me as I write it.

See you later...


Time slowed down to a crawl at that moment.

Vlad and Adora attacked Crow at the same time. They did not communicate with each other, but their attacks were synchronized perfectly.

Crow and his two men were caught by surprise. Ironically, although the sudden appearance of the young man forced Vlad and Adora to attack earlier, it also distracted Crow and his two men, giving Vlad and Adora the perfect opportunity to attack.

Adora's knife was the first to reach Crow. Her strike was so fast that it arrived in front of Crow in just an instant.

But Crow was a Core Formation practitioner after all. His mana was one realm above Adora, and his reaction speed was nothing to scoff of.

"WHO!?" He roared as a layer of mana manifested around his body, something that only a Core Formation practitioner could do.

Extending his hands forward, he used them to stop the knife.


Adora's knife pierced the palm of his hands. The gust of wind around the knife increased the sharpness of the strike, allowing her to break the layer of mana around Crow's hands.

But her knife was unable to continue advancing. Crow had managed to stop it.

Even so, Adora smiled.

Because Vlad's sword had already arrived at Crow's back.

Vlad's sword was not wrapped in wind like Adora's knife, and his mana was almost three realms inferior to Crow, but Vlad's high-quality sword and great physical strength made up for it. In terms of lethality, his attack was even deadlier than Adora's.

But when Vlad thought that his sword would pierce Crow's heart, something unexpected happened.


One of Crow's men jumped Vlad's way unhesitantly.


And Vlad's sword stabbed his heart and came out of his back.

The man coughed a mouthful of blood and glared at Vlad with wrathful eyes. He then roared and threw a fist toward him, forcing Vlad to pull his sword out and jump away.

Then, the man collapsed on his knees, dying a few seconds later.

One of Crow's third-realm subordinates had died.

Time seemed to return to normal at that moment.

"Brother!" Crow's remaining subordinate screamed in grief. He pulled out a sword and slashed toward Vlad with eyes full of hatred.

At the same time, Crow roared. He charged towards Adora with his shoulder, forcing her to retreat.

Vlad and Adora put on cold expressions.

They, unfortunately, failed to kill Crow with their surprise attack, but the result was not bad.

One of Crow's subordinates was dead, and Crow's hands had been pierced by Adora. He would be unable to unleash his full strength during the battle.

Seeing that, the young man that came to report the situation trembled in fright and ran away. However, Vlad and Adora did not pay him any attention.

They did not have the leisure to care about him.

"Adora, how do you dare!?" Crow roared when he realized who his attacker was.

Adora sneered.

"What is wrong? Are you surprised that I'm here?"

Crow's face was ugly.

How did she escape!?

If Adora was here, it meant that Kevin was most likely dead. And if he was not careful, he would follow soon in his steps.

"Die," Adora stated with a cold voice and charged toward Crow again while holding her knife with both hands and wrapping her body in wind.

Crow snorted and covered his body in a layer of mana. Then, he threw a punch at Adora.

The two of them then fought as both tried to kill each other.

However, it was soon obvious that Crow was stronger.

Even though his hands were injured and he could not use weapons, he was a Core Formation practitioner, one entire layer above Adora.

Moreover, Core Formation was the first big divide between practitioners. It was because at Core Formation a practitioner could manifest mana externally, using it to increase his defense and attack greatly.

Normally, a Core Formation practitioner could face five to ten Core Accumulation practitioners easily.

Fortunately, Adora was not a normal Core Accumulation practitioner. She was blessed with a relatively powerful bloodline that allowed her to manipulate wind. Even though her current strength only allowed her to wrap wind around her body and weapons, that was enough to bridge the difference in strength between her and Crow.

Otherwise, she would have been defeated by Crow long ago.

But Adora did not panic despite being at a disadvantage.

She and Vlad had already planned for this kind of situation.

Now, she only needed to endure and stop Crow from escaping.

And wait for Vlad to kill his opponent and come to help her.

While Adora and Crow were fighting, Vlad was also fighting Crow's remaining subordinate.

The man was attacking Vlad with an enraged face. He chased after Vlad while brandishing his sword violently.

Vlad, on the other hand, could only avoid him.

In the end, Vlad's level was only ten. In this world, that was equivalent to the first realm, Initiation.

His opponent, on the other hand, had long reached the third realm, core accumulation.

The difference in their mana was so high that it was unbelievable that Vlad had not died yet.

Of course, Vlad could not be counted as a normal initiation practitioner. He possessed two bloodlines, and his physical abilities were at least one level above his opponent, plus he also had a plethora of different abilities at his disposal.

But even so, it was not easy to face someone two realms higher than him.

As the fight proceeded, Vlad was forced to make use of his stronger senses and his bloodline, [Sword Heart], to read the movements of his enemy and barely evade them.

But eventually, he was unable to evade one of the attacks.


One of the man's sword strikes cut Vlad's chest.

The power of the slash was so strong that Vlad was sent flying, his body falling near the body of the subordinate he killed not long ago.

"I will make you pay for the death of my brother. I will slice your body slowly until I finally kill you." The man said as his eyes burned with rage.

Vlad did not reply. He just stayed on the ground as the man walked slowly toward him.

But when the man was about to reach him, Vlad's body twitched.

The man frowned and stared at Vlad warily, but then, he saw something unbelievable.

Vlad stood up as though nothing had happened.

"… This is the second blood seed," he muttered.

And the wound on his chest closed at a visible speed.


Vlad stared at the man and smiled.

"Be proud, you are about to die to the bloodline of your brother."

The man was surprised, but before he could understand the meaning of Vlad's words, Vlad's figure suddenly faded away.

"That is…" The man's eyes shrunk. "Stealth!"

In the next instant, Vlad appeared behind him, brandishing his sword with a cold face.