
Three lies

Nova was born to a human, but raised by a witch and a fairy. The forest is friendly and nice to her, as long as she stays outside only during the day. While she wants to be a great and respected witch like her adoptive mother, she lacks enthusiasm and is quite lazy, taking her time with learning new spells and potions. The time she always thought she had becomes limited when Mara the sea witch curses her and steals her powers. Nova makes a deal with her, if she can lie less than three times in three weeks, her powers will return. It seems simple to Nova to stay honest, but she forgets the fact about how she always lied when close to the person she treasured most.

AleirArt · Fantasia
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9 Chs

3. Fear, anger and color changing eyes

The werewolf continued scratching her wound with his long nails ignoring her cries, she directed her wand at him again and shouted.


He twisted her arm before the fire hit him and the fire rose up to the sky, and then it disappeared making no noise. She started to lose hope as the wand fell from her hand. She screamed again before he covered her mouth. 

She closed her eyes in desperation and then she heard a big thud. The werewolf was no where near her as she opened her eyes. Looking around she saw him laying down in front of a tree trunk. He clenched his stomach and looked in the direction of another wolf. This one was bigger and its fur was pitch black. 

The black wolf looked in her direction and she noticed his blue eyes.


She tried getting up, fear leaving her body in sight of the familiar wolf. She started crawling towards him unable to get up and he got closer. 

Nova cried again as she hugged his neck, his fur soft and warm. He snuggled close to her ignoring the other man as he shifted and turned into the brown wolf. 

Fluvius gently moved away from Nova and jumped towards the wold, in less than a second he bit his neck and threw him again to the tree. The scene happened again and again until the other wolf was bleeding profusely. After that Fluvius started moving towards Nova. The other wolf yelped and gave up. He gathered whatever force he had left and started running away. 

Meanwhile Fluvius started shifting, his bones cracking and his limbs twisting, until he turned human like. 

He walked towards Nova, she was too tired to even mind the fact he was naked, she could be at ease at last. Fluvius got close to her and gently grabbed her, carrying her and walking. 

"Wouldn't this be easier if you were a wolf?" Nova asked.

"Yes, it would but I would not be able to talk to you that way."

Nova's mind wandered off for a split second thinking about how she was next to his bare skin and she felt like blushing, but then pain took over her senses. She grabbed his shoulder and dug her  nails into his shoulder. Noticing she was in pain he put her to the ground next to a tree. 

Fluvius grabbed her leg to examine it, the wound was not too deep but the fact that there were multiple teeth marks it was still bleeding in some places. He raised her leg and tried to remove her boot without hurting her, she flinched a little but made no remark as he started licking the wound. 

She flinched multiple times as his tongue licked every corner of her wound, she wanted to tell him to stop but was too tired. Instead she stared at his black curly hair and his wolf ears. After a few minutes he stopped and looked up at her, blue eyes like Lapiz Lazuli stared at her. 

He raised his hand and cupped her cheek, gently touching her cheeks, and then his eyes widened as he realized something. Then he got close, really close to her face. 

"Is anything wrong with my face?" 

He continued staring at her furrowing his eyebrows in confusion.

"Nova have your eyes always been black?"

" What do you mea-" she could not finish her sentence as she felt her consciousness leave her. Then she fainted. 

Fluvius was still surprised by her eye color, normally they were orange and yellow, like little gemstones, but at that moment they were as black as the night sky, a color that only humans could have. Nova was a human at birth but she had been given magic years ago, her eyes changing colors was a first for him. 

Yet as that was not the most important thing to worry about, he grabbed her again and started walking towards her house, where he could tell Basil he found Nova, so Valeira and Olivia could calm down. 


He reached their house in a few minutes, Nova was still unconscious in his arms.  Olivia was flying around the house looking anxious until she noticed the two of them. She flew close and looked at Nova. She had no time to calm down as she noticed the gashing wound on her leg. 

"What happened?"

"One of the wolves from my pack attacked her before I could find her." Fluvius replied. 

"Quick get her inside while I get Valeria. " 

He simply nodded and moved inside the house, the door being open. Fluvius walked up the stairs having been inside her room another time, so he knew in which direction to go. He laid Nova down in the bed and removed her hat and her other boot. 

Then he tried looking around for something to cover his body, not wanting to look around too much he simply put on a skirt of hers that she had left on the ground. It was better than being naked in a house with two witches. 

A few minutes later rushed footsteps were heard up the stairs, until the door of Nova's room opened with force, Valeria rushed in, she was full of sweat and her face filled with worry. She completely ignored Fluvius as she examined Nova to see hour wounds. After taking a good look she took her wand out and started chanting. 

First potions started flying inside the room, a few of them opening their caps in the air and letting small drops fall into Nova's leg. Then bandages appeared out of thin air and wrapped around her leg. As soon as she finished she turned around to face Fluvius. 

"What happened to her?!" she almost screamed but managed to contain the volume of her voice.

"Another wolf attacked her."

"Who was it?" 

He avoided her eyes and did not reply. Valeria would probably kill the wolf, witches and wolves were not friendly to begin with, that would make the situation even worse. Furthermore, he could not betray his pack that easily, no matter how much he liked Nova.

Valeria got the message, but that did not subdue her anger. 

"Thank you for saving her, you can leave now." She said after a few minutes of silence. 

"I'd rather stay here if you do not mind. I want to be sure she's alright." he replied.

Valeira was ready to protest when Olivia got close and touched her cheek. 

"You can stay but Basil will be watching  you so be careful." 

After that statement Valeria and Olivia left the room and Fluvius stood there watching over Nova.