
Thomas Prest: A Simple Magician

Finding out that he was reincarnated was an immense shock. Finding out that he was reincarnated into DxD and he was a part of an upstart magician human family was more so. But what else could one do than try to pull through the circumstances? Follow the life of Thomas Prest, a simple human magician who is trying to raze his own path to fulfilling his goals in this second chance of his while having to navigate a quite complicated and harsh world full of various supernatural races and factions. And who knows? Maybe the world itself will throw Tom a few surprises along the way. --- Mhm, beware, this is a big scary DxD x MCU crossover (and more crossovers to come since I am trying to challenge myself with this story) and I am apparently disgusting for even trying to write it according to some people since I am just a trash writer. Sometimes I wonder why I even bother writing fanfics anymore...

KasiCair · Anime e quadrinhos
Classificações insuficientes
98 Chs

Burned out.

I am sorry but my passion for this story waned. That's why I am ending it here. I most likely won't be starting a new fanfic. I am in no mood for that and I also want to try writing something original. At best, I might post some of my drafts for stories I haven't posted before but I am not yet sure about that.

Thanks for understanding.