
This ain't right, damnit!!

"I mean, don't get me wrong I looove the occasional fantasy novel. I sure as hell had enough fantasies about going into one," moaned a downtrodden Brian, "BUT fantasies should remain that DAMNIIIITTT!!!!" Brian's life was going great. He sure as hell didn't want to end up in some fantasy world. How could a spineless guy who baulks at the thought of proposing to a girl even survive in a fantasy world of.... wait what the hell???? This world just had to be dying too?

Tenks95 · Fantasia
Classificações insuficientes
29 Chs

The Mysterious Elderwood

Brian was getting ready to begin the battle. He took a deep breath and adjusted his mental state which was still excitable from Mob Dominance.

He ignored the wolves who had gone quiet, a telltale indicator that their trail had been picked up and time was running out.

He sat down at the base of the tree and meditated to clear his mind. Or at least tried to.

He sat cross-legged and closed his eyes. His breathing grew still and his senses dulled until only the sixth sense was a faint, dull persistent reminder that the world existed.

It didn't take him long to clear his thoughts. Although random thoughts still came up from time to time he took no notice, being as calm as the still lake of water he was visualizing.

In this state, the subtle whispers he had been hearing lately grew louder. It wasn't like sound per se. It was more like pure chaos, but in order. Like still movement. It was like nothing he had ever experienced before. But Brian could tell it was calling to him.

As Brian focused and honed in on the sound of the chaos he could almost make out what it was telling him. He could almost hear it. It was so close, Like a word on the tip of his tongue.. If he just went a little deepe~

"Elder Brother, what are you doing?" asked Stella

Brian broke out of his reverie with disappointment. He had been so close. Still he maintained his posture and his eyes remained closed. He was ready to dive back in after dealing with Stella.

"I'm meditating. I'm trying to anyway." He answered in a sage like voice. He was hiding the fact that his back broke out in cold sweat at the thought of resuming practice, but it was strange, almost like the instinct both feared and desired the outcome.

Brian thought deeply, he should try another method. If he was right, then it had something to do with his elementalist designation, in that ca~

"Oh, what's that?" continued the curious child.

Brian took a deep breath. "I'm trying to meditate, which means I'm trying to find some peace and quiet within myself. It's a time for me to relax and clear my mind."

'So I think the problem is I'm trying too much, but how to filter the chaos, and what should I even leave behi~'

"What happened to your mind? Are you hurt? Do you need help?" Stella sounded worried.

Brian had mixed feelings about the conversation. On the one hand he appreciated the concern but on the other he really wanted some peace and quiet.

He was real close to what could be a breakthrough here. If he could take the first Step and become a Gazer of the Elements... 

"Nothing is wrong. Its just that I have too many things to deal with. And I need some time to unwind and think about nothing at all. Otherwise I might be crushed by the burdens I have to carry. This isn't easy you know."

A bit of Brian's true thoughts leaked out as he vented a bit at Stella. In his defense, She was getting more than just a teeny bit annoying.

"Am I... A burden to you, Elder Brian?" An almost tearful Stella asked. She looked like the thought of being a burden to him was the end of her world. Brian was immediately thrown out of his peaceful trance like state.

His posture faltered and his eyes almost popped out of his eyeballs... Who was a burden to whom?

Brian cleared his throat and decided to deal with this before continuing, lest his tiny protector leave him to cause him no further inconveniences. How ironic would that be?

"Stella, little Fury," Brian began by buttering her up. Rule 1 of calming a woman down (by Bruce, Brian's Father): Dazzle her using compliments and her pet name.

"Be very assured, that you are not or will never be a burden." Rule 2 : Give her assurances.

"You are the very best Stella, let no-one ever make you doubt how important you are to me. I'd never abandon you. So promise to never abandon me too 'kay?" Rule 3, Sneak in a bit of ulterior motive.

Brian sincerely hoped it would work for him, even if it failed his father so many times.

Fortunately the winds of Fate blew on his sails and the little fury dazzled him with her smile, showcasing her pearly whites.

"I understand Elder Brother! I promise to never ever leave you." She replied, though her choice in words unsettled Brian a bit. Maybe the supremely powerful spirit was getting a bit too attached?

'Eh I'll deal with it when the time comes.' Brian promptly left the problem for his future self and returned to the real world.

"So, if you understand, can you leave me alone for a while? I really need a quiet environment to do this. I think I'm close to figuring something out." The Elder requested of his ward.

"But I don't wanna be quiet! I have so many things to say and do! Can I tell you about my two blades? They are really really cool!" a now overexcited Stella said, jumping up and down.

Her eyes were quite literally glowing with a golden light as she leaked excitement.

Brian was momentarily distracted by the fluid mechanics of the luscious locks that reached the small of the spirit's back. How did it not get tangled like his did? Where were the leaves, the dust, the sticks, the webs, the goddamn justice!?

"I also want to go to hunt down the big dogs. I want to taste cooking again!" She continued.

'Ah, she's hungry.' Brian thought.

"I understand you're excited, but right now, I really need some quiet time. It's important for me to have a moment to myself." Unfortunately Brian didn't want to compromise.

He also thought that waiting would be a better option since the clearing around the Mysterious Elderwood tree. Brian froze... How did he know~

"But I can't stop talking! My ideas are bursting out of my head! Can't you just listen?"

Stella interrupted his thoughts once again. Causing him to unnaturally forget his previous thought process. 

Brian sighed "While I appreciate your enthusiasm, but meditation requires silence and focus. It's hard for me to concentrate when there's constant noise and interruptions."

He couldn't give up the chance to possibly enhance his strength before the big fight. It was the way of the protagonist, a staple even! Brian shivered at the thought of how cool he would be.

Sadly his companion didn't understand the allure. "But it's so boring! I want to have fun! Why can't we play or do something together, Or better yet can we go play with the big dogs?"

Stella was getting frustrated that her Elder Brother just wanted to sit here and wat for his food. Shouldn't he hunt like a real animal!? How was a spirit like her more excited for hunting than him!?

Brian smiled wryly, understanding the pain of being a child trying to convince an uncooperative adult to play.

"I understand that you want to have fun, and we can certainly do that later. We can even hunt all over this mountain if we survive today. But right now, though, I need this time to relax and recharge. It's important for my well-being."

The unusually willful Stella reluctantly agreed. "Fine, but I still want to talk! Can I whisper?"

Brian knew that he would continue to lose more time if he kept the argument up. Besides, his new meditation theory required an anchor to not be pulled into the chaotic maelstrom of order that he was trying to make out. A few whispers would do nicely.

Still, he had to be careful with how he said it. "Whispering could be a little distracting, but if it helps you feel better, you can whisper quietly. Just remember to be mindful of the silence I'm trying to create."

The Fury was ecstatic at her small victory. "Okay, I'll try to be quieter. But can we play after you're done?" she asked, her eyes sparkling golden once again, this time in hope.

Brian smirked. This was going to be by no means easy, but he would face the Pack's Hunt head-on. He settled down into position again and answered his little trump card.

" Absolutely! Once I finish meditating, we can do something fun together. I promise."


The moon was rising from the direction of the golden plains. Knowing that no-one would interfere with their hunt, the pack moved closer, inching forward in stealth. When they reached the Peak where the Overlord of this Peak resided they saw it. 

The strange monkey was standing on top of one of the roots to the Great Tree. Such disrespect made the wolves even angrier, causing them to collectively discard their stealth. The strange monkey was surrounded either way.

Instead of panic, however, the monkey just closed its eyes and made a strange sound. The wolves couldn't tell what was going on, until the monkey disappeared, and then there was no more time to think.