
Thief of Bones

Sample chapters ten to fifteen only. Evangeline is a mystery to those that meet her. With no knowledge of her past and uncertainty in her near future, she knows there is one thing she must do… protect Princess Anastasia. With an engagement to Prince Philipe of the Ambrose Kingdom, The ultimate goal is to bring peace to the two, feuding families. However, Evangeline is suspicious about the princess’s soon to be husband. Evangeline is set on protecting Princess Anastasia from the suspicious engagement, but with the new integration of the two kingdom's, Evangeline's past life soon comes roaring to the surface -- endangering those she had learn to trust and love. Contains LGBTQ+ themes.

AriDreams · Fantasia
Classificações insuficientes
6 Chs

Ten: Flames of a Confused Heart

If Evangeline thought the walk to the sparring grounds was treacherous, then the stumble to Sunset Tavern was a journey across the continent of Aagora. She had prayed that Fletcher or Vance would have appeared randomly to simply pick her up and carry her to the Tavern, as they certainly had the capability to do so, but fortune was not in her favor.

However, Evangeline knew that her path to Sunset Tavern would be a long one, so she left quite early, before the sun fell but dark enough so she wouldn't be in the midst of a crowd full of judgmental eyes.

As she passed by the familiar outline of the fortune teller's tent, she soon became curious. The lady, Fantasia perhaps, did mention some particularly intriguing things at their meeting. Evangeline then thought back to the potions on the shelf. She criticised herself for even thinking in the idea of magic … it would be selfish and possibly dangerous to even consider a potion for healing her ankle. Yet, a small part of her was curious; what if she could possibly heal her ankle a bit earlier than predicted?

Evangeline turned her head away from the tent and continued to hobble towards the tavern, but she couldn't shake the feeling of glaring eyes amongst her back. She turned her head, searching for the source of the unnerving feeling.

"I'm going mad," Evangeline groaned, trying to keep her balance as she stumbled over an uneven crick in the pathway. She tried to regain her her balance as soon as possible, and by a mere moment of luck, she was able to find her footing. Letting out a breath of relief, Evangeline looked forward, sensing a buzz coming from a few hundred yards away. Focusing her eyes in the darkness, she could make out a building that radiated different colored lights. She could see people starting to surround and walk towards the building, like moths to a flame.

Evangeline finally managed to stumble her way to the tavern entrance. There were a few stray people outside the tavern, but the loud crowd noise and music inside signified life and drinking … lots of drinking.

After being in a moment of thought, Evangeline's eyes sparkled as she limped her way through the open door. As she managed to make her way through the tavern, she could feel eyes on her. After a moment of searching around, Evangeline heard her name called from the left of her. Searching for a moment amongst the congested bundle of people.

In a second, Evangeline's vision latched onto another dark, brown pair of eyes that belonged to, whom she recognized as, Vance. Then appeared another issue, as she realized that the table they sat themself along the wall, through countless amounts of rows of tables. That would mean one thing and one thing only … Evangeline would have to traverse acros the crowds while attempting to not knock anyone or anything over.

"There's no way … " Evangeline groaned as she examined the situation. And as if Vance could sense her dread, he managed to get up and maneuvermaunever his way through the crowd. It became apparent that Vance stood out from the other people; he had a much larger stature, and it made other patrons look like dwarves.

"You guys seriously picked the most hard to reach spot for someone who is on crutches? What is this blasphemy you asswhats?" Evangeline snapped, bearing her smaller canines in attempt to appear menacing. However, the enormous reaction she expected was nothing more than a chuckle and smirk.

"It wasn't intentional, I swear. Well, it wasn't for me at least. Chief over there," the two glanced over to Fletcher who was drinking a glass of beer. He apparently felt the gaze and nodded his head, giving a grunt in response. Evangeline turned her eyes back to Vance as she huffed and decided on an idea.

She used her crutches and went back over to the front of the tavern, near the coat racks, and stopped. She then motioned for Vance to come over, and he followed her instruction without, seemingly, a second thought.

"Hold my hand real quick. I am going to get off these damned things."

"You're doing what? Evangeline, you're going to be in pain if you walk on that foot."

"Sue me, I'd rather be in pain than cause a scene with these bloody things. The pain can't be that much more painful than having to hobble the whole way here with these crutches digging into my under arms that whole damned way."

Evangeline placed her left hand into Vance's now outstretched hand, and she took the right crutch out from under her right arm and tossed it to the wall. Immediately, her casted foot went to the floor, and a spurt of pain ran up her ankle. She had to clench her teeth and ignore the sudden pain. After a moment, it went away, but she knew it would be there after every step.

"Now, hold my right hand." Vance let go of Evangeline's left hand, as she stabilizedstablized herself on the crutch, and went to her other side and laid out his hand. She placed her right hand, delicately, in his as she lifted the crutch from under her arm and placed it alongsidealong side the wall with the other one.

She let out a little breath and looked towards Vance who stared at her hand. Evangeline tilted her head, noticing how warm Vance's touch was. His hand, in itself, was rough with calluses all over it. Likely from the years of fighting, but his touch was gentle, attempting to be safe and stable.

"Thank you, that's all I needed. If you excuse me I need to order some drinks."

"Are you sure you don't need me to aid you?"

"While that would be nice," Evangeline said, taking her hand away from Vance's. Her brown-haired braids swung around as she let out a warm smile, "I can do this myself. Each step without those things is a step closer to healing."

"Well, technically it would only be hurting it more." Vance chuckled, lifting an eyebrow in an attemptin attempt to make his point. Evangeline, in response, swatted at him, lightly hitting his arm while wearing a frown.

She then turned her head and slowly started to walk further into the tavern, near the bar. Each step in the direction of the bar was agony. Her ankle constantly radiated pain, and she couldn't lift each step very high with the idea that the higher it went up, the more pain it would produce falling back down. Evangeline also couldn't just drag her boot across the floor as it would turn her ankle at an unusual angle, leaving more pain to wound up in the injury.

She tried to keep her strides long in her left leg, and after what seemed like hours, she finally got to the bar which had only a few unoccupied seats left. Much to her excitement, she could see Leona working the bar, making a few drinks and talking with occupants.

Evangeline moved the stool back and pushed her hands on the bar table, proceeding to lift herself onto the stool. Vance, still following Evangeline, took another unoccupied stool to her right.

As Leona was still attending to a few of the first arriving occupants, she caught a glance at Evangeline and gave her a wink, mouthing the word "hi" in the process. Evangeline's pupils dilated at the wink, and a warm, fuzzy feeling entered her stomach. She tried to keep the giddiness down, but she couldn't help but let out an excited smile.

"What's this I see?" Vance asked, nudging Evangeline softly in the ribs. Evangeline noticed him glancing at Leona and letting out a low whistle before looking back to Evangeline. "Is that someone you fancy? Didn't know you liked gi—"

"What are you talking about, Vance?" Evangeline said nervously, nudging him sharply in the ribs as payback. He let out a gasp as the air from hishim lungs left, and it was like music to Evangeline's ears. She let out a hum as her eyes quickly caught Leona coming in their direction.

"Sweet pea, I see you're back! What can I get you as well as this eye candy?"

"Wha-what?" Evangeline sputtered, looking from Leona to Vance. Vance, himself, let out a little laugh and flipped a small piece of hair out of his face.

"Flattered, Miss bartender. You're quite the prize yourself."

"Okay, Vance," Evangeline laughed nervously, trying to stir the conversation away from the direction of flirting. Not that she was jealous or anything, but she thought it was quite uncomfortable … to herself at least. "How about a scotch on the rocks, please?"

"Why yes, miss knight." Leona said, flashing her white, gapped-teeth again. Evangeline felt her stomach pivot, and she couldn't help but be flattered at that damned smile. "You want a tab?"

"I would think that might be a good idea. I am here on business, so it might be awhile."

Leona nodded her head in Evangeline's direction, and Vance let out a snicker, spinning on the stool to look at Evangeline. He let a hum and leant in closer to the flustered knight,

"So, do you fancy the bartender? She's quite the looker. Can't imagine she's from here as her complexion is a bit more suited for Ustudzdi, and her accent certainly is a bit more looser, unique even."

"I don't fancy anyone, you — prick!"

"By the blush in your face, I suspect that statement to be nothing more than a fib." Vance sneers as the two's eyes look back to Leona who delivers Evangeline her drink in a clear glass. Evangeline thanks her with a smile and lowers her head, attempting to hide the heat that is spreading across her face.

Leona walked away and Evangeline took a little sip of her drink, trying to ignore the sadistic glare from Vance.

"Let's go meet with Fletcher, shall we?" Evangeline mumbled as she got up from her stool, feeling the agonizing pain in her foot as soon as it touched the floor. She let out a curse, attempting to feign the feeling of being fine.

Evangeline winced her way back to Fletcher's table as he readngis reading a book while having hishaving a his half empty beer glass next to him. He looks up, adjusting his reading glasses before motioning for Evangeline to take a seat at one of the three unoccupied spots.

She quickly took a spot next to him; he was along the wall while she was towards the floor. Across from Evangeline, Vance took his spot, a drink, assumingly from before he met with Evangeline, sitting in front of him.

"A reader? Wouldn't peg you as one of those," Vance noted, letting out a cheeky smile at the remark. Fletcher, in response, closed his book and put it on the table whilst taking off his reading spectacles as well.

"I enjoy works of history, actually. I've always pondered what happened before us, before there were kingdoms and people were people, no tyranny nor caste system."

"Careful what you say," Joked Vance as he took a sip of his drink. It was dark, nearly pitch black, so Evangeline couldn't quite make out what it was. Her eyes turned back to Vance as he strummed his hands against the table, "watchful eyes are always looking".

Evangeline took a small sip in response to that. Even if Fletcher was a man of power within the Colossicus military, King Ragnar wouldn't hesitate to … dispose of someone. It didn't matter what he did; if deemed a threat to his empire, then he would not hesitate to take a life. That's one thing that Evangeline had picked up during her life in Colossicus, people were disposable. One mistake, fool King Ragnar once. Two mistakes, and lives were suddenly missing.

"Besides, we are here to drink and discuss – things. Not to read books and ponder the meaning of," Vance put his fingers up as air quotes, "life".

Fletcher scoffed slightly and took a drink out of his cup. It was starting to get on the lower side of occupancy, and Fletcher was bound to get a refill soon.

"Besides that," Evangeline butted in, leaning back in her chair slightlyslighlty and stressing her arms behind her. She was careful not to hit anyone as it was crowded in the tavern. She then brought her hands back down onto the table, "do we not have topics to discuss. Some rather, intriguing, topics."

"Perhaps, the wedding?" Vance hinted, the light in his eyes dimming ever so slightly. However, he covered up the dismay that plagued the lines on his face and slight frown he held. He shook his head and threw his hand into his hair, ruffling it up. Evangeline could see, hypothetically, how this would woo women, but she felt more or less disinterested. "Ah, yes, the wedding."

The three at the table suddenly grew quiet. Not much information about the wedding hadwedding information had been spread about to even the higher officials. It had only been fivebeen a five or so days since the announcement at the ball, and things had been moving both fast and slow in Evangeline's world. On one hand, she had been trapped in between studies and watching spars. She couldn't participate, and that killed her on the inside.

Even then, Evangeline had gotten no news on the wedding. Whenever she tried to bring the topic up to Anastasia, things would get quiet, and a new topic would typically be brought up. The king had also mentioned nothing to Evangeline, and she was starting to panic on the inside that she may not be going with Anastasia with the wedding or to wherever she goes.

"Has anyone heard anything about it? Perhaps where it will be taking place and when? Or the plans after?"

"I am afraid not," Evangeline stated, bringing a little frown to her face. Her eyebrows became sullen, and the dimples she typically wore disappeared.

"What I have heard is nothing but rumors. I think it is taking place within the next six months." Fletcher commented, and Evangeline had a sinking feeling in her stomach. It was like an anchor falling to the sea floor after landing at a bay.

"It will be a unification of two kingdoms. Do you think the lands will be connected?" Evangeline questioned aloud, and the two men looked at herto her. Fletcher remained quiet, putting a finger to his temple, seemingly lost in a bit of thought. Vance, too, remained quiet. While typically being happy go-lucky, the topic was a bit more on the more serious sideserious of side of things. There were so many ideas that went into this marriage, almost too many ideas running through the flood gates. "I mean, it would make sense. The more resources; I am just unsure how they would combine the kingdoms."

"Perhaps there would be two sectors? Maybe one for the main royalty and militia training whereas the other for agriculture. I know Colossicus has particularly well saturated soils for crops." Vance pointed out, taking a sip of his concoction.

Evangeline and Fletcher also proceeded to drink out of their respectiverespected glasses. However, things were tense. These were questions that had not been mentioned to the folks other than those who were directly related to the situation. It was unique, there had been situations where princes' and princess' married someone in their kingdom, perhaps a high appointed official or knight, but it was rare to see two kingdoms merge together, two large kingdoms. Perhaps two smaller kingdoms, towns were better suited for terms, might entangle themselves in marriage, but it was hardly seen in larger kingdoms.

Evangeline hadn't the faintest idea the last time it had taken place, a marriage of this importance at least. She had gone through history books and attempted to reconcile some sort of timeline of this continent and world, and she could only recount three times that two kingdoms of this magnitude becamemagnitude that became joint due to marriage. It was either marriage or war, where two, or more, kingdoms became one whole. When it came to war, it was bloody, and nothing good ever comes out of war.

"Well would you look at that, my glass is empty," Evangeline said, breakingsaid breaking up the moment of silence that settled between the three of them. She hesitantly got up from her chair, grimacing as her foot hit the floor. However, she passed it off with a false smile and grabbed her empty drink glass. She started to maneuver her way past the other tables but turned around and winked at Fletcher and Vance, "I'll be back in a second!"

Evangeline attempted, with all her might, to hustle back to the bar with as little pain as possible and with as little time spent in between steps. She figured she was getting used to the pain in her ankle; it was unavoidable at this point. It was either soreness under her arms or gripping pain in her ankle, it didn't matter which one inflicted her. They both hurt.

As Evangeline finally found herself back at the bar, she hopped up on another stool and noticed how Leona was sat with a hand under her chin, leaning forward and simply looking at Evangeline. All other patrons at the bar counter had been cleared and were seemingly dispersed at their respected tables. It was almost as if Leona was waiting for Evangeline.

"Where'd everyone go? The bar wasn't this empty a moment ago."

"You were gone a little bit, but, I wanted to have a minute alone with you. Mind if I get my co-worker out here so we can have a little chit-chat?"

"Chit-chat?" Evangeline gulped, her heart sinking in her chest. She felt a chill radiate in her spine as the hairs on her arms quickly rose up. Evangeline wasn't cold at all, as she had a long sleeved tunic on, keeping most of her body heat inside the clothing. The night air outside was bitter, but on the inside of the tavern, it was warm and inviting.

Leona winked and lifted herself fully upward, leaving the counter top and going to the left, where a door resided on the back wall. She opened the door, and while Evangeline attempted to catch a sight from beyond the doorway, she couldn't see a glimpse of the inside as Leona shut the door behind her.

Letting out a little breath, Evangeline put her glass down on the counter and looked past the bar counter, examining the wall that had shelves where alcohol remained. It had liquors, glasses, fruits, wines, and even more stuff that went into running a successful tavern. Her fingers ran themselves across the counter, feeling for a trace of dust, but there was none. It was clean, not a speck of dirt stricken upon its granite top.

Evangeline, stuck in a moment of boredom and excitement, started to hum a little tune. She didn't exactly know where it came from, but she hummed it without a thought in her mind. It was sweet, and perhaps a bit sour, and there was an emotion that swirled within her as she thought about it, but she didn't care to decipher it as it was simply a little hum.

After a few moments, and whilst being taken away in a moment of song notes, Evangeline was brought back to realityin reality where she felt a soft touch on her hand. It was warm and inviting, and she focused her eyesight on it when she saw the small, umber hand resting on herin her own.

"Are you coming, knight?" Evangeline nodded her head, and she felt Leona grab her hand, forcing Evangeline up from her stool. Despite the pain that echoed in Evangeline's foot, she was too stunned when she acknowledged how gentle Leona's touch was, and how it felt oddly comforting to be holding hands with — her.

Evangeline was so surprised by Leona's hand in her own that she only could catch a small glimpse of her co-worker. They also shared the same, umber skin color that Leona had, as well as being tall and having long dreadlocks. Yet, that's all Evangeline got to see before she was inside the same room Leona had been in a moment ago with the door being closed from behind her.

"Who's the other girl working behind the bar?" Evangeline questioned as Leona sat on a couch, motioning for Evangeline to sit as well.

"Boy," Leona corrected, shaking her head and putting on a small pout. Evangeline nodded her head as a nervous smile lit up her face,

"Boy, right. I apologize. It was the long hair that caused me confusion."

"He always gets that. It's the hair, makeup, and outfits he chooses to wear. Teion always chose a more feminine style to wear, and not only folks understand it. I won't tell him though," Leona snickered, placing a hand forward on Evangeline's thigh albeit with hesitance. "Is this alright? Let me know if you're uncomfortable at all, darlin'."

Evangeline was quiet, trying to grasp what was going on. A girl's hand was on her thigh. A pretty girl's hand was on her thigh. Leona was a show stopper to any man that would walk by; she was curvy, loud, and it seemed that she didn't take shit from anyone. Evangeline was intriguied, and when she saw the look in Leona's eyes, one of desire, she couldn't help but feel startled. It wasn't bad, but everything within her was starting to knot up. She didn't like girls. Then again she didn't like guys either. So why wasn't she saying anything? Why wasn't she saying anything as Leona got closer and closer, bringing her lips closer to Evangelines?

Time came to a stand still when Leona's lips touched Evangeline's; it was soft, with sincerity and gentleness. It wasn't meant to harm Evangeline or scare her away, it was a welcoming.

The two remained in that way as Leona brought her other hand to Evangeline's jaw and brought it closer to herself. Evangeline wasn't exactly sure what to do at first, but she soon let herself start to kiss Leona back. She didn't like girls, she told herself over and over again. But if that was the case, why did the kiss feel so good? Why did it feel like something she had missed out on for so long?

After a few sparse minutes, Leona separated herself Evangeline as she wore a smile. Evangeline was a bit dumbstruck as she stared blankly at Leona, trying to reconstruct what on the gods planet just happened. She was kissed — by a girl? And did she … like it?

"I thought I would shoot my shot. You're a pretty girl, knight. I didn't want to scare ya or anything; I could see in your eyes that you're pretty conflicted."

"No, I just didn't expect it. I don't think I like girls, though." Evangeline whispered the last part to herself, or what was supposed to be to herself, but apparently Leona heard and she snickered.

"With the way your eyes were closed during that kiss and the way your lips didn't break from mine, I would beg to differ. Let me ask a question," Leona said, taking her hands off Evangeline and folding her arms underneath one another. "Would you say no if I asked to kiss you again?"

Would she? Evangeline's confident, hazel irises soon dimmed down to a confused moss green. It showed feelings of confusion and uncertainty as it relayed how Evangeline truly portrayed the situation. There was a beautiful woman sitting in front of her, wanting to kiss her for gods know how long, and would she be willing to say no?

"That answers my question," Leona said quietly, sitting fully back down on the couch and pushing a hand up to lift part of her afro out of her eyes. Evangeline, in response, sat on the edge of the couch, cautiously waiting to get up, but part of her didn't want to. Maybe she did want to kiss Leona again.

"I'm sorry, I just don't know what to think."

"You're right. You don't know what to think, and darlin' I think you got some soul searching to do. I don't know if you have any idea of what's goin' on in there," Leona pointed to Evangeline's chest, most likely signifying her heart. "But I can see as clear as day, that you're hanging onto something that ain't there."

"I don't understand?" Evangeline stammered out as she tilted her head in confusion. In return, Leona let out a laugh, one of energy and vigor. She nodded her head and gazed back at Evangeline, and it took Evangeline a second to recognize that emphasized makeup that Leona wore. It made a statement, with thick, black eyeliner, long lashes, and a few sparkles on the inside of her eye lid, Evangeline was amazed. She doubted she could pull off such a bold look. It didn't look bad at all; it was more captivating to Evangeline than anything.

"You have amnesia, right? Did you know if you," Leona swung one leg over the other, and put her elbow on her knee and hand in her chin, leaning in closer to Evangleine. "Liked girls? Have you ever wanted to kiss a girl? To fall in love and marry a girl?"

"Truthfully, I have been so focused on protecting Princess Anastasia that I haven't thought much to my love life."

Leona's eyes widened, and she smirked, slightly showcasing part of her white teeth.

"Do you like the princess?"

"No!" Evangeline immediately jumped upwards, x-ing her arms to signify her point. There was no way in any world, on any planet that she would dare like the princess as anything more than a friend. What blasphemy did Leona try to ask her?

Leona, in return, nodded her head again and laid back amongst the couch back. She looked to be ready to say something, but she held back her words, leaving Evangeline panicked and swarmed in thoughts of utter nonsense. Many concepets swam in her her mind, and some of those were scenarios of her with Anastasias. It wasn't with her kissing Anastasia but treating her as a friend; she thought of Anastasia as someone she had to protect, someone who she thought of a friend. She wasn't sure if Anastasia considered a friend or someone simply tasked to be her babysitter.

Was that all Anastasia possibly thought of Evangeline? As another babysitter that King Ragnar assigned to protect her?

"I apologize. It is none of my business to question your sexuality and who you do and don't love."

That, in itself, was true. However, there seemed to be another reason for why Leona likely brought it up to Evangeline. The issue, truly, was people of the same sex having feels for one another, or someone that is not the opposite sex, was seen as forbidden. Evangeline hadn't heard of someone being murdered for loving the other sex, but she had heard of people being casted away to churches, dungeons, and banished to the woods for such things. If she did like girls, would she, too, be banished? Shunned? Would she never be able to see Anastasia or Fletcher ever again? What would happen?

"That wasn't the reason I brought you here, though." Leona stated as she cleared her throat; her face suddenly became somber and serious. Her eyebrows furrowed and the playfulness she once held in her scrunched nose and smiling lips disappeared. "Someone came in the other day that claimed they knew you, and I wasn't going to say anything, but you suddenly arrived here tonight. I am not sure if you know them, but I think they were elven. They had purple eyes, which I found rather odd, and had a masquerade mask that, again, only revealed their eyes."

"Wait," Evangeline said quietly, her heart suddenly pounding. Her mind flashed back to the night of the ball when she found herself being watched from the second floor. It was a man with those startling purple eyes. At first she thought it was just an odd coincidence, but was there finally a connection? Did she even want there to be a connection? "Oh gods, I think I remember them. What did they say?"

"It was kind of weird," Leona admitted, scratching her head slightly. "He said that you should go back to Fantasia's place because there would be more information there. I honestly don't know, if I am completely honest, it was at dead hour, so he didn't want to be seen, perhaps. I honestly wouldn't be concerned with it. Well, I would, because it is creepy as hell, but I doubt he is anyone important. I hope not anyway," Leona whispered the last part under her breath, probably hoping that Evangeline wouldn't hear her, but with Evangeline's enhance hearing, she was able to catch the last, little statement.

"Thank you, Leona. I appreciate it; I appreciate everything, actually." The grim expression on

Evangeline's face slowly disappeared as the dimples on her cheeks started to reappear with a smile accompanying it. "You do know my name is Evangeline, right?"

"I do," Leona chuckled, getting back on her feet and walking over to Evangeline once again. Her steps slowed down as they two got closer, only inches away. Evangeline was significantly taller, but she bent down slightly as Leona rose on her tippy-toes, and the two's lips touched again, embracing in another kiss. This one was more passionate than the other, but it was tame. It wasn't anything overreaching, nothing vigorous, but it was passionate and sincere.

When the two released from their kiss, both of them wore a grin. Evangeline set out to head back into the main part of the tavern, but she felt a hand grasp hers before she had a chance to open the door.

"Knight, you got some black lipstick on your lips. Best get that off before others assume," Leona was half joking and half serious with the statement. It's true, if people knew that the two kissed, then eyes would start watching and ears would start listening. Evangeline became slightly panicked when she noticed she had nothing to wipe the lipstick off of. Would it be her tunic? That would leave a stain and questions would arrive, surely.

It seemed Leona took note of the issue, and she got a handkerchief out of her front pocket and gave it to Evangeline, "here, keep it."

Leona stretched upwards slightly and cracked her arms and legs, attempting to get the wrinkles out of her light blue dress and the apron that she wore over it. Leona then proceed to open the door back to the tavern, but before she left she turned around and winked, "by the way, I prefer the name, knight instead."

Welcome. This is a sample of my novel, Thief of Bones. These are older chapters, but I hope you all enjoy.

AriDreamscreators' thoughts