

Fantasy Romance
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What is thereza

Leia o romance thereza escrito pelo autor Thereza_Buys publicado no WebNovel. ...


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what it takes to be me

My life could be an interesting journey to embark on, while it could be a disturbing one to read at all. Don’t get me wrong; I am not saying no one could actually fit in my shoes or do the things I have done. I’m just saying nobody can… Yeah, you heard me right. It’s like I don’t know you anymore. You’ve changed since this past week, and I don’t know what is wrong with you. I’m just— Esther kept in with the nagging and nagging; her voice felt like it was scratching the veins inside my head until— Well, in that case, to hell with the relationship, to hell with school, and to hell with every other person who thinks I’m going through a phase… except my mum… I love my mummy so much. I raised my voice back at her. As everyone around the school block stopped and watched me perform my madness, just like my mum would have said if she was here, and I could notice the shock of my outburst in Esther’s expression as she took steps away from me. Yeah! Just go! Just walk away just like every other person in my life. I don’t care!!! Not anymore!! I let out my mind loudly this time, and I felt satisfied in a way and a little weary from all the screaming. Letting out a deep breath, I fell back into the school fountain. I just didn’t give a damn what anyone else thought anymore… including me. Well, I have had a lot on my mind, okay? I just lost fifty thousand to a twelve-year-old. My dog was hurt, and my uncle just completed one whole month on the couch. Now, so yeah, I have got responsibilities in my hands. I poured out my mind to the old man as he stared at me with an unreadable expression on his face. “For a month”? How? And how can your d- “Don’t bother asking trust me you don’t wanna know you don’t wanna know”

SIP777 · Realista
Classificações insuficientes
3 Chs

Jebakan Terindah

"Kalian mikir! Dia itu orang kaya. Kalau mau begituan sama aku, masa iya dia milih di kebon orang." Seorang Gadis berteriak pada warga yang ada di depannya. "Intinya, dia ndak akan menikahi aku. Aku sendiri yang akan membayar denda, jang—" "Aku akan menikahi kamu." Laki-laki itu memotong. Sontak saja Si Gadis langsung menoleh. "Eh, Si Kampret. Otakmu kelelep apa?" bisiknya. Cakra, 35 tahun. seorang anak dari pengusaha restoran sukses dituntut oleh kedua orang tuanya agar segera membawakan mereka seorang menantu. Karena tuntutan tersebut Cakra pun pergi ke salah satu kota di Jawa Timur untuk mencari seorang istri sekaligus mengembangkan bisnis restoran di daerah tersebut. Setelah sampai di daerah tersebut, banyak kejadian lucu yang terjadi hingga mendekatkan dirinya dengan seorang gadis bernama Asta. Mereka berdua sering berseteru bahkan berkelahi, hingga takdir membuat mereka harus menikah karena fitnah dari mantan calon suami Asta. Dan ketika Asta merasa insecure karena harus ke Jakarta untuk bertemu dengan sang mertua, ternyata banyak hal tak terduga tentang keluarga Cakra yang membuat dirinya sempat menggeleng tak percaya. Setelah melewati berbagai hal, akhirnya kebahagian pun mulai datang. Namun semua kebahagiaan tersebut kembali terusik ketika cinta pertama Sang Suami datang bahkan masuk ke dalam kehidupan pernikahan mereka. Mampukah Asta mempertahankan rumah tangganya? Bisakah Cakra menyadari jika kebaikan hatinya adalah malapetaka untuk kisah cintanya sendiri? #ketika kebaikan hati harus mempunyai batas.

Si_Mendhut · Urbano
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His Female Alpha

Young Mia Ronolv never knew her life as she knew it was to change in a drastic way. As the firstborn of the Alpha and Luna of Awakening Gem pack, she was never afraid to show her potential to others. she was a strong warrior princess and a good leader too(at least that's what her teachers said) She's always the first person in the training room and the last person to leave the place.she's one of those women who really go with the saying"a woman don't need a man to be complete". She is forced to grow up at the budding stage of her life when her parents suspiciously die. She takes over her pack as the first female Alpha which stirs up a lot of uprisings against her rule. she steps up and silences all those revolting against her. She makes sure they know her intent of ruling as a strong alpha and there will be no arguments. She is also left with the tedious job of taking care of her 3 younger siblings Her life is turned upside down when she collides with her mate during one of her business trips. She feels the bond immediately but ignores both the man and her wolf as she continues to her meeting. she leaves for home immediately the meeting ends without trying to find out who her mate is. Jason Aldean is the Alpha of the Midnight Crown pack. His pack is the most feared and Successful pack in the whole country rivalled by no one except the Awakening Gem pack. He rules with an iron fist and is given the nickname, the Pussy Devil due to his many conquests and ruthlessness. He is a definite player who has a soft spot for his family only. He's a spoilt mama's boy who'll do anything for his mama. When he collides with his mate on his way out of a meeting, he starts to feel a lot of emotions. (happiness, joy, love, possessiveness,) but his mate didn't give him the time of day, not even a glance. To say he was devastated is a mild way of putting it. He Was Livid. He started to walk in the direction she went but thought carefully about it and decided to walk away. He was hurt by her behavior and therefore was gonna leave everything to fate. if they are meant to be, they will be but if not, who knows? there are always willing sluts to bang back at the pack house. if only he knew that just one taste of his mate will leave him addicted

Asher_Lee_Pierce · Fantasia
Classificações insuficientes
1 Chs


  • Taxa Geral
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  • Atualizando a estabilidade
  • Desenvolvimento de Histórias
  • Design de Personagens
  • Antecedentes do mundo


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