
The new kid s( ‘ w’)s

Growls in the distance as if the are ready to feast I yell and yell but do not get a response what is wrong with me, why won't my body move. The howls and growls are so close I can feel my neck hair stand up and then I hear it " Cassidy yushin you better RUN". " AAAAAA". I'm in my bed it was just a dream. I see my door swing open." Honey are you ok". My mom says. I have always been an outcast my mom is Korean and my dad is American, because of that I always get teased. " Hey pug are you gonna try to chase your tail". Faint laughter. I hate it so much I wish I was...." Cassi honey are you ok". "Yeah I'm fine mom"." Ok it's time to get up". Ugh another horrible day just three more weeks until I graduate high school thank god. The principal is so evil and a perv. We have to wear skirts that are way to short and white tea shirts that are to tight and we don't get a chose it's terrible, his son is not great either he dating the most popular girl in the school but he is secretly dating Yusi Chan. What a loser she should have known." Cassi hurry your gonna be late". " I'm coming mom". Ugh here I go my dad is already gone and my mom is about to leave my mom is an account manger. So I have to walk to school, and then I hear it again " RUN". I sprint out the door and I don't look back I run pass miss usins house and then I am lost. I don't know where I am. I try to go back form where I came from but I get even more lost. " Hey". I sounds like a kid in my grade but not familiar I turn around. He is a goddess he looks like a model right out of a movie, I can't take my eyes off of him." Hey are u ok". " ummm yeah I just got a little lost that's all". " did you just move hear". " yeah I got hear yesterday"." Are u going to school or are u just gonna stay here and be more lost". " umm I don't know where I am so I kinda don't know where school is"." I can walk with you I was just about to leave"." Thanks your a life saver "." By tha way i am Paxton Hosdia"." My name is Cassidy yushin but you can call me Cassi"." That's cool, Cassi". " well we better go before we are late". Ok