
Ikari No Yuri (Part 2)

*3rd Person POV*

Kyuu-san catches both fists of the girl, quickly twisting them and sweeps the girls leg from the ground. The maiden feels her body being pulled into the air as she her back comes down onto the ground with a massive slam.


The girl lays in the glacial crater, feeling the trickling of cold water beneath her seep into her gi. Kyuu-san watches over her with a grin, hand outstretched to help her up.

"Kyuu-san… thanks."

The flower maiden takes her hand, lifting her up from the crater.

"I think that'll be it brat."

"Awww! Already?"

Though tired and beaten, the girl refuses to give in just yet. Kyuu-san ignores her... I think that'll be it for sparring… can't believe the brat can even push me that far.

"Kyuu-san, can you test her with one a more quanta attack?"

The fiery fox hears Goddess' voice in her mind. A quanta attack? Why such a specific request? Goddess... I don't think she can handle more, she needs rest. I'm sure mom is probably begging us to already stop.

"Just one last test Kyuu-san... look."

Kyuu-san looks down to see the girl make puppy eyes at her. Not again!

"Fine... one last test... alright brat... you better not hold back on this one."

"Yay!! I promise this'll be the last!"

Kyuu-san jumps backwards, dragging her hands backwards, eyes erupting with arcing energy, her fox tail trailing like flames behind her.

"Ready? This'll be a test of attrition and endurance... don't worry, the moment I see you starting to really struggle I'll disperse the attack."

The maiden pumps her fists in the air.


A ball of blue energy gathers in Kyuu-san's hand, the energy inside expanding in explosive pulses as her foot comes down crushing the ice in a thunderous sound as she steps forward. Putting all her body weight into this one throw. She thrusts the ball forward as a torrent of wind follows, her legs a perfect 180 degrees as her momentum carries her forward.

"Alright brat! Let's see if you can handle this!"

The ball launches from her hand, carving into the hard ice as it grows in size, crushing ice and rock in its momentum.

All the maiden sees is the ball of energy, coming for her, gaining in speed and size. Her bare feet feels it shaking the ground as it barrels towards her. It was a bit scary, but… but…

Her left foot smashes in the ground, followed by her right foot… sending shards of flying rock and ice around her… she brings her arms together, trembling with might as she thrusts her hand to her side, her aura exploding around her, ready to take on the attack.


The ball crashes into her, its size many times larger than her, enveloping her figure in its blazing energy…


The force pushes her further and further into the icy tundra, her legs digging into the ice and trembling as she puts every ounce of strength to push back.

"No kidding, the brat can handle that... alright I think that's enough... huh?"

Kyuu-san attempts to disperse the energy before it gets dangerous but she couldn't. It's as if she isn't in control of it anymore.

"The hell?! Why can't I... brat try to jump out of the way!!"

But the girl couldn't, the ball continued to grow in mass and power without stopping. She can feel it… the blazing energy of the attack, searing her hands as she yells in strained effort… she looks at her arms, nearly buckling under the immense strain she puts forth.

"Nooo!!! Not Yet!!!"

The primordial fire pit within her grows out of control, the mild pain now incinerating… More!! More!! I need more power!! The girl's pupils grow wild and summons more than her body can take. Her hands grip onto the ball, beginning to crush the mass of energy as it fight to expand again. She grits her teeth… feeling the taste of warm, sweet iron as she strains her body more. The ball of energy forced to condense through sheer brute force threatens to implode as it goes critical...


A booming echo of voice follows as the ball suddenly explodes… a deafening roar of blue energy tears into her as the energy collapses like a star, sending her scorched body into a massive glacier as volumetric tons of ice and debris crashing down on her and burying her in an icy tomb.


Kyuu-san was already trying to get to the girl as fast as she could to help but could only scream in despair as she stares in shock.

"What are you doing Myriam! Stop! You're going to kill her!"

A few moments before the tragedy, Ohari cries out in anguish at the Goddess. The Goddess's arms were raised then, adding more and more power... taking control of Kyuu-san attack.

"Forgive me Ohari..."

Ohari struggled to against the vines that held her in place, baring her fangs in sorrow and anguish.

"Damn you Myriam! What does the Prometheus clan want with her! Tell me!!"

Mokuren was beside her mother, staring in horror at her... never... never has her mother of all beings intentionally hurt someone.

"Mother what are you doing?! You're killing her! Stop mother!"

The Goddess refuses to speak, a heavy weight setting in her heart as well... was this the right choice? Hurting the maiden to obtain crucial information?

Ohari gasps alongside Mokuren as she watches helplessly at the ensuing explosion. Goddess Myriam didn't go overboard, she can sense the faint life left in the maiden... what she did leaves a bitter, life-withering taste... going against everything she stood for... the creator and protector of life. What has she done? The Goddess curses her action and starts to go towards the fallen maiden, something stops her in her tracks… it was rumbling, and a massive earthquake.

Kyuu-san snaps out of her shock and looks down at the ground, gaping fissures start appearing, splitting the tundra landscape as a seismic force ripples outward… she turns her head to the epicenter… the girl.

An inhuman roar tears free from the world, shaking the ground, the atmosphere, everything. The ice debris blasts outward as massive arcs and streams of fiery saffron bellow out like a super volcano.

"What… What is that…"

She takes a step backwards in pure apprehension as something starts to almost crush her heart… it was the feeling of pure rage… but it was not hers.

A figure emerges, the ice and rock melting around it… no... vaporizing in its immeasurable heat. Ripping themselves open from the figure's burning back, steaming blood pouring out, was four scorched ethereal wings flowing with wild power.

It was the flower maiden… reduced to feral beast as the crimson flames of saffron carries her off the ground as she lets out another echoing roar that shakes planet to its core. The gi has long been burnt off its body, the flower symbols on her body glowed ominously.

"Is that you? What is happening… no… "

Kyuu-san tightens her fist, her resolve shaken… but not breaking. She can just feel it… it wasn't her… it couldn't be right? Everything about her felt dangerously off.

Dread fills the celestial dryad's soul, her legs refusing to move... of all the beasts, unholy creations that walk upon the worlds... none has matched this... thing's fury... none besides one.

The beast grabs its own head as it shakes violently in pain as waves of inhumane screams crawl their way down Kyuu-san's spine as does Mokuren and Ohari. But a mother won't be put down like this, not when her daughter's in danger. Ohari starts tearing at the vines holding her down.

"Come on Ohari! I won't let this happen!"

Tears start to form in the corners of her eyes.

"Not again..."

Suddenly the beast grabs on to her jaw as a wet tearing sound is heard. Her jaw dangles loose, detached. Ethereal pools of blood splattering down her body and arms now much larger in muscle. Grotesque, monstrous teeth jut out through her flesh, through her crimson stained mouth and jaw as she screams… her aura sending destructive waves of energy, melting the tundra.

Kyuu-san as she puts up her arms, finding it hard to move as unknown fear grips her heart. Goddess Myriam appears immediately before her, encasing her in a protective shield.

"Kyuu-san! Back away! I'll try to hold her down and stop her!"

The wrathful maiden's animalistic, violent crimson eyes and pit-black pupil lock with the Goddess. Sending a dreadful ill shiver stabbing down her spine. She didn't want to acknowledge the thought now burrowed in deep in her subconscious mind... but the presence was just so hauntingly familiar.

"We cannot risk not finding out"... Durga's words echoed absently in her head... Durga... Oh Durga... we were too ill prepared to find out. We shouldn't have taken this so lightly. Three syllables escape her mouth.


Steam rolled off its bloody maw as saliva mixed blood drips, melting deeper and deeper into the ground. Ikari crouches low on all fours, its hair no longer an inky black but silvery, outlined in fiery red. A deep rumble is heard reverberating from its throat as it growls.

Ikari's back bursts into Saffron flames as it charges forward as Goddess, melting, melding her surroundings, leaving a scorched land in her wake. Goddess snaps out of her stupor as she holds her ground and tackles Ikari with a titanic tidal wave of branches.

A thousand voices screams in visceral unison as Ikari tears the branches asunder, her clawed hands dragging her blazing body towards the Goddess... its violent eyes never taking them off the Goddess in its unrelenting pursuit. Kyuu-san stands by the Goddess unmoving.

"Goddess, I'm not going anywhere… what… what's happening to her?"

Goddess struggles to hold the beast down… summoning more and more massive roots to subdue her ever approaching figure.

"Her primordial power is out of control! You feel it, her increasing power? We… need to stop her before she hurts herself… or us… I'm sorry."

Perhaps it was then Kyuu-san realized that the Goddess had a part to play in this... it took her a bit to shake off her fear but she was not one to give up... not on this stupid, anomaly of a brat!

"Goddess… you better be. What's the plan?"

Before they can put so much as a thought into a plan, a surge of Saffron fire melts the sea of branches. The Goddess summons a forcefield at the incoming wave of heat. Kyuu-san bursts into a fiery blue aura as she launches Ikari, attempting to try to knock her out.

Kyuu-san's fist makes contact with the beast's face in a sickening crack… she can feel the heat burn her fist, peeling away at her quanta aura as it holds desperately against the overwhelming heat. Ikari turns her head at Kyuu-san, unfazed by the punch as wild eyes fall upon her… eyes even with Kyuu-san… she's a lot taller than before.


Before Kyuu-san can think of the next move, she feels a force crush her stomach as her vision blurs in red from overwhelming pain… next thing she knew she was careening into multiple glaciers… her entire body ruptured from the impact. The iron taste of blood seeps from the corner of her mouth… her mind slipping if it wasn't for the cold ice keeping her mind barely conscious.The Goddess looks in shock.


The Goddess encases herself in emerald armor as Ikari sends a fist at her. Her punch rippling around her as the ground beneath them splits and cracks under such pressure. Ikari swings wildly at the Goddess with unmatched fury as the Goddess blocks and tries to dodge. Each swing creates a violent crescent of saffron flames, each punch that landed sending a destructive shockwave over and over again felt all the way as Ohari watches in horror.

"I'm sorry maiden!"

The Goddess forms a large vine constructed out of pure energy and swings into Ikari. It slams into its side as it roars in pain but it immediately recovers and holds the vine, swinging the Goddess. Myriam's caught by surprise as she's sent flying, just as she stops herself and floats in air, something crushes her leg as a scorching hand grips onto her and brings her down into the ground over and over again. Torment bores into the Goddess head as one of her antlers rips off.

Glowing, flora green blood spews out from the Goddess's mouth as Ikari slams her into the ground again with savage brutality. A massive blast is sent from the Goddess' palm into Ikari as it loosens its grip.

I've never been much of a fighter she thought as she forms a emerald hammer to brace herself back up... wincing in pain and heals her burned leg where the beast's hands had been. She sees her torn antler lying on the ground...

Ikari's body continues to radiate heat as traces visible glowing red just underneath its skin. It began charging at the Goddess again when a crack of saffron energy tears upon on her chest. It collapses into a flaming heap as it roars in agony, Goddess takes this chance to slam into the girl with the hammer, a green light bursting from the shockwave... but an arm holds the hammer, pushing back no matter how hard the Goddess uses her strength. Ikari cries in pain as Goddess wraps her vines around its body trying to hold it down. But the vines soon start to melt as the beast sets off another fiery explosion that propels the Goddess away.

Just about to make hard impact something softens her landing. She looks behind her to see Kyuu-san holding her back… blood dripping from her mouth.

"What now…"

Kyuu-san wipes her mouth with her arm and spits blood on to the ground. The Goddess washes her with warm, healing light.

"I'm not sure… she's getting stronger… if we don't stop her or calm her down… she's going to kill herself with the amount of energy growing rapidly."

Ikari staggers to its feet, roaring in a mixture of pain and rage… fissures and cracks continue to tear themselves upon her body. A colossal pillar of burning energy pierces the atmosphere as the beast raises its right arm into the sky…

"Damn it how do we stop her! She's going to kill us!"

The monumental pillar slams into the ground, carving deep into the planet as it drags across the surface barreling towards the Goddess and Kyuu-san. They brace themselves when a figure sped by them, rushing towards Ikari… it was Ohari.

"Please stop! You're going to hurt them!"

Ohari dodges streams of inferno energy tearing themselves free from Ikari as she screams in agony… a thousand voices letting out a haunting echo, her body unable to withstand the primordial wrath inside her. She doesn't know how to stop it... deep within her she is scared... unable to control what's happening to her... it was much worse than the torment she faced when she was asleep... this was real.

Ohari feels piercing, blistering pain spreads past her arm as she narrowly scrapes her arms against her burning energy… she grits her teeth in pain but doesn't stop as she runs towards Ikari. Holding her burnt arm.

"Mother what are you doing! Get back!!"

Kyuu-san clings to Ikari in a desperate hug… the vaporizing flames searing her skin and almost boiling her... only her weakening quanta shield protects her from being burned to ashes. She wraps her arms around Ikari as she calls out in desperation.

"Please come back to us! Please! You're going to hurt them! Please! Fight back!"

Even in agony, even if feeling her soul torched and torn away... the Ikari feels the loving warmth and stops her hand mere inches from tearing Ohari apart… the pillar of flames has stopped in its track… a groaning, harrowing voice stutters…

"Mo… mom? Kyuu-san?"

Her pupils revert back to golden orbs for a flash before she grabs Ohari and throws her far away to safety. Kyuu-san runs and catches her, quickly backing away with the Goddess cautiously watching.

"Get away from me!! I'm sorry! I'm-"

The flower maiden roars in tortuous pain as the fissures of energy erupt from her breaking body… suddenly her right arm explodes in a shower of magma saffron as a massive outburst of explosion ensues… her own power her undoing. All you can hear is the dying screams of the flower maiden as it travels across the tundra… now nothing but a barren wasteland of molten rock, fire, and lava.

Ohari cries out in a hoarse, heart-wrentching shrill. The wail of a mother who lost their child mixed with the soul torturing failure to save them.


Tears stream down her shivering face as Kyuu-san hugs her tightly… too shocked to register what happened.

Many miles away, a figure takes her scope off the maiden as the charged sniper retracts back into her arm... a nanosecond away from firing. A sigil of flaming pedals blooming outwards resembling a prometheus flower was on the person's arm. It lets out a heavy sigh... the tension leaving for just a moment. Perhaps they should have taken the shot...

"The hell did you get me into... Durga."

University is here lads and laddies and lassos! Time will beat me down but I will try my best! Leave a thought, critique, suggestions and point out any plot holes please if I don't spot them! I hate plot-holes so I really want to fill them up with some good ol' fertilized dirt, then I can plant a tree.

Wild_Silvercreators' thoughts
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