
I get what I want

At the heart of City M stood a grand building called 'Wang's Shopping Mall,' a bustling hub of luxury that attracted the city's elite. The air within its walls carried the scent of expensive perfumes and the rustle of designer garments.

The VIP waiting room of the mall's clothing section exuded an air of exclusivity, where the rich and influential patrons indulged in the latest fashion trends.

"BLAP," a resounding slap echoed through the room, causing an abrupt pause in the lively chatter. All eyes turned towards the source of the disturbance, where two women stood in stark contrast. Dressed in expensive clothing brands, one oozed with elegance, while the other's attire was too provocative.

Chu Feiyan, the recipient of the slap, stood stunned, her hand delicately touching her reddening cheek. Her attire reflected sophistication—an exquisite dark blue knee-length dress adorned with red floral designs, complemented by a red purse and modest blue heels.

On the other hand, Chen Yiwen, the aggressor, flaunted a provocative black dress that clung tightly to her figure, accentuating her exposed thighs. Her 6-inch heels elevated her stature, and the V-shaped design of her dress boldly showcased the top of her bosom.

"Chen Yiwen, are you crazy? How can you slap me?" Chu Feiyan exclaimed, disbelief written across her face. As the youngest daughter and heiress of the prestigious Chu family, she found herself humiliated by a confrontation with someone she considered beneath her.

In the midst of the brewing conflict, Chu Feiyan contemplated the dilemma of how to respond. The desire to retaliate battled with the need to maintain her family's dignity. Though the Chen family was wealthier, Chu Feiyan refused to be bullied. With a calculated decision, she opted for a theatrical response, allowing herself to stagger as if deeply affected by the slap.

Immediately, her group of frozen-faced friends rushed to her side, forming a protective shield. One of them, unable to contain her anger, unleashed a verbal assault on Chen Yiwen. "You slut! How dare you slap Feiyan? That dress was Feiyan's first, and now you want it. You're so childish. Indeed, the Chen family's young miss is a poisonous bit—"

Before she could finish her sentence, her words were met with another resounding slap, this time directed at her.

Visibly annoyed with a red hand from the repeated slaps,Chen Yiwen was determined to avoid further spectacle. Swiftly, she grabbed the dress and made her way to the cashier, leaving behind a fuming Chu Feiyan and her pissed off entourage.

As Chen Yiwen retreated from the scene, she couldn't escape the reality that the onlookers had witnessed the entire episode, capturing it on video.

The drama that unfolded in the VIP waiting room of Wang's Shopping Mall would undoubtedly become the talk of the town, a scandalous display of the clashes between wealth, pride, and the unyielding pursuit of fashion.

In the eyes of onlookers, Chen Yiwen's actions appeared as though she had forcibly taken the dress from Chu Feiyan, resorting to violence in the process.

It raised eyebrows among the wealthy clientele in the waiting room, as everyone present boasted both wealth and status. The question lingered: why was Chen Yiwen behaving in such a classless manner?

Chu Feiyan, well aware that the incident was recorded, saw this as an opportunity to expose Chen Yiwen's behavior to the press. In her mind, it was the perfect chance to retaliate against the classless heiress.

After leaving the mall, Chen Yiwen headed directly to her red Ferrari, dismissing the incident with disdainful thoughts. "What losers," she mused, indifferent to the potential repercussions of her actions.

As the day unfolded, various entertainment news sites seized on the incident, uploading clips with sensational captions. Headlines ranged from "Chen Heiress Strikes Again" to "Spoiled Chen Heiress Slaps Poor Girls for a Dress" and "Wicked Ways of the Rich Chen Yiwen."

This wasn't the first time Chen Yiwen found herself at the center of controversy; negative reports about her behavior had become a recurring theme.

Yet, ironically, it only fueled her notoriety, making her more well known than some B-rated actresses and models. Her name consistently trended at number one on Weibo at least thrice a month, boasting a following of 5.6 million on her social media account.

Despite her "popularity" in the public eye, Chen Yiwen remained an outcast in high society, a status she embraced willingly. She deemed most of the wealthy individuals as fakes, preferring the authenticity of her solitude.

Upon arriving at a grand mansion, she wasted no time entering after the security opened the gate. Racing inside, she headed straight for the kitchen, seeking out Butler Qin, an elderly man who had played a pivotal role in raising both her father and herself.

As an only child, she enjoyed the close bond she shared with her grandparents, parents, and Butler Qin. Her upbringing had made her accustomed to being doted on, and she valued the genuine connections in her life.

Excitedly approaching Butler Qin, she eagerly inquired, "Butler Qin, has it come yet?" Her eyes darted to a box on the countertop as she awaited his response. The anticipation in her voice revealed an eagerness that contrasted with the nonchalant attitude she displayed in the public eye.


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