
The word awakened and gained a system: why are all my quests perverted

The world awakens, dungeons form, animals and plants mutate, the gods spectate the world's happenings and find people they think are interesting, and humans gain powers and systems that are tailored to them (They're all the same thing, just with different designs). The usual stuff. It just so happens that our main character's version of the system is, for better or lack of words...flawed. --- Disclaimer: NSFW content will be marked accordingly: N+ for 18+, N- for darker themes, and N for a mix of both. Updates will aim for a chapter every week, with the potential for more depending on my schedule. Your feedback and ideas are greatly appreciated, even if it's just a "good job" or complete negativity. Questions are also welcome.

Resset_Potato · Fantasia
Classificações insuficientes
13 Chs

Playing games (III): Administrators

[BubblySunbeam]: Hahahahaha. You actually did it.

Me: Can you shut up?

[BubblySunbeam]: Hell no. I enjoyed watching you squirm; there's no way I'm not going to talk about it.

Me: Please, I don't want to think about it.

[BubblySunbeam]: No. Not only did you make a fool of yourself with your awkward flirting, but you also challenged her to kiss you.

Me: Ugh, I regret that so much.

[BubblySunbeam]: I bet she doesn't. She looked like she enjoyed the kiss.

Me: That's because she did.

[BubblySunbeam]: Well, I guess you have some game after all. Maybe next time you'll think twice before challenging someone to a kiss.

Me: … Can I get my reward now? I think I suffered enough.

[BubblySunbeam]: Fine. And since I was so entertained, I'll give you a better one than I originally planned to give you.



Suddenly, a notification appears on my screen.

[Special task from [BubblySunbeam] has been completed. Due to [BubblySunbeam]'s enjoyment, the reward has been changed from a [Rare] item to an [Epic] item. It is in the inventory.]

I clicked the backpack icon at the corner of the screen, and the game's empty inventory now had an item. This happened a few times before when I had finished cooking tasks, but they didn't have ranks, so I was a little confused when I saw [Sunbeam Sweets (Epic)].

I clicked the item to inspect it further, and a pop-up appeared with detailed information. [Sunburst Sweets (Epic): Delicate confections crafted from crystallized ████████, Sunburst Sweets are a favorite treat of █████████ and ███ █████████. Each bite melts on the tongue, releasing a cascade of sweet, warm flavor and uplifting the spirit.] What the fuck? Why does a game like this have redacted text? I was about to ask [BubblySunbeam] about it, but I suddenly heard Frey cheer beside me. I turn to look at her.

"What's wrong with you? Still happy about... a few minutes ago?"

She blinks at me and then grins. "What, too embarrassed to say we kissed? Too bad, because I'm not. And I'd do it again, multiple times, for however long~"

Frey licked her lips, sending a shiver down my spine. I suddenly remembered why I never played truth or dare with her; she's too competitive and doesn't back down. "S-So what was that noise about?" "Oh, I got a message from an administrator named [GlutonusCutie]." "What'd they say?"

"They didn't really say much. They said hi and told me that if I could complete their task, they'd introduce me to another administrator, [TheDogBitMe] and they'd both help me." "What's the task?" "Bite someone." "What? Wait, why are you looking at me like that?" "You wanna help me with my task?" "Hell no, you're going to try to do more than just biting; I know it. Never give a mouse a cookie." "Come on, I know you'll like it~" "No means no!"




I ended up letting her bite my hand. She tried to do more, but I sat on her in retaliation. I think it worked as a punishment because she started panting and squirming. She must have really not liked it.



[BubblySunbeam]: Did you like your reward?

Me: I don't know. Why's some of the text redacted?

[BubblySunbeam]: Why'd you kiss your friend? Both are questions, but you can't handle either of the answers yet.

Me: The fuck does that mean?

[BubblySunbeam]: Hehe

Me: You suck.

[BubblySunbeam]: I would say you swallow, but with the way your friendship is going, it seems you won't need to.

Me: Huh?

[BubblySunbeam]: Did you use the item yet?

Me: No, and don't change the subject.

[BubblySunbeam]: Use the item, you'll see why administrator tasks are better than the normal ones.



I close the chat, click the feed option, and watch my progress bars. Suddenly, my completion rate shot from 50.05% to 70%; that was about 20 tasks worth. And what shocked me the most was my pet growth rate; it went from 10.01% to 20.02%. It took us almost 12 food-related tasks to get it to 10.01%.



Me: When's the next task?

[BubblySunbeam]: Soon, but first, I want you to meet my lovely friend. She's very similar to you.

Me: How?

[BubblySunbeam]: She's shy, quiet, and reserved; honestly, she's a total introvert. She also has an energetic friend who has a thing for her, but she swears she's straight.

Me: I am straight.

[BubblySunbeam]: Sure, bud.

Me: You're the energetic friend.

[BubblySunbeam]: Yeah.

Me: Explains a lot.

[BubblySunbeam]: She'll message you in a few minutes. While you two chat, I'll figure out what I'm going to make you do next.

Me: Yay, more suffering.



I get a notification. [ Admin [QuietMoonbeam] has started a conversation with you.]



[QuietMoonbeam]: I'm sorry for whatever she's made you do. She's like an impulsive ball of energy.

Me: I know the feeling; I have a friend that's similar.

[QuietMoonbeam]: Has she caused any trouble?

Me: A little.

[QuietMoonbeam]: Tell me what happened.



[Special task from [QuietMoonbeam]: Tell me what [BubblySunbeam] did, in detail.]




[Special task from [QuietMoonbeam] has been completed.] I checked my inventory and saw. [Lunar Lotus Mooncake (Epic): A layered confection adorned with delicate sugar lotus flowers that bloom only under the light of the full moon in perfect cold temperatures. Eating it lowers the body heat to its ideal cold temperature, and the filling has an icy and creamy texture.] My completion and growth rate shot up by 10%.



Me: Thanks a bunch.

[QuietMoonbeam]: No problem. And if she gives you another task, let me know so I can reward you for putting up with her antics.

Me: Oh, okay. I'm going to max out a lot faster than I thought.

[QuietMoonbeam]: Just because you don't have to do the normal tasks doesn't mean you shouldn't. Wouldn't it feel better if you completed everything this game had to offer?

Me: Yeah.

[QuietMoonbeam]: Then don't get lazy~



"Hey Frey, I have two administrators backing me and one of them gives me stuff to compensate for the other one." Frey looked at me and smiled. "You too?"